Palin Power! I wonder if there's a way to get in contact with her and help her understand some things about the Israel issue she might not get right now.
Write away! 
Thank you.
Here's my letter so far. Are there any changes that should be made to it? Is it too long?
Dear Governor Palin:
I was pleased to learn about you during the campaign with John McCain, and I will be supporting you wholeheartedly if you decide to run for president in 2012. You are a shining example of a true conservative and you give hope to many conservatives who feel that their voice is not being heard in politics today. I hope that you'll be working through the next few years to position yourself to win the Republican nomination and later the Presidency.
There is one thing that I'd like to speak more with you about and that's your position on the two-state solution. The two-state solution is actually very bad for Israel. Even though the leadership in Israel says it's what they want, they are leftists, just like President-elect Obama and Ted Kennedy and others like them. More information about how the two-state solution is actually national suicide for Israel can be found at the Web page of the Jewish Task Force, That organization also did a campaign called Jews for Palin,
and Jews against Obama. It is a very good source of information when it comes to Israeli issues.
G-d Bless you and your beautiful family.