Author Topic: Obama the President-exciting night of the proEU and proNATO idiots in Serbia!  (Read 2810 times)

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Offline Kerber

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After it was clear that Hussein* won and became the President,that night in Serbia,the so called "democrats (sympathizers and voters of ruling Democratic Party and others EU&NATO puppets) celebrated Hussein's victory with the next comments on regimes media.

I'll try to translate it more accurate as much as I can...

OK,let's go with Serbian democrat's comments:

1.Congratulations to Americans on historical elections!
(Poster,5th November 2008 05:13)

2.Bravo Obama.You have shown that America,after 30 years,is going to be something that it previously was.The biggest democracy on Earth,and not the bully who solve the problems with bombs.
(Krivokapic,5th November 2008 05:12)

3.Bravo African prince,Serbia was with you tonight,you are going to continue to the road where one man was going 45 years ago when he was stopped by those who banned the freedom,now the relay-baton which needs to start the fire of freedom all over the world is in your hands,so just go ahead African prince without fear and with the smile that only you have to the victory for the hole world,for all the people who only want piece and happiness on this planet.  (Kerber's comment--> example of supreme stupidity, and successful media brainwashing..."African prince"... :::D)
(Darko,5th November 2008 05:32)

4.I congratulate to President Obama on magnificent victory and to Amercian people on wise decision.The world just became the better place!
(YES,WE CAN!,5th November 2008 05:39)

5.Historical victory.There are still hope for America.
(Petar,5th November 2008 06:48)

6.I can't describe how much this is wonderful.After 8 horrible years,USA is going to be the positive in the world,again.It is the fact that we are still in the capitalism,but now we have chosen more fair and just version of capitalism.Now,there is no end what can Democrats do for USA and the world.Thank you president Obama for your dedication on making life better for all humans.

Just say it "President Barack Obama".Can you believe it!?Wonderful!

(Marko,5th November 2008 07:04)

7.Justice wins!America celebrates.We all celebrate!
(sanja,5th November 2008 07:10)

8.Mister Obama with its energy,charisma,intellect,beauty and stature remind me of killed prime-minister Zoran Djindjic.Congratulations to the people of America on their choice for the president.I'm sure they are gonig to be proud of him,as i am proud of my past away prime minister.
(pedja,5th November 2008 17:48)

9.History just happened in font of our eyes!Do we need any more evidence that the USA is the most magnificent country in the world?Congrat...Bravo Obama!!!   :::D
(Aleksandra de La Falaise,5th November 2008 16:43)

10.One more victory in the world.Now we have the Democrat in Belgrade,the Democrat in Serbia and the Democrat in America.
(Aleksandar,5th November 2008 10:14)

11.Congratulations to our new president.
(Arian Zeka(Pristina),5th November 2008 09:21)     (this comment was from Kosovo Albanian scum!)

12.Good morning democracy,wonderful day!!!
(Juka,5th November 2008 07:12)

OK,these were some comments of happiness of "democratic Serbia".
I say-disgusting!That's the kind of people who elect puppets and made the "road to EU" to be their supreme and only goal of life.
We,patriot people in Serbia,we are the hostages of their politics and their blind satanic choices.

When I see this and read this,I can freely say that this country with this kind of young generations doesn't have any future.Only slaves and sheeps... :o
« Last Edit: November 12, 2008, 02:56:29 PM by Jasmina »

Offline george_jtf

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Just like you, I am out of words and disgusted by what these native serbian traitors are thinking. I always thought that us Sebs were intelligent, but now I see that I was wrong. Intelligence is useless if you don't know how to use it.

This summer, I was visiting my relatives in Serbia and with the exception of few, many tried to convince me to vote for the Obama. Obviously, I told them that I would never vote for that Muslim. Furthermore, I told them that I wouldn't vote for McCain either because he is a scumbag too. The only difference between the two is that one is a Muslim while the other is a wanna-be Muslim. I ended up voting for the third/independent party eventhough I knew that they wouldn't win.

It is unfortunate that especially the young people in Serbia are obsessed with joining EU and NATO at any cost, including losing your heritage and ancestral lands. It is a sad day when they believe that money and luxury are much more important than self-pride and pride in your heritage.
Serbia, as far as economics and transportation goes, is in one of the best locations possible in southeast Europe when looking at the trading routes and agricultural/natural resources, but again, what good is it when those at the top care more about filling their own pockets and making promises which they themselves don't believe in will ever come into existence or that more intelligent to take an advantage of being in such a great geographical location. Very sad.

To conclude, Serbia needs to completely re-educate an entire generation so that never again would they think that someone like Obama or Tito are good for the Serbs, or evenmore something like EU or NATO which couldn't be more anti-Serb than they already are.

Offline syyuge

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Those who sing in the praise of EU, Nato and for victory of EuroCommunism, are doomed to be fooled again.
There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.

Offline Kerber

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Just like you, I am out of words and disgusted by what these native serbian traitors are thinking. I always thought that us Sebs were intelligent, but now I see that I was wrong. Intelligence is useless if you don't know how to use it.

This summer, I was visiting my relatives in Serbia and with the exception of few, many tried to convince me to vote for the Obama. Obviously, I told them that I would never vote for that Muslim. Furthermore, I told them that I wouldn't vote for McCain either because he is a scumbag too. The only difference between the two is that one is a Muslim while the other is a wanna-be Muslim. I ended up voting for the third/independent party eventhough I knew that they wouldn't win.

It is unfortunate that especially the young people in Serbia are obsessed with joining EU and NATO at any cost, including losing your heritage and ancestral lands. It is a sad day when they believe that money and luxury are much more important than self-pride and pride in your heritage.
Serbia, as far as economics and transportation goes, is in one of the best locations possible in southeast Europe when looking at the trading routes and agricultural/natural resources, but again, what good is it when those at the top care more about filling their own pockets and making promises which they themselves don't believe in will ever come into existence or that more intelligent to take an advantage of being in such a great geographical location. Very sad.

To conclude, Serbia needs to completely re-educate an entire generation so that never again would they think that someone like Obama or Tito are good for the Serbs, or evenmore something like EU or NATO which couldn't be more anti-Serb than they already are.

George, (srpski Djordje,jel tako? :-) )

It's not the intelligence,morality is the problem and spiritual(theological) absolute blindness.Young people are "educated" in darwinist-evolutionist's schools.Do you know how it is hard to make a correct decision when you are learned in twisted school system from young ages that you live in the world which "just happened,accidentally" billions years ago?This kind of false learning causes that there are no any reference point which man should stick to(as moral laws are),but it refers that moral is "relative"(or a "product of one culture",as it is being learned in satanic schools) and what is good for you it may be bad for me.So,there are no "mirror" in which we should look at every day to see how we look like-like animals(as school teaches) or God created beings with immortal souls which we can preserve and its immortal character only with moral laws.

With not knowing the facts,human mind is an easy target to manipulate.All of those pro-EU,pro-NATO,pro-globalization and so called "democrats" are stupid manipulated people.Sheeps without a shepard.

So,I really think intelligence is not the problem.If you are not very bright and you are moral,you are a great man.If you are intelligent and you are moral,you are an outstanding man. :)
But,If you are intelligent(and have a certain knowledge) and immoral,than you have a formula for creation of evil or wrong conclusions such as a wish for reaching material reaches which distracts from spiritual values.And the most blatant error is the opinion that those material reaches is going to be brought by entering in EU.Blindness made the entering in EU as the essence of their lives.It's going to cost...I'm afraid a lot,with another loss of lands and another loss of lives.

Offline george_jtf

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Zovem se Djordje, porijeklom iz Knina.
Sorry, I just saw your post and didn't respond 'till now.
I agree with you 99%. The reason it is not 100% is that more intelligence brings more morality because it shows that you are looking ahead and you know right from wrong. As they say, when somethings sounds too goo, it ain't.

Our people have been betrayed by our so-called allies not once, but one too many times. What is the most painful is that these same people who bombed our homeland now want to help us? Come on, they would have helped to stop the war in the first place. All they had to do was, since we couldn't live with one another, was to divide it up equally and based upon the lawful land ownership. That's moral, but then again, politicians can't have moral values.

Prior to age of 16, I was pretty ignorant about most things and believed just about everything I read in school and watched on TV. Then, I grew up and decided that I should think for myself. I am glad that I did.

If a person does not believe in something higher than himself/herself, it means that it doesn't fear it, which again leads to immorality, which in today's world there is just way too much and only getting worse. Person who fears nothing (including G.d), he/she is more dangerous than anything else because consequences mean nothing to him/her.

I do understand that young people are not well educated due to limitations in schools, but that's why we grow up and become wiser. If we had more people like that, almost all wars would be eliminated. To add, these young people that I spoke to in Serbia were in their late 20's and early 30's, so how do you deal with those? Pretty difficult because, just like everywhere else in the world, media is such a powerful brainwashing machine....and when you try to explain to them that it isn't all nice and pretty in the West, they try to convince me otherwise eventhough I have lived in the west my whole life. Lack of intelligence/common sense or lack of morality? Or perhaps not enough balance between the two? Not enough intelligence, not enough morality. If we are, we have a very serious problem in the next few generations because it will be as if the age of thinking for yourself is now going backwards and future generations are going to be more stupid than those prior to it. Technology carries some responsibility because it teaches young people to depend more on machines than their brains.....extremely self-destructing.

See, we need more people like you and me who are willing to be more open about such things because when we say something about it, we are too conservative or too liberal or as those school-only educated people would call us "smart asses" (LOL) I said, lack of balance between morality and intelligence.