I don't know the exact number but when I was in third or fourth grade (can't remember which) they wanted to put me in the gifted classes except that I wasn't making straight As in math (I made As and Bs in math, sheesh). I was making straight As in everything else. I don't really have a math deficiency, I passed math through calculus I in college a few years ago and I'm making As in my business math class that I'm in now.
I kind of got turned off to math early on when in first grade they gave us work sheets with 100 questions each at the bad school system I was at. To a first grader 100 might as well be 1000. I would stare at the sheet feeling upset and my stomach would churn with nervous tension even though each individual problem was easy. Now that I've been in some classes that deal with higher math beyond addition and subtraction, I realize there are some elegant elements to math, such as the ability to get the area under a curve, or for a function to represent a line. I think that's cool.