After it was clear that Hussein* won and became the President,that night in Serbia,the so called "democrats (sympathizers and voters of ruling Democratic Party and others EU&NATO puppets) celebrated Hussein's victory with the next comments on regimes media.
I'll try to translate it more accurate as much as I can...
OK,let's go with Serbian democrat's comments:
1.Congratulations to Americans on historical elections!
(Poster,5th November 2008 05:13)
2.Bravo Obama.You have shown that America,after 30 years,is going to be something that it previously was.The biggest democracy on Earth,and not the bully who solve the problems with bombs.
(Krivokapic,5th November 2008 05:12)
Bravo African prince,Serbia was with you tonight,you are going to continue to the road where one man was going 45 years ago when he was stopped by those who banned the freedom,now the relay-baton which needs to start the fire of freedom all over the world is in your hands,so just go ahead African prince without fear and with the smile that only you have to the victory for the hole world,for all the people who only want piece and happiness on this planet. (Kerber's comment--> example of supreme stupidity, and successful media brainwashing..."African prince"...

(Darko,5th November 2008 05:32)
I congratulate to President Obama on magnificent victory and to Amercian people on wise decision.The world just became the better place! (YES,WE CAN!,5th November 2008 05:39)
5.Historical victory.There are still hope for America.
(Petar,5th November 2008 06:48)
I can't describe how much this is wonderful.After 8 horrible years,USA is going to be the positive in the world,again.It is the fact that we are still in the capitalism,but now we have chosen more fair and just version of capitalism.Now,there is no end what can Democrats do for USA and the world.Thank you president Obama for your dedication on making life better for all humans.
Just say it "President Barack Obama".Can you believe it!?Wonderful!(Marko,5th November 2008 07:04)
7.Justice wins!America celebrates.We all celebrate!
(sanja,5th November 2008 07:10)
8.Mister Obama with its energy,charisma,intellect,beauty and stature remind me of killed prime-minister Zoran Djindjic.Congratulations to the people of America on their choice for the president.I'm sure they are gonig to be proud of him,as i am proud of my past away prime minister.
(pedja,5th November 2008 17:48)
History just happened in font of our eyes!Do we need any more evidence that the USA is the most magnificent country in the world?Congrat...Bravo Obama!!! 
(Aleksandra de La Falaise,5th November 2008 16:43)
10.One more victory in the world.Now we have the Democrat in Belgrade,the Democrat in Serbia and the Democrat in America.
(Aleksandar,5th November 2008 10:14)
Congratulations to our new president.(Arian Zeka(Pristina),5th November 2008 09:21) (this comment was from Kosovo Albanian scum!)
12.Good morning democracy,wonderful day!!!
(Juka,5th November 2008 07:12)
OK,these were some comments of happiness of "democratic Serbia".
I say-disgusting!That's the kind of people who elect puppets and made the "road to EU" to be their supreme and only goal of life.
We,patriot people in Serbia,we are the hostages of their politics and their blind satanic choices.
When I see this and read this,I can freely say that this country with this kind of young generations doesn't have any future.Only slaves and sheeps...