So the die is cast, and we have a commander-in-chief who, it would be fair to say, campaigned on a platform that a weaker America is a better America. It would also be fair to say that Obama is at least sympathetic to militant Islam, if he is himself not indeed a closet Muslim.
So, my question: Will Muslim terrorists make a major push against the West (and by that I include primarily the United States and Israel) early in Obama's presidency? Or will they show patience and negotiate themselves into a more favorable position for a later strike? Frankly, I find it impossible to believe that militant Islam will be content with status-quo.
OR will Obama's first test come from elsewhere, such as the Russians looking to rebuild their old empire? Don't forget Obama's limp-wristed reaction to the Russians invading Georgia a few months ago. Imagine Obama having to face-off with a dark character like Vladimir Putin; beyond just that, it would be fair to say that most Eastern Europeans don't have a high opinion of Africans.
Or will Obama face a domestic test of international issues, such as vs Hillary Clinton, as a rogue Secretary of State?
I'm curious as to what people on this board think. At the very least, we're in for a rough ride. It's been a long time (if ever) since this nation was led by a president who ran on a pacifist platform, especially when we have soldiers in the field.