Author Topic: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood  (Read 5222 times)

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Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« on: November 23, 2008, 08:12:45 AM »
What if Christians demanded the following:

1. If anyone around Christians at work or school eats pork then they would get fired or severely chastised because we believe that scarfing down pig really offends God (and of course his people). Yep, BLTs—according to our take on Christ’s commands—really ticks him off and therefore bacon should be banned. Not only that, but any food that has even trace amounts of Porky the Pig in it must be verboten and banished from our presence everywhere we go because we’re Christians, and Christians don’t dine on swine. This means Jell-O shots at Tu-Tu-Tango’s and Jell-O served to kids at school ceases to be because Jell-O, hello, contains a wee little bit of a wee little pig, and this pisseth the Lord our God off!

2. All public schools must have several regularly scheduled 15 minute breaks throughout the school day for Christians to roll out their TBN prayer rugs and pray for revival. If not, we will raise Cain and Abel.

3. Public schools must become sex-segregated so that we, the washed, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost and fire crowd won’t be sorely tempted to swap spit with the hot Daisy Mae looking chick in pottery class. Matter of fact, why don’t public schools just carve out for us Christians a special school within the school, lest we become sullied via association with the unwashed masses and other religious persuasions, which we utterly detest. Howzabout that, mamasita?

4. Any and all the stupid, violent or sexually weird stuff that misguided Christians have done and are doing is to be scrubbed from the historical record, and the only thing that gets reported and taught is that we are the most peaceful, perfect people to ever schlep this planet. Anyone who thinks or speaks to the contrary will get the stink eye and be called a hater. Indeed, all criticism of Christians should be banned, and those who bring up our foibles, draw unfavorable cartoons of us, and don’t parrot our squeaky-clean spin get branded as bigots or Christophobes and should be threatened with prison.

5. Footbaths are to be installed in whichever universities my brethren and I attend (at the public’s expense) because Jesus was into foot washing, so I want a footbath, dammit! And if this means tuition gets hiked up to provide this for all Christians on campus, well . . . tough. I don’t care. My feet must be ritually washed, or Jesus gets angry—and when he gets angry, people die.

6. Any video games that Sony or whoever puts out that might accidentally offend Christians must be 86’ed. However, if other religions get offended via video it’s okay, just as long as my flavor ain’t disssed, can you dig it?

7. We must receive exemptions from the IRS from paying interest on back taxes because that’s against Christianity.

8. When the Christian church accidentally yields up a violent vocal dillweed from our ranks who hates America and is on the State Department’s terrorist watch list, instead of throwing that loopy bastard in prison we demand that the U.S. Army make him a sergeant. Capice?

9. Encourage the Christian high school student who wants to assassinate our President by giving him the “Most Likely to Become a Martyr” award during graduation.

10. Make students in the public school system who don’t believe in Jesus memorize portions of the Gospel of John, adopt Christian names and shout in the classroom, “I love Jesus, yes I do. I love Jesus. How ‘bout you?!”
Would any of points 1- 10 tick you secularists, atheists and agnostics off?

If Christians ever attempted any of the above they would be righteously ridiculed, castigated and condemned by the MSM, school administrators, cartoonists, talk radio, the blogosphere, Rosie, the coven on the View, religious leaders, the ACLU, Alec Baldwin and president elect Barack Obama. All of the aforementioned people would land on our crotch firmly with both feet. Heck, Christians can’t even say “merry Christmas,” cheer on traditional marriage, or champion the life of an unborn baby without being called Hitler, haters of humanity and intolerant bigots of other people’s values.

But Islam can.

Yep, Islam is making outrageous demands upon American life and culture, and we’re bending over and taking it from them, though we would be insanely intolerant of any other religious group—especially Christians—who had such particular and peculiar demands.

In Stealth Jihad, Islam expert and New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer blows the whistle on a long-term plot by Islamic Jihadists to undermine the United States. According to Spencer, this effort aims not to bring America to its knees through attacks with guns or bombs, but to subvert the country from within—by gradually Islamizing America. The ultimate goal, the stealth jihadists themselves declare, is nothing less than the adoption of Islamic law in the United States, that’s all!

BTW . . . this is already happening, and Robert shows the reader in blistering detail how American liberties are having to bow and kiss the ring of Islamic rules and regulations. Indeed, the stealth jihadists are already warm and snuggly within the American political, educational and media landscapes.

My advice, boys and girls, is . . . buy Bob’s book, drink a red bull, wake the heck up and fight for your liberties not to be walked on by anyone anywhere.

One last ditty for the skeptics who don’t think “it” could happen here: I’m sure that’s what the Brits thought 20 years ago.

Offline momofsixbabes

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2008, 02:10:51 PM »
I have heard that it is already in the school systems. I went to a Teacher store in my city. I was horrified to find that there were books on how to teach Islam in the schools. I live in a University city where they pump out a lot, and I mean a ton, of public school teachers. They want to show "tolerance". I found the materials very offensive! I think, now that I mention it, that I should boycott such a store. I will call and write the owner!!

Offline ebode

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2009, 04:05:09 AM »
You should move to Allentown, PA.  Nothing of this sort is happening.  The whole area was settled by German Moravians, so we'd be one of the last places to pander to this kind of crap.
"History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme"
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Offline Dr. Yisrael

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2009, 03:43:51 PM »
This coundn'lt of hit the nail harder.

A game owned by Sony contained, They had a famous chruch feated with gundreds of people dying in the futer, over a war gaveyard, the chruh complained. And Sony didn't even respond. The same company "sony" had a game, with the Koran versus in it. The reschuduladed the whole [censored] thing, took back copies and wrote more sorry letters then there are pakis in a sweat shop.

Proof Islam cannot be ofended. Hell, I was watching soutpark, the new episode, cartmen defends the town from jewbots. Yet, they wouldn't even show Muhammid, but are willing to shwo jesus with guns, killing people.

Offline ag337

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2009, 04:52:59 PM »
What if Christians demanded the following:

1. If anyone around Christians at work or school eats pork then they would get fired or severely chastised because we believe that scarfing down pig really offends G-d (and of course his people). Yep, BLTs—according to our take on Christ’s commands—really ticks him off and therefore bacon should be banned. Not only that, but any food that has even trace amounts of Porky the Pig in it must be verboten and banished from our presence everywhere we go because we’re Christians, and Christians don’t dine on swine. This means Jell-O shots at Tu-Tu-Tango’s and Jell-O served to kids at school ceases to be because Jell-O, hello, contains a wee little bit of a wee little pig, and this pisseth the Lord our G-d off!

2. All public schools must have several regularly scheduled 15 minute breaks throughout the school day for Christians to roll out their TBN prayer rugs and pray for revival. If not, we will raise Cain and Abel.

3. Public schools must become sex-segregated so that we, the washed, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost and fire crowd won’t be sorely tempted to swap spit with the hot Daisy Mae looking chick in pottery class. Matter of fact, why don’t public schools just carve out for us Christians a special school within the school, lest we become sullied via association with the unwashed masses and other religious persuasions, which we utterly detest. Howzabout that, mamasita?

4. Any and all the stupid, violent or sexually weird stuff that misguided Christians have done and are doing is to be scrubbed from the historical record, and the only thing that gets reported and taught is that we are the most peaceful, perfect people to ever schlep this planet. Anyone who thinks or speaks to the contrary will get the stink eye and be called a hater. Indeed, all criticism of Christians should be banned, and those who bring up our foibles, draw unfavorable cartoons of us, and don’t parrot our squeaky-clean spin get branded as bigots or Christophobes and should be threatened with prison.

5. Footbaths are to be installed in whichever universities my brethren and I attend (at the public’s expense) because Jesus was into foot washing, so I want a footbath, dammit! And if this means tuition gets hiked up to provide this for all Christians on campus, well . . . tough. I don’t care. My feet must be ritually washed, or Jesus gets angry—and when he gets angry, people die.

6. Any video games that Sony or whoever puts out that might accidentally offend Christians must be 86’ed. However, if other religions get offended via video it’s okay, just as long as my flavor ain’t disssed, can you dig it?

7. We must receive exemptions from the IRS from paying interest on back taxes because that’s against Christianity.

8. When the Christian church accidentally yields up a violent vocal dillweed from our ranks who hates America and is on the State Department’s terrorist watch list, instead of throwing that loopy bastard in prison we demand that the U.S. Army make him a sergeant. Capice?

9. Encourage the Christian high school student who wants to assassinate our President by giving him the “Most Likely to Become a Martyr” award during graduation.

10. Make students in the public school system who don’t believe in Jesus memorize portions of the Gospel of John, adopt Christian names and shout in the classroom, “I love Jesus, yes I do. I love Jesus. How ‘bout you?!”
Would any of points 1- 10 tick you secularists, atheists and agnostics off?

If Christians ever attempted any of the above they would be righteously ridiculed, castigated and condemned by the MSM, school administrators, cartoonists, talk radio, the blogosphere, Rosie, the coven on the View, religious leaders, the ACLU, Alec Baldwin and president elect Barack Obama. All of the aforementioned people would land on our crotch firmly with both feet. Heck, Christians can’t even say “merry Christmas,” cheer on traditional marriage, or champion the life of an unborn baby without being called Hitler, haters of humanity and intolerant bigots of other people’s values.

But Islam can.

Yep, Islam is making outrageous demands upon American life and culture, and we’re bending over and taking it from them, though we would be insanely intolerant of any other religious group—especially Christians—who had such particular and peculiar demands.

In Stealth Jihad, Islam expert and New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer blows the whistle on a long-term plot by Islamic Jihadists to undermine the United States. According to Spencer, this effort aims not to bring America to its knees through attacks with guns or bombs, but to subvert the country from within—by gradually Islamizing America. The ultimate goal, the stealth jihadists themselves declare, is nothing less than the adoption of Islamic law in the United States, that’s all!

BTW . . . this is already happening, and Robert shows the reader in blistering detail how American liberties are having to bow and kiss the ring of Islamic rules and regulations. Indeed, the stealth jihadists are already warm and snuggly within the American political, educational and media landscapes.

My advice, boys and girls, is . . . buy Bob’s book, drink a red bull, wake the heck up and fight for your liberties not to be walked on by anyone anywhere.

One last ditty for the skeptics who don’t think “it” could happen here: I’m sure that’s what the Brits thought 20 years ago.


You could not be more correct about stealth jihad attcking our country from within.

They are not doing it through terrorist acts, bombings, mass suicides that wouldn't fly in the U.S.A. after a certain amount of time and deaths.

So, the only way that it can be done is methodically with stealth patience and determination from within the country piece by piece, part by part, inch by inch.   

This is a far more dangerous way to infect this country, it is also a way, little by little, liberal loons, moderates, and left wing nut jobs can stand in support of the poor peace loving Muslims and all the injustices being  done to them.

Bombings, terrorist attacks, and suicide bombings would derail their plans because it would expose their true nature and show their is no peace and/or tolerance in their beliefs; and their jig would be up.

People had better wake up and wake up fast, because before any of know it, we will be living somewhere with something that we never signed on to be a part of.

Offline Hyades

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2009, 04:52:41 PM »
In Germany we have islam lessons and crucifixes had to be taken from the walls of schools in Southern Germany - because of the complaints of muslim parents. They went to the supreme court and the crucifixes had to be removed! In a so-called Christian society!  >:(

Offline ag337

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2009, 01:31:38 AM »
In Germany we have islam lessons and crucifixes had to be taken from the walls of schools in Southern Germany - because of the complaints of muslim parents. They went to the supreme court and the crucifixes had to be removed! In a so-called Christian society!  >:(


You have provided a very good example of exactly what this thread is referring to.
The Muslims are infiltrating society in a very underhanded way. 

Offline drlmg

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2009, 09:33:36 PM »
ebode... but we now have a president and liberal congress and senate who I am afraid will be all too willing to force these changes on us all. Even though states have some degree of sovereignty the federal government can withhold funding from them if they do not do as expected.

Offline Hyades

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2009, 04:41:56 AM »
In Germany we have islam lessons and crucifixes had to be taken from the walls of schools in Southern Germany - because of the complaints of muslim parents. They went to the supreme court and the crucifixes had to be removed! In a so-called Christian society!  >:(


You have provided a very good example of exactly what this thread is referring to.
The Muslims are infiltrating society in a very underhanded way. 

Of course they do. If Christians may not have crucifixes in their classrooms - but muslim teachers wear a chador, it should be okay. That just teaches in a very subtile way what they consider "right" and "wrong"... This is very poor. And courts and authorities who give in to these respectless kind of people should be stoned to death! It is ridiculous that those who mostly kick democracy with their feet are those who mostly claim for protection by democratic laws! This is Nazis as well as islamists. Both would abolish democracy if they could. Some even left their countries just because of the lack of democracy, just to establish the same anarchic islamic, shria system here in Europe. And Europeans still agree because of fear to appear as anti-islamic!  >:(

Offline ag337

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2009, 11:32:01 PM »
In Germany we have Islam lessons and crucifixes had to be taken from the walls of schools in Southern Germany - because of the complaints of Muslim parents. They went to the supreme court and the crucifixes had to be removed! In a so-called Christian society!  >:(


You have provided a very good example of exactly what this thread is referring to.
The Muslims are infiltrating society in a very underhanded way. 

Of course they do. If Christians may not have crucifixes in their classrooms - but Muslim teachers wear a chador, it should be okay. That just teaches in a very subtile way what they consider "right" and "wrong"... This is very poor. And courts and authorities who give in to these respectless kind of people should be stoned to death! It is ridiculous that those who mostly kick democracy with their feet are those who mostly claim for protection by democratic laws! This is Nazis as well as islamists. Both would abolish democracy if they could. Some even left their countries just because of the lack of democracy, just to establish the same anarchic islamic, shria system here in Europe. And Europeans still agree because of fear to appear as anti-islamic!  >:(


I completely understand what you are saying.

I am sick to my stomach with all this garbage of being fearful of looking anti-Islamic and/or politically correct.
It's ridiculous and these kind of sentiments are hurting more than helping.

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2009, 02:57:10 AM »
In Germany we have Islam lessons and crucifixes had to be taken from the walls of schools in Southern Germany - because of the complaints of Muslim parents. They went to the supreme court and the crucifixes had to be removed! In a so-called Christian society!  >:(


You have provided a very good example of exactly what this thread is referring to.
The Muslims are infiltrating society in a very underhanded way. 

Of course they do. If Christians may not have crucifixes in their classrooms - but Muslim teachers wear a chador, it should be okay. That just teaches in a very subtile way what they consider "right" and "wrong"... This is very poor. And courts and authorities who give in to these respectless kind of people should be stoned to death! It is ridiculous that those who mostly kick democracy with their feet are those who mostly claim for protection by democratic laws! This is Nazis as well as islamists. Both would abolish democracy if they could. Some even left their countries just because of the lack of democracy, just to establish the same anarchic islamic, shria system here in Europe. And Europeans still agree because of fear to appear as anti-islamic!  >:(


I completely understand what you are saying.

I am sick to my stomach with all this garbage of being fearful of looking anti-Islamic and/or politically correct.
It's ridiculous and these kind of sentiments are hurting more than helping.
These people are so busy to not look anti-islamic that they do not even notice how anti-Christian and anti-Semitic they are!!! They are so blind on their islamic eye, that I fear they will only open it when the the first real terror series occurs. But this is very late!

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2009, 07:56:22 AM »
The Muslim movement has intensified under Barack Obama. We all know what this election means for the United States and Israel.  I don't think most people are fooled any more.   

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2009, 05:31:10 PM »
yep, they(muslimes) have moved into rural areas just like the illegals...less detection in a small town. now in the bigger town next to us...they have built a mosque! When i go to the store for groceries. they look at ya like they hate your guts! I have tried to say hello but they wont say a word...just a cold stare of hate! >:(

My thing is this...get out of my country if you  cant abide with our rules. we wont change to accommodate you! if you live in America then you should adapt to America.

i would not go to my neighbors house and demand they change their house to fit my needs! They would send me home if i tried something like that!

They are trying to take what we have worked for!  They are parasites! We need an exterminator for the critters! :::D
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always

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Re: Stealth Jihad: How Islam is Infiltrating Your Neighborhood
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2009, 07:35:35 AM »
My advice, boys and girls, is . . . buy Bob’s book, drink a red bull, wake the heck up and fight for your liberties not to be walked on by anyone anywhere.

One last ditty for the skeptics who don’t think “it” could happen here: I’m sure that’s what the Brits thought 20 years ago.
Cha ching for sure, couldn't agree more.

They either try to divide and conquer or slide in unnoticed and start all this 'silence them infidels' crap. It makes me so mad, I seethe with rage when I see what they are doing and how they are doing it...