The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
I have more faith in schvartzas than in Muslims
I tend to have more positive experiences dealing with schvartzas than one would expect. Just today, a white security guard at a certain place gave me a very hard time, for no reason. The schvartza comes over after the white guy left, is extremely polite, made pleasant small talk, and actually helped me. This is not the first time a schvartza has helped me. Experiences like these actually give me hope that there are some decent blacks here in this country. While they are overshadowed by the criminals and the low-lifes, I feel the need to celebrate that not all of these people are savages. In high school, the few blacks I personally knew were ok. There are many blacks, particularly in the Atlanta suburbs, who live normal lives. They have merits and flaws like we do.
My point is that the blacks, as horrible as some of them are, are not doomed to the fate of the Muslim. The Muslim HATES the white man and the Jew. The Muslim vows Jihad several times per day in his prayers. All Muslims sympathizes with OBL. Unless he is a member of Farrakhan's group, the black man does not like OBL.
Contrary to what Chaim says, blacks aren't evil simply because 95% voted for Jesse Jackson. Jesse Jackson wouldn't have invaded Iraq.
Bottom line. I hate Muslims as individuals and as a group. With blacks, I only hate the gangster culture.
I would not expect a black man to agree with me politically, but I do see their potential to contribute to society. A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim.
Jabo, how many Muslims do you know personally?
Not all Muslims vow jihad several times a day, nor do they hate the white man and Jews completely. You could say the Arabs hate the Jews but i don't think you can generalize with Muslims. :-X
You hate Muslims as individuals. Every single person has their own mind and thinks their own opinions, if you do not know these people on a close and daily terms then i don't think you can judge like that.
We are all human. God knows who is truly evil and who is not. You cannot speak for all Muslims. I only dislike the blank gangster culture, blacks in general are all different some with interesting personalities others dense..
--- Quote from: sarah.... on March 02, 2007, 06:46:08 PM ---Jabo, how many Muslims do you know personally?
Not all Muslims vow jihad several times a day, nor do they hate the white man and Jews completely. You could say the Arabs hate the Jews but i don't think you can generalize with Muslims. :-X
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You most certainly can generalize with Muslims. The official Muslim view of Jews is clearly delineated in the Koran and Hadiths. Yes, a "reform Muslim" could disavow these statements but then he's not a true Muslim, is he?
I'd highly recommend everyone read the Koran, Hadiths and other Islamic sources. A fantastic source on this topic is "Islam and the Jews: The Unfinished Battle" by Mark Gabriel, Ph.D. NOTE: This author "was born into a Muslim family in Egypt and was able to quote the entire Quran by the age of twelve. His entire childhood education was spent in Muslim schools, and he earned a doctorate degree in Islamic history and culture from Al-Azhar University, the school that is the source of spiritual authority for the Islamic world." He adopted a Christian name to replace his Muslim name when he converted to Christianity.
Here are two free Islamic sources of the Koran and one of the Hadith:
--- Quote from: sarah.... on March 02, 2007, 06:46:08 PM ---Jabo, how many Muslims do you know personally?
Not all Muslims vow jihad several times a day, nor do they hate the white man and Jews completely. You could say the Arabs hate the Jews but i don't think you can generalize with Muslims. :-X
You hate Muslims as individuals. Every single person has their own mind and thinks their own opinions, if you do not know these people on a close and daily terms then i don't think you can judge like that.
We are all human. G-d knows who is truly evil and who is not. You cannot speak for all Muslims. I only dislike the blank gangster culture, blacks in general are all different some with interesting personalities others dense..
--- End quote ---
How did America know the Nazis were evil? Americans in the 1930's judged them by their regime [fascism, based on national socialism], their sacred book [Mein Kampf], their actions [burning down the Reichstag, mistreating Jews]. The U.S. certainly hated them as individuals and as a general group. They were truly despicable people without exception.
I disagree with you when you say Muslims "have their own mind and think their own opinions." Unlike Judaism or Christianity, Islam does not at all facilitate the free flow of thoughts or ideas. The religion is totalitarian, all-encompassing. The overwhelming majority of Muslims are taught to behave strictly within religious doctrine.
Just as the Americans judged the German Nazis, I judge the Muslims by their regimes [dictatorship], their sacred book [the Koran], their actions [taking out the twin towers, mistreating Jews, Christians, Buddhists and even each other].
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