The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
I have more faith in schvartzas than in Muslims
Massuh, Of course you are right, that is exactly my point and why I wrote what I did. I guess I did not word my lack of faith in my country the proper way. Of course you are correct.
Knowing that there are a very few righteous blacks out there; I could only imagine what would happen to them if they ever came to power? Perhaps the same that has happened to every Black African nation trying to escape Marxism or Tribalism.....hacked to death and dragged around the town or hung from trees and skinned.
I feel, there is little hope for both communities to be quite honest. Here in Canada, we have had well over 40 years of active brainwashing (towards whites) and every social, economic, legal, educational and political crutch given to the "African Canadian" community to ensure that the black population does NOT fail but "progresses" in all of those areas, especially morally, yet the reverse is the outcome. The entire academia has collapsed, crime from all levels, even whites pretending to be blacks, is skyrocketing and we are in a much worse position not to mention Ol Whitey is impoverished now because of their pockets continually drained to finance all the Socialistic Welfare programs for the “visible minorities”. Thank G-d that our government hasn't given the same "progress" enhancing programs to the Muslims, they are much smarter in many respects and had turned Canada into the Islamic Caliphate of Canikstan with daily massacres of the infidels in the streets of Ottawa or Toronto... Perhaps, this is what we are headed for in 30 years time, another France?
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: Jabo on March 05, 2007, 01:42:40 PM ---You can't change your skin color but you can stop acting savagely.
If you're a Muslim, then you can stop practicing Islam. Problem solved.
--- End quote ---
Problem Solved! I definately like how you think
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