Author Topic: JTF with 1 million in 10 month or less!  (Read 8821 times)

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Offline LiberateIsrael

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JTF with 1 million in 10 month or less!
« on: September 07, 2006, 08:26:00 PM »
Hello everyone. I have included this fundraising plan in ask JTF for this week. I hope you will also see just how realistic this plan is.

Dear Chaim,
I want to share my fundraising proposal with you and hear your opinion.
I propose JTF launch a 10 month fundraising campaign to raise 1 million using the following strategy:

1)Each supporter will commit to giving only 10 dollars
2)He will do this each month for 10 month
3)The goal will be to get 10,000 such supporters

From JTF’s 200,000 viewers in Queens, and tens of thousands of website visitors will there not be found 10,000 people who sympathize with JTF and wish to help the cause? And almost everyone can spare 10 dollars. Maybe I’m too optimistic but I believe JTF already has 10,000 such people among its viewers and web visitors -- they just have to be mobilized.

We are talking about the survival of Israel, and the survival of US as we know it given the immigration issue, and the new world order issue which is taking away more and more freedoms we still have in this country. You can make the following point: Many people subscribe to different financial and political advisory services, paying a fee each month, that at best just discuss the problems America faces. But what “subscription” will offer them TO DO something about those problems, to change the course this country is on, other than if they give the necessary funds to JTF?

Now lets say we want to be pessimistic about it. If we end up getting only 1,000 or 2,000 people involved, the worst thing that will happen will be that JTF will have an extra 100,000 or 200,000 dollars ten month from now. I think this is quite a realistic plan, so much so that its almost a crime not to try it. And for us to start acting is certainly preferable to just sitting and waiting for something to happened. Also, I know 1 million is not enough but at least it’s a start to get JTF into new territory.

Most of JTF supporters are people who don’t have much but want to help. When we all see that such a small amount, that most can afford, makes a BIG difference, I think this will get many people exited and eager to participate. I know that when I don’t have a respectable amount to give I don’t consider giving. But if I knew that just $10 is needed from me for the month, to raise 1 million for JTF, this will change how I view this whole issue of sending contributions. JTF’s fundraising so far has been vague. I think we can accomplish much more with a structured plan such as this one because it will make people feel more obligated to act to save the country, since its so specific and easy (just send 10 bucks).

I remember years ago you did a show with a crowd of supporters cheering all throughout the show. We can do such a show again, in a big place with a big crowd to kick-start JTF’s new fundraising campaign. I think such a show will excite many people and arouse them to join. I know you can’t officially ask for money on the show, but there are ways to get around that. After the 30 min for the cable show are up, you can continue and explicitly explain our fundraising strategy to web viewers. This could be the first video show for the English web page and many will love it.

For the website, we can create a special fundraising section. My preliminary suggestion is to have a chart with colorful graphics, like a bar or other animation, something exciting, the bar will be going higher and higher each week, corresponding to the growing amount of people who expressed readiness to join our efforts. The goal will be to take the bar past the 10,000 supporters mark. Each week JTF can inspire more and more people to join. Then, when the contributions begin to come in, you can announce each month : “Congratulations everyone, we have met our objectives for the month! Now everyone, lets do the same thing next month!”

Plus down the road we can improve on this concept. Once a person knows he will be sending 100 dollars over the next 10 month, many can afford to send the whole amount right away, or $30 or $50. This means JTF will be able to raise substantial amounts relatively quickly once a call goes out to everyone that a fundraising effort was initiated. Imagine the solid foundation of support we could eventually build?

Right now it looks like to accomplish big things fundraising will be the name of the game. I think we have to start using all kinds of fundraising tactics if we want to raise serious money and concentrate a significant amount of our efforts in this area. Chaim, you used brilliant tactics to deal with enemies, why not apply your genius to fundraising?

Related questions:

How many visitors does Arutz Sheva have? 
Will the Jewish Press except advertising from JTF?
What can JTF accomplish with 1 Million dollars?

Offline LiberateIsrael

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Re: JTF with 1 million in 10 month or less!
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 08:27:03 PM »
The biggest problem JTF has is lack of funds. LETS BEGIN SOLVING THIS PROBLEM! Lets kick-start this 10 month fundraising campaign and give it momentum even before Chaim reads this plan on Sunday!

I think that with a structured plan  such a this one

Since someone has to set the example I’ll be the first one.

I’m going right now to the ATM to take 20 bucks. Then I’ll buy a money order and send it to JTF. This will cover me for 2 month!

That’s 1 person already, 9,999 more to go. Our JTF Fundraising Campaign is officially underway!

Offline cjd

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Re: JTF with 1 million in 10 month or less!
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 09:02:04 PM »
The biggest problem JTF has is lack of funds. LETS BEGIN SOLVING THIS PROBLEM! Lets kick-start this 10 month fundraising campaign and give it momentum even before Chaim reads this plan on Sunday!

I think that with a structured plan  such a this one

Since someone has to set the example I’ll be the first one.

I’m going right now to the ATM to take 20 bucks. Then I’ll buy a money order and send it to JTF. This will cover me for 2 month!

That’s 1 person already, 9,999 more to go. Our JTF Fundraising Campaign is officially underway!

Sounds like a great idea. I am also going to make it a point to send in a 10 buck money order and try to do it monthly. As you said 10 bucks seems like a small amount of money hardly worth the trouble of mailing however if enough folks send in 10 bucks even now and then it will add up.
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Offline Shlomo

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Re: JTF with 1 million in 10 month or less!
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 11:08:04 PM »
That's a terrific idea.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline habiru

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Re: JTF with 1 million in 10 month or less!
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2006, 01:09:29 AM »
What can JTF accomplish with 1 Million dollars?

thats the big question.

Can JTF really go on national TV?

The Jewish establishment would put a stop to it asap.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: JTF with 1 million in 10 month or less!
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2006, 07:57:53 AM »
"...What can JTF accomplish with 1 Million dollars?..." off some crooked Israeli officials to fly to New York & stay there?

As a matter of fact, the current bunch of Kadima, Labor, Likud, etc....are SO unpatriotic & SO thoroughly compromised...maybe JTF should just call them on the phone and ask each one individually:

How much do you want to resign, give up your Israeli citizenship, and fly to either LA or NY & stay there?

Maybe throw in a few credit cards for buying drek that they want.

Sound ridiculous?...The whole government could probably be brought down simply by paying them money! 

Offline Shlomo

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Re: JTF with 1 million in 10 month or less!
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2006, 02:47:40 PM »
I thoroughly agree with you. I think it would take a LOT of money though... they are making an awful lot robbing Israel and taking bribes.

"...What can JTF accomplish with 1 Million dollars?..." off some crooked Israeli officials to fly to New York & stay there?

As a matter of fact, the current bunch of Kadima, Labor, Likud, etc....are SO unpatriotic & SO thoroughly compromised...maybe JTF should just call them on the phone and ask each one individually:

How much do you want to resign, give up your Israeli citizenship, and fly to either LA or NY & stay there?

Maybe throw in a few credit cards for buying drek that they want.

Sound ridiculous?...The whole government could probably be brought down simply by paying them money! 
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim