Author Topic: The kind of world the Left wants  (Read 1423 times)

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Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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The kind of world the Left wants
« on: December 06, 2008, 08:59:42 PM »
In a nutshell, the Left would like everyone to have no identity, or at least, that everyone's identity should be reduced to the lowest common denominator.

Gender:  Those on the Left believe that there is no such thing as an innate gender, (except when it comes to gays who they feel were born that way).  They think that boys and girls are the same, men and women are the same.  The only differences between males and females are imposed on them by a paternalistic, oppressive, archaic, class of men.  The Left would like to see everyone cast off the shackles of their sexual identity and live as sexless creatures, where boys are free to play with dolls and dress in girls' clothes.  There should not be husbands and wives, there should only be "partners".  Heterosexuality is also an oppressive construction.  Married couples are seen by the Left as a continuation of an oppressive system.  Married women, no matter how happy they are, are contemptible fools.  And the worst thing a married woman can do, according to the Left, is have children and stay at home to raise them.  Hillary Clinton said it best, when she condemned women who "stayed at home and baked cookies".

Ethnicity:  According to the Left, if you are white then at the very least you are the beneficiary of the white ruling class.  Maybe you weren't a slave owner, but you can't deny that you have benifitted from a system that has continually oppressed minorities.  According to the Left, if you are white, you must atone for the sins of your forefathers.  Certainly you may not make a claim to a good job or a spot in the universities based on your own merits.  If you succeed as a white person, you must have cheated or oppressed someone from a less priveleged ethnic group.  Charity to less priveleged groups won't win you an ounce of forgiveness either.  The only thing you can do as a white person to redeam yourself is fail.  Becoming an outspoken advocate for affirmative action might help you also.  But you can't hide your colour like you can hide your sexuality.  So if you happen to have white skin, you'd better be actively ashamed of it.

Religion:  The worst thing you can be, according to the Left, is Jewish.  A distant second is Christian.  If you happen to be Jewish or Christian, the Left would have you either convert or actively advocate against your religion.  Michael Lerner is a great example of a Jew that the Left can tolerate.  The Left doesn't love him, though I'm sure he thinks they do, because he is after all a Jew.  But this kind of Jew they can live with because he is trying to destroy the Jewish people.  So they will thinly veil their contempt for him.  As for Leftist Jew hatred in general, it is incurable.  They want Israel destroyed and they want all of the Jews destroyed (G-d forbid).  Unlike most of the muslims, the Left would never admit this openly.  Leftist hatred for Christians has more to do with the perceived oppressiveness of Christianity than with a pathological desire to destroy Christians.  The Left says if you are a Christian, keep it to yourself.  No Christmas trees, no Christian religious symbols, no nativity scenes, no Biblical references, no Christian prayers in schools (muslim prayers are fine), certainly no Christian advocacy for Israel.  The Left would prefer that life were meaningless, so they would have permission to act as badly as they want to.  G-d is a stumbling block for the Left.  All of that morality is really oppressive.  That's why they don't have a problem with islam--because islam is predicated on a doctrine of evil.  Any moral standard is a wall that has to come down.  This is why it does not matter to Leftist feminists that women are treated like beasts in islam.  The important thing is to the Left that islam gives permission to the worst sort of behaviour.  The Left needs islam in order to feel better about their own immorality.

Class:  The Left's doctrine is based in Marxism.  Any success is the result of having cheated someone.  Any failure is the result of external oppression.  Government is needed to enforce equality.  The Left favours equality over freedom.  That is why the Left favours captial gains tax increases.  Even though it would reduce revenue (which has been proven by the way), it increases equality.  Tax increases bring everyone down to a lower level, except the lowest level.  There is no such thing as earning success or for that matter earning failure.  Class structures are the result of oppression.

The bottom line:  The Left wants everyone to be the same, so they say that everyone is the same.  People are morally equal, whether you are a successful businessman or a suicide bomber.  The world they are trying to create will have no class structure, only a working proletariat class.  There would be no religions, save perhaps only those religions that allow evil and call it good.  (I can only think of one religion in this category).  There should be no genders.  People should be able to have sex with whatever they want to.  Saying otherwise is oppressive.  Men would be like women.  Women would be like men.  There would be no moral standards, no personal identities.  Culture should make no statements.  Everything should be reduced to dregs.  And all that should remain of the world as we now know it is a museum somewhere featuring exhibits of a less enlightened time.

Offline Xoce

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2008, 09:14:30 PM »

Of course the ruling elite (the left themselves) are exempt from any and all of it.  It is for the pitiful masses (yes all those obama voters and the rest of the schmucks.)  Also, logic is not employed.  Therefore even though the uni/non-genderification is not compatible with the violent sexist/etc islamist ideology, due to the very fact that it is violent and non-white/Jewish/Christian it too is privileged and exempt from criticism.

"LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR" is exactly right, and what I always say as well.  When they speak of equality, it is equality of misery, pain and poverty.

Today's left is even more evil than yesterday's left.  Today's left knows VERY WELL that communism does NOT work and produces nothing but devastation.  They have no excuse.  Even hussein obama demonstrated a knowledge of the basics of economics (supply and demand), and SAID ON TAPE that his policies would make prices "NECESSARILY SKYROCKET" and "bankrupt" industry.

People give them the benefit of the doubt when they say they are naive "dreamers" or that they truly hope for a world of sharing and mass holding of hands.

No. They. Don't.  They envision a world where there is equality of results so that all the peasants are equally miserable and labor for the benefit of the "benevolent" leader and his elite group.
aka Someone Else

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2008, 09:38:53 PM »
I don't know what you mean by a distant second. When they talk about religious fundamentalists and the religious right promoting intolerance and taking away women's rights, they are mostly referring to Christians.

Besides the left loves left-wing Jewish people. They just dont' like the moral, religious Jewish people who actually care about their religion and people.

This is a VERY well done post though and I think it's great you wrote it. It lays everything out so clearly.

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 09:51:40 PM »

The left loath Christianity and Judiaism, because Christianity and Judiaism both require MORALITY, both religions define what is moral and what is not moral. Our great religions shine the blazing light of morality on the evil of the debauchery of the leftists and exposes them, lets them know beyond a shadow of a doubt the wrong they are doing, and the leftists can't stand it.

A recent example of this is the unjustified vitriol and hatred Sarah Palin got from the left, for simply being a outspoken rightious woman and mother.

Did you see the whore "Madonna" and that sick creature Sandra Bernhart viciously slander Sarah Palin? Why? Because Sarah Palin represents everything that they lost, everything that they'll never be, a complete righteous woman with great success and family that loves her dearly.

Nobody loves that whore "Madonna" and that sick creature Sandra Bernhart, nobody, they get lip service from the parasites they attract, but sincere love, not one iota, what pathetic miserable sad existences they have, and those creatures are what the left are pushing as role models for young women? 
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2008, 10:15:05 PM »
I don't know what you mean by a distant second. When they talk about religious fundamentalists and the religious right promoting intolerance and taking away women's rights, they are mostly referring to Christians.

Besides the left loves left-wing Jewish people. They just dont' like the moral, religious Jewish people who actually care about their religion and people.

This is a VERY well done post though and I think it's great you wrote it. It lays everything out so clearly.

One thing that we have to understand is that those of us who are rational and think logically and systematically have a difficult time making sense of people who are irrational and do not think logically or systematically.  The Left is guided by their feelings--it is a heart based philosophy, not a logically based philosophy.  For all of their claims about religion being irrational, it is they who are irrational.  I know that as a Jewish man, I cannot prove the theological premises of my faith.  That is not what is important however.  What is important is that I can ground my actions on logic.  Those on the Left cannot do this.  What is important to them, is that what they do FEELS good.  I decide on a policy according to what will work and what is moral.  They decide on a policy if it feels good.  

There is no truth to the claim made by the Left that Christianity somehow disempowers women, none whatsoever.  How is a Christian woman in America oppressed by her religion?  She's not.  More to the point, it is dishonest when they claim to champion womens' rights.  If they truly cared about women, they would harangue every muslim woman who walked around with a veil.  They would tell the muslim woman to burn her veil, much as they told the young girls in the 1960s to burn their bras.  

The Left does not love any Jewish person, whether that person is on the Left or not.  They may tolerate a Leftist Jew and use him to further their own agenda, but they do not love the Leftist Jew.  If anything, the Leftist Jew is held in greater contempt than the righteous Jew, whom the Left fears and respects.  Tragically, there are Jews who are so mentally ill, that all they want is to be loved.  So they will act against their own people because they feel that they will be loved by other Leftists who also act against righteous Jews.  The Leftist Jew is a pitiful fool.  The reason I say that Christians come a distant second to Jews in terms of who the Left hates, is because while the Left views Christians as hegemonic and oppressive and archaic and unenlightened, the Left views the Jews as the greatest evil in existence.  The Left would like to subdue and disempower Christianity.  But the Left would like to annihilate the Jews.  They are not as honest about it as the muslims are, but their hatred for the Jews is unlike their hatred for anything else.  Listen to them sometimes.  Their hatred for Jews is barely concealed.  It is not hard to unearth it.

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2008, 10:22:03 PM »

The left loath Christianity and Judiaism, because Christianity and Judiaism both require MORALITY, both religions define what is moral and what is not moral. Our great religions shine the blazing light of morality on the evil of the debauchery of the leftists and exposes them, lets them know beyond a shadow of a doubt the wrong they are doing, and the leftists can't stand it.

A recent example of this is the unjustified vitriol and hatred Sarah Palin got from the left, for simply being a outspoken rightious woman and mother.

Did you see the whore "Madonna" and that sick creature Sandra Bernhart viciously slander Sarah Palin? Why? Because Sarah Palin represents everything that they lost, everything that they'll never be, a complete righteous woman with great success and family that loves her dearly.

Nobody loves that whore "Madonna" and that sick creature Sandra Bernhart, nobody, they get lip service from the parasites they attract, but sincere love, not one iota, what pathetic miserable sad existences they have, and those creatures are what the left are pushing as role models for young women? 

This is very true.  The Left's immediate and hysterical demonization of Sarah Palin was very revealing.  Also revealing was the Left's refusal to acknowledge the problem with Jeremiah Wright.  Just mentioning that Wright was anti-American was off limits.  They cannot or will not actually try to explore issues.  That would require thought and discrimination of ideas.  Instead, the Left's way of dealing with anything that they find troubling, is to libel and defame.  I've been called a homophobe, islamophobe, fascist, racist, mysogynist, IMPERIALIST (my favorite), oppressive, a religious right-wing fanatic, Zionist (which they think is an insult), and a hate mongrel.  There is no debate, there is no exchange of ideas.  And the irony is that the Left believes that they are champions of free speech. 

Watch Rabbi Kahane give a speech at Brandeis university.  See who the real fascists are.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 10:27:44 PM by zachor_ve_kavod »

Offline Xoce

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2008, 10:29:24 PM »
I also paused at Christianity being a "distant second" to Judaism in terms of loathing by the Jews.  I don't know about this but it could be that Jews are more easily grouped/stereotyped than are Christians.  Therefore there is a concentrated, focused hatred towards Jews more than there is toward Christians.  Ethnically and in terms of self-identity "Christians" are much more diverse and hard to pinpoint and group and consequently focus the left's hate.
I don't know.  Like you said, the Left being illogical and feelings-based makes it near impossible to rationalize their evil, idiotic nonsense.
aka Someone Else

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2008, 11:05:07 PM »
I also paused at Christianity being a "distant second" to Judaism in terms of loathing by the Jews.  I don't know about this but it could be that Jews are more easily grouped/stereotyped than are Christians.  Therefore there is a concentrated, focused hatred towards Jews more than there is toward Christians.  Ethnically and in terms of self-identity "Christians" are much more diverse and hard to pinpoint and group and consequently focus the left's hate.
I don't know.  Like you said, the Left being illogical and feelings-based makes it near impossible to rationalize their evil, idiotic nonsense.

Well, look at it this way.  The Left wants the elimination of Israel.  The demonize Israel and essentially blame it for all of the evils in the world.  Now, I happen to know that if Israel ceased to exist (G-d forbid) the lives of the Jews everywhere else on earth would not be worth a nickel.  Israel's existence is the only thing that prevents an all out world wide genocide against the Jews.  Now, do you think that those on the Left do not know this?  Of course they know it.  They are evil, but not stupid (not entirely stupid).  They want to create a situation where they can go after the Jews in America and Canada and South America and Europe, and everywhere else Jews are living.  That is why Jews on the Left disgust me so much--They are unwitting participants in their own annihilation.  I don't think that the Left want to annihilate Christians.  They would like to get rid of Christianity, but not necessarily the Christian people.  Getting rid of Judaism would not be sufficient for the Left, they want to get rid of Jews.

Offline Xoce

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2008, 11:23:58 PM »
I also paused at Christianity being a "distant second" to Judaism in terms of loathing by the Jews.  I don't know about this but it could be that Jews are more easily grouped/stereotyped than are Christians.  Therefore there is a concentrated, focused hatred towards Jews more than there is toward Christians.  Ethnically and in terms of self-identity "Christians" are much more diverse and hard to pinpoint and group and consequently focus the left's hate.
I don't know.  Like you said, the Left being illogical and feelings-based makes it near impossible to rationalize their evil, idiotic nonsense.

Well, look at it this way.  The Left wants the elimination of Israel.  The demonize Israel and essentially blame it for all of the evils in the world.  Now, I happen to know that if Israel ceased to exist (G-d forbid) the lives of the Jews everywhere else on earth would not be worth a nickel.  Israel's existence is the only thing that prevents an all out world wide genocide against the Jews.  Now, do you think that those on the Left do not know this?  Of course they know it.  They are evil, but not stupid (not entirely stupid).  They want to create a situation where they can go after the Jews in America and Canada and South America and Europe, and everywhere else Jews are living.  That is why Jews on the Left disgust me so much--They are unwitting participants in their own annihilation.  I don't think that the Left want to annihilate Christians.  They would like to get rid of Christianity, but not necessarily the Christian people.  Getting rid of Judaism would not be sufficient for the Left, they want to get rid of Jews.

I see.  Israel is the first on the "to do" destruction list.  And I agree with what you're saying, that the Left wants to get rid of Christianity, but not necessarily the Christian people.  Jews and Judaism are inseparable, as I was saying and therefore their hatred leads them to desire the destruction of the Jews, Judaism and Israel.  They also want to destroy America which really isn't a Christian nation.  Israel has to go first, the canary in the coal mine... which reminds me of Atlas Shrugs' blog:

"Western Civilization hangs in the balance. This blog is part of the solution,the cure. Get your heads out of the sand and Fight the Great Fight! The Jew may be the canary in the coal mine, but you my friends will be next............Changing the World, One Word at a Time....... Citizen Journalist, Citizen Soldier"
aka Someone Else

Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2008, 11:33:34 PM »
I also paused at Christianity being a "distant second" to Judaism in terms of loathing by the Jews.  I don't know about this but it could be that Jews are more easily grouped/stereotyped than are Christians.  Therefore there is a concentrated, focused hatred towards Jews more than there is toward Christians.  Ethnically and in terms of self-identity "Christians" are much more diverse and hard to pinpoint and group and consequently focus the left's hate.
I don't know.  Like you said, the Left being illogical and feelings-based makes it near impossible to rationalize their evil, idiotic nonsense.

Well, look at it this way.  The Left wants the elimination of Israel.  The demonize Israel and essentially blame it for all of the evils in the world.  Now, I happen to know that if Israel ceased to exist (G-d forbid) the lives of the Jews everywhere else on earth would not be worth a nickel.  Israel's existence is the only thing that prevents an all out world wide genocide against the Jews.  Now, do you think that those on the Left do not know this?  Of course they know it.  They are evil, but not stupid (not entirely stupid).  They want to create a situation where they can go after the Jews in America and Canada and South America and Europe, and everywhere else Jews are living.  That is why Jews on the Left disgust me so much--They are unwitting participants in their own annihilation.  I don't think that the Left want to annihilate Christians.  They would like to get rid of Christianity, but not necessarily the Christian people.  Getting rid of Judaism would not be sufficient for the Left, they want to get rid of Jews.

I see.  Israel is the first on the "to do" destruction list.  And I agree with what you're saying, that the Left wants to get rid of Christianity, but not necessarily the Christian people.  Jews and Judaism are inseparable, as I was saying and therefore their hatred leads them to desire the destruction of the Jews, Judaism and Israel.  They also want to destroy America which really isn't a Christian nation.  Israel has to go first, the canary in the coal mine... which reminds me of Atlas Shrugs' blog:

"Western Civilization hangs in the balance. This blog is part of the solution,the cure. Get your heads out of the sand and Fight the Great Fight! The Jew may be the canary in the coal mine, but you my friends will be next............Changing the World, One Word at a Time....... Citizen Journalist, Citizen Soldier"

Good observation.  But here is the problem:  I don't want to be a canary for anyone. 

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Re: The kind of world the Left wants
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2008, 09:47:18 AM »
Very true.
aka Someone Else