Author Topic: Serbia: Wahabis plead not guilty to terrorism charges  (Read 2574 times)

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Serbia: Wahabis plead not guilty to terrorism charges
« on: December 19, 2008, 12:38:30 PM »
Serbia: Wahabis plead not guilty to terrorism charges

Belgrade, 18 Dec. (AKI) – Two members of the Muslim fundamentalist Wahabi movement accused of planning terrorist activities pleaded not guilty before a Belgrade court on Thursday. Before the court they praised Allah for showing them the right way and directed derogatory remarks at prosecutors and judges alike.

Adis Muric, 21, and Enes Mujanovic, 19, were arrested in September 2007 in the southern predominantly Muslim town of Novi Pazar on charges of having planned terrorist acts.

Police discovered terrorist literature, videos, maps, explosives and weapons in their hide-out.

Another two members of the group, Nedzat Bulic (31) and Bajram Aslani (28), a Kosovar, are on the run and will be tried in absentia.

Muric and Mujanovic said they knew that they had been followed by police and that their phones were tapped. But denied any involvement in terrorist activities.

Muric said he was followed just because he was “a believer”. “The indictment could have been written only by someone who hates Islam and Muslims,” Muric said. “The prosecutor looks like an American servant to me, not a Serb,” he added.

He than read passages from the Koran in Arabic and thanked Allah for having showed him “the right way”.

The trial was adjourned until February when prosecutors will present their first witnesses and evidence.

The Wahabi movement originated in Saudi Arabia and is relatively new in the Balkans. The fundamental Islamist ideology was brought to the Balkans by "mujahadeen" fighters from Muslim countries during 1995-1995 civil war in Bosnia.

Wahabism has slowly gained support in Bosnia ever since, and many mujahadeen who remained there after the war have reportedly indoctrinated local youths with radical Islam.


This "not guilty" means "wellcome" to terrorism.