Author Topic: Why Western civilization is going to have to go  (Read 8207 times)

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Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« on: February 18, 2007, 03:56:27 PM »
'He done kissed me on the mouth so he gone marry me.'

- Dolly Parton, 'Marry me'

The whites are committed to adaptation.  In country songs, this manifests as constant admonition to remember that this life is transitory (preparation for the next; we're only passing through, and suchlike), and that bigotry is a hidrance to a good, simple, honest and G-dfearing life.

In other places, it manifests itself as passive indifference to the invasion of swarthy hordes.

Now we even hear black men singing in their music about forging perfect futures with 'porcelain-skinned' women.

The simple fact is that consciousness is a crushing burden for the white man.

The white man, if he does reflect, either becomes prematurely senile and eventually demented (a process I am currently undergoing), or he ends up denying the truth, and living a 'life' of death substitute, for example gambling, fornicating, betting on great outsider-odds, and wasting away with a grin on his face.

The black man alone is able to appreciate life: he is a brute, and brutes know life best because they know least of all.

And the white woman, who society expects to live at all costs, even if she lives a degraded and truly worthless life, is faced with a choice: live with dying white men on a sinking ship, or rise to the skies with a baboon?

And feminized society thinks men should have life: but men are expendable, always have been: they need wars, ideologies, things to life FOR: because if they live for nothing but for living itself, they eventually reflect, and see the futility of being: they become homosexual, they become perverse; it is not in  white man's nature, which nature gave rise to the Spartans and the Germans among many others, to live like a woman.

But the white man now has nothing to live for, except a meaningless life.

And white women see his weakness: and perforce reject him.

And the white woman turns, and runs, and ends up straightway in the arms of a laughing negro.

And she adores her negro: he reminds her of what her own men used to be like.

It is a sin for a white woman to bring a white child into the world.

White men are cursed.

It would be a mercy if the white man was never born.

Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2007, 04:29:58 PM »
I had gone to a Myspace site (by someone called Sexy Hebrew or something like that), and her Myspace song was a remake of some old rock song about 'my girlfriend'.  And the rockers in the original lyrics were saying 'this is my girlfriend, she's not much but she's all I've got.'

And the young negro stallion was 'singing' over the top about his love for his porcelain woman; how he carries a picture of her about in his wallet all over the world; how she is so beautiful even a 'senile old (white) man' would have to smile at her.

This was a very clever song.  It is contrasting the attitude of white men to their women with the devotion and love that black men can offer the white woman.

We white men are 'senile' old bastards, and the young negroes are the ultimate black Romeos.

Only the schvartza can love a white woman like she really wants it.

This is why I detest all forms of racism.  White women are racist against white men.  White men are routinely stereotyped as bad in bed, grumpy, jealous (even Shakespeare levels some of these objections against us: Shakespeare was spiritually a negro), while 'Moors' are said to be fabulously romantic lovers.

How the white race has survived this long is beyond me ... the feminists are right.  Intra-racial hetereosexual sex IS PATRIARCHAL: IT SERVES ONLY TO MAINTAIN THE CURRENT SYSTEM OF WHITE/ANGLO SUPREMACY, it does not bring more love into the world.

The white woman is engaging in a war against the self-same men she has brought into existence ... then we were weaned from her breasts, and now she is slowly suffocating us to death.

The white woman is trying to kill the white man!
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 04:33:05 PM »
There is a great deal of truth in the assertion that black men value white women more than white men value them.

It's shameful to admit it but ... it's true.  And we're reaping the fruits of the misdeeds of our forefathers: the white woman is flocking to the black man in droves, now that she has a chance to ....
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 04:39:08 PM »
Every white woman who has been to bed with a young black man testifies to the superiority of his performance compared to that of his white peers.

And there is the sexiness factor of being in a 'forbidden' relationship: white women really GET OFF on the feeling of moral superiority ... they just love being able to look down their noses at the hated oppressor, the white man.

This is why, as you can imagine, I really HATE being a 'white' man ... talk about being shackled from birth.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2007, 04:59:42 PM »
It's because of the black man's reputation for godlike powers of seduction and love-making that I had to endure more than 5 years of being on my own, all through university, and then for the year and a half of walking about the campus and parks and beaches, with sexy young women walking past, who had no intention of ever speaking to me, only to be seen later on the arms of gormless young bald black men.

If you don't think that's racist then you're an evil person, plain and simple.

I didn't ask to be born.

I want to die.

I can't stand being considered inferior all the time ... this isn't life, this just a constant struggle to be given the privilege to even breathe ... it is horrible. I wish I was black. Then and only then would young women would treat me like a human being who had feelings and could suffer pain.

All white women ever want from white men is money ... nothing else. All white children are illegitimate.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2007, 05:52:41 PM »
Fruit states the following:  "...Every white woman who has been to bed with a young black man testifies to the superiority of his performance compared to that of his white peers..."

Hey, Fruit!

Go rent the film "Mandingo" starring James Mason & Ken Norton (yes...that is the one and the same heavy weight boxing champion, Ken Norton).

If you haven't yet seen it, it is just the ticket to set your mind at ease.

It's a saga of the Old South...when MEN were White....and slaves were black!

One of my all time favorite films!

Strange as it may seem, I find it to be a comedy, laughed all the way through it hysterically; even though it's meant to be a serious story.

Miscegany and the wages of sin are its themes (come to think of it...I'm not sure there really is a plot it, but it's got lot's of "theme").

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2007, 11:27:06 PM »

Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2007, 12:14:31 AM »
'My mom ... said she hopes I get the **** beaten out of me someday or that I will die soon ....  My mother kept yelling at me saying that I should never have been born in the first place and that I was an accident, and that she doesn't love me anymore, and that whenever she looks at me she wants to vomit.'

I read this on another forum.

But it's remarkable how that woman used terms which I have applied myself to the white man: that it is solely through accident that he is born; that white women detest racism because their own quality of life is mixed in with the same forces that liberated the negro; yes, the white woman's salvation is a black man's penis and if a white mother will turn viciously on her own son and wish him to die if she perceives that he threatens her special relationship with the negro, how much more so do white women hate non-related white men who threaten negro and white female supremacy?

This is why women always ignored me at uni.  They can smell the anti-negro in me.  The most beautiful of women walked past me with their noses upturned, precisely because they perceived with their G-dgiven inner senses that I am against their meal ticket, their beloved negro ... and they walked straight into the arms of the ugliest, smelliest bald black men imaginable ... the white woman wants to see the white man die.

And she wants the black man to take his place: she wants black babies.

But most of all, I think the point is here that the white race is truly finished ... thank G-d Almighty, this evil, rapacious race of vampires and bandits is finally spiralling down into the depths of oblivion.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2007, 12:56:47 AM »

Samuel L. Jackson & Christina Ricci??!

Let's see now....

In the Deep Old South, a beautiful nymphette with unresolved lustful passions (Ricci), decides to "take it on the run" rather than endure any more of her White Plantation Owner Husband's (some chump...can't read the poster) drunken beatings.

Hiding out in the woods & "swomps", the nubile and bursting with life Ricci encounters a runaway slave (Jackson, of course), who, rather than tolerate the brutal beatings and whippings of the same or some other White Plantation Owner, has decided to "beat it to Dee-troyt!"

Running by night, hiding out by day, the unlikely couple each contribute their unique survival skills, resulting in the "forbidden" race-mix couple to "see each other for the first time as "man" and "woman"; forever breaking the social strictures and bonds inhumanely leveled at them by RACISM AND WHITE BIGOTRY!!!

He no longer seen by her as "boy"; She no longer seen by him as "yassuh Missy!"; the intense heat of the Southern savannahs give the two no choice but to remove all of their clothes and "skinny-dip" together in Master Whitman's Pond.

An intense cinemaphotographic event is captured on film, as Jackson "takes" Ricci underwater, violating, with her full approval and longing, her "Southern Purity".

Later, they hear horses deep in the woods.....


They got's to run....but it's difficult....considering Christina Ricci's now "in a family way"!

Jackson, wasting no time, scoops up Ricci in his massive bullwhip-scarred arms, and though barefoot, hauls butt into the Southern sunset shouting:

"Feets!...Don't b' fail'in me now!....Dee-troyt City he' we come!!!!!"

*that is, unless the producers decided to do it "modern"; in which case the same situation unfolds between the two future lovers, only this time he was formerly her 6th grade Hygiene Teacher, while she was a little too much "inquisitive".  Bad timing caused the principal to turn the corner, and what was in actuality innocent and beyond reproach, appeared to the White Racist Patriarch Principal to be a Satanic Act of Unnatural Lust!
So...the couple pop a few caps into the Principal's ugly face, steal his car, and tear up every highway from Atlanta to Bogaloosa, in search of one more Quick-Mart to "knock off", one more "little bag of joy powder" to sniff, and hundreds of cheap thrills and easy dollars!
As the Highway Patrol, soon augmented by the Feds, close in, Christina is in the bathroom at the cheap Motel, looking at her stomach in a kind of mixture of sick but ecstatic joy....she is "p.g." with Sammy's kid!
Knock on the door!.....Sam's back, unaware of the dozens of SWAT TEAM agents in position, all awaiting their order to "take 'em down"... (to be continued)

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2007, 03:25:08 AM »
Your words were beautiful crystals to me, MassuhD, until you went into a modernized interlude.

I recognize full well that black men have a lot to offer white women, emotionally, spiritually and even physically.  Much more so than I do for instance.  Which I why I feel so bad.  After all, I didn't ask to be born an unwanted, futureless, purposeless white male ... I wish to G-d that white women would stop and think before they decide to bring white children into the world.  It's a horrible, nasty, pointless place for 99% of the people who already live here, not even to speak of the newcomers.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2007, 06:17:15 AM »
During the great wars of the 19th century, large, black shiny canons would shower down death and destruction and kill thousands of young white men on the battlefield.

Can you think of any modern parallels?

Something long and black, glittering in the sun, something every red-blooded young man wants to run his hand over and mount, and to POSSESS: killing entire generations of white men?

Today, the ancestors of these murderous canons are black men - and when those long black canons enter the white woman's vagina, white men die in droves ....

The white woman is the contemporary racial and sexual battlefield of the Aryan peoples of Europe.

That we are not even allowed to talk about this racial and sexual struggle is telling.

White women hate any manifestation of 'racism' in white men, and yet white women are engaged in racist genocide as we speak ... the white woman is the spiritual descendent of the Nazi.  And now, behold, she negrifies a whole continent with her folly.  Yemach shemo.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2007, 01:47:56 PM »
You love talking to yourself, don't you?

Not really YM.  If talking to other people were as easy then I'd sure prefer doing that.  But I guess it is easier to massage egos that one knows best and what ego can a person know better than their own?  :(
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Lisa

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2007, 10:20:03 PM »
Fruit, give yourself some credit.  Why do you say you have nothing to offer white women?  From what I can tell, you seem very well read and bright.  Have some confidence.


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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2007, 01:37:59 AM »
Fruit, give yourself some credit.  Why do you say you have nothing to offer white women?  From what I can tell, you seem very well read and bright.  Have some confidence.

Lisa, he's a crank. How can anyone still think this bozo is for real?  Yacov puts up with this zero. Thats his perogative as an admin. I would have banned him long ago. He contributes absolutely nothing remotely useful while continously lying and slandering whites. Chaim is right, he does it to get a rise out of people. Thats because he is a snert. For that reason I dont think he should be allowed here, but I respect the admins to make the right call.   


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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2007, 08:03:21 AM »
Thanks, I am teetering on the verge of killing a [censored] the last week because of the fact I have to look at that Black Snake poster on every other corner, the subway, etc. And you have to post it MORE THAN ONCE here. Thanks. 


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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2007, 08:06:30 AM »
Have you ever heard the term "[censored] or get off the pot?" Either get right with God or begin active sex with a black man. PLEASE!


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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2007, 12:00:41 PM »
And when he posted the movie poster he did it with a grinning smilie. =  ;D

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2007, 12:03:21 PM »
I would have banned him long ago. ... Chaim is right, he does it to get a rise out of people.

This poster is correct that I wish to slander the whites.  That's because I'm the only person on this forum who grew up in a place that was both 100% white and 100% Christian.  And I resent them for everything that they did to me.  :)

Lo and behold, however, I read the local newspaper now and then, even although I don't live there any more: and they are now a very anti-racist and egalitarian people!  Wonderful! There are even girls from where I live walking the streets with black lovers.  (No girls ever dated me there.)  Why didn't they believe in making me equal to themselves while I still lived there?  Was it because I was not black?  You bet.

I condemn their evil behaviour, not their race!   :)
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?


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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2007, 11:28:02 AM »
And when he posted the movie poster he did it with a grinning smilie. =  ;D

Are you saying that Fruit is a schvartza in disguise?

I dont know who or what Fruity really is, but putting a grinning smilie like that should make it clearer to everyone that bm/wf interracial is something that doesnt really bother him, and he posts it to be a snert and get a rise out of the people here.

I think the fact that Fruity is a fake should have been apparent for a very long time now to be honest. But certainly this latest post should make that pretty clear to anyone who still might have thought that Fruity was for real.

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2007, 09:07:55 PM »
And when he posted the movie poster he did it with a grinning smilie. =  ;D

Are you saying that Fruit is a schvartza in disguise?

The thought has crossed my mind from time to time however to be totally honest he really has me stumped on that question.
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Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Why Western civilization is going to have to go
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2007, 09:59:09 PM »
I dont know who or what Fruity really is, but putting a grinning smilie like that should make it clearer to everyone that bm/wf interracial is something that doesnt really bother him, and he posts it to be a snert and get a rise out of the people here.

I think the fact that Fruity is a fake should have been apparent for a very long time now to be honest. But certainly this latest post should make that pretty clear to anyone who still might have thought that Fruity was for real.

The gentiles do not accept me as one of them.  Whites do not accept me, and blacks do not accept me.  I am neither this nor that - I fit in nowhere.  Now you see, and understand. 
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?