Author Topic: US Truckers Screwed By Bush  (Read 4671 times)

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Offline azrom

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US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« on: March 07, 2007, 12:46:31 PM »
President Bush announced that Mexican truck drivers will be allowed on America's highways within sixty days. Soon, he'll announce that Mexican drivers will "do the jobs that American truckers won't do."
How many ways can an American president screw his own citizens? On Bush's watch, America's poor suffer job losses in landscaping, construction, dry wall, hotel, restaurant, lawn mowing, retail, fast food, roofing, taxi and dozens of other trades. On Bush's watch, outsourcing, insourcing and offshoring work cost American citizens 1,000,000 jobs. On Bush's watch, America's manufacturing sector lost 3 million jobs. On Bush's watch, over 10 million illegal aliens crossed our borders in six years. On Bush's watch, hundreds of thousands of killers, drug dealers, rapists and child molesters roam free in America.
Now, President Bush drives his serrated knife into the heart of American truckers.
Why? Soon, Mexican truck drivers will undercut wages of all American truckers, just like Mexicans destabilize wages from construction workers, roofers, landscapers and other trades.
This is a reality check from a man who has driven the big rigs across 48 states. As a teacher in the 70s, my salary at $5,400.00 a year, barely kept me above the poverty line. Each summer for 24 years, I loaded, drove 1,500 to 2,000 miles across America, and unloaded for United Van Lines. I busted my hump. I worked 70 to 100 hours a week. Don't tell the DOT. I earned four times as much money in three months as I made in nine months teaching math and science.
What did I discover? American truckers consist of the finest, most dedicated and outstanding professionals in the world. Their office is America's Interstates. They've got to be 100 percent perfect 10 hours a day as they drive 40,000 pounds of freight down the expressway. "Breaker one nine, you got the Rubber Duck here; what's your 20?" CB radios make up their communication network. They listen to country and western music; wear cowboy boots and baseball caps. Truckers fill your life with food, clothing, cars, gasoline, mail and everything else. America moves by trucks. I still carry my CDL.
As a teacher and a trucker, you need to know what I know. The average Mexican trucker tops out with a 6th grade education in a foreign language with Third World educational standards. For starters, 63 percent of Mexico's 104 million people remain illiterate. What does a 6th grader think about? Mostly: me, now and perhaps recess in ten minutes. They lack critical thinking skills and cognitive reasoning of an adult.
That means Bush allows thousands of substandard, uneducated Mexican truck drivers on America's highways at 70 milers per hour carrying 40,000 pounds of freight. It means that every accident they cause will leave American families as collateral damage.
You can expect the following:
Bush allows substandard, uninspected 18 wheeler trucks on America's highways driven by drivers who read and write in Spanish at a 6th grade level, but allows them to give a safety check of their trucks from a Third World perspective. That's like giving your 6th grader the keys to the car and tell him to be careful as he drives through downtown Denver at rush hour.
Bush allows thousands of Mexican drivers who have never seen a snow storm or driven in our insane traffic. That's like giving your 6th grader the keys to your car and have him learn how to drive in a snow storm in downtown Chicago.
How about Mexican drivers delivering tons of drugs into our country in false bottomed or walled trailers?
How about Mexican truck drivers delivering even more illegal aliens?
Mexicans possess an unusual propensity for drinking. How many of you want to drive on the same road as a hung over or drunk Mexican truck driver?
How about terrorists paying Mexican drivers to carry WMD into the USA?
As soon as Mexican drivers establish themselves, American trucking companies will start hiring them for half or even a third of American wages. The reasoning will be, "Mexican truckers drive cheaper."
Soon, Bush will say, "Mexican truckers do the jobs that Americans won't do."
Somewhere in the middle of this little shindig Bush created, American truckers will strike back. Their anger will seethe below the surface as they drive down the Interstate. They'll see Mexicans at their truck stops. They hear them speaking another language. They'll see Mexican flags in Mexican trucks. They'll see baseball caps that read, "Your New America."
First you'll hear of an incident where an American trucker cut the air lines or deflated the tires on a Mexican truck. Then, you'll hear of huge pileup with a Mexican truck. Later, you'll hear about American truckers playing cowboy football with their leather boots with Mexican drivers used for the pigskin. Following that, you'll hear about riots in the truck stops with American truckers busting Mexican heads.
It's not too much for illegal aliens taking away hotel jobs from American workers, landscapers, drywallers, painters and fast food workers. It's yet another thing to take jobs away from American truckers. Four million truckers' families depend on a living wage that will be taken away by Mexican drivers. American truckers are big, smart, savvy and protect their own. They're not going to take kindly of Mexican truck drivers horning in on their work.
Bush made huge mistakes; 9/11, WMD, Iraq, open borders, total failure with Katrina, 'the surge,' federal debt, outsourcing our jobs, homeless, America's schools, hospitals overwhelmed, prisons overloaded with illegals, American deaths from drunken illegals and much worse.
But giving Mexican trucker drivers jobs over our American truckers will prove a national disaster. It proves to me that Bush doesn't understand nor does he care about American workers and he most certainly doesn't care about American truckers. That's a big ten four!

"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2007, 04:30:16 PM »
This is a outrage. Trucking is a highly regulated business drivers must be licensed with a CDL drivers license and go through strict medical exams and drug testing. Trucks that roll on the American roads are subject to safety checks that many older trucks can not pass and would be taken out of service by D.O.T. I would like to know what exactly the love fest is  between Bush and the wet back nation is that requires him to come up with every possible consesion to undermine our border control and our safety on the roads. What has me even more upset with this is that very little is being said about this in the news media. I guess Americans have given up and are going to allow the evil politicians that go along with Bush and company to do exactly as they please at our expense.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline jdl4ever

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2007, 06:47:07 PM »
Bush is an idiot.  No one understands him.
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 12:17:32 AM »
Re:  "...I would like to know what exactly the love fest is..."

How about this scenario...

The International Narco-Terror Network which totally controls every aspect of Mexican government, has managed to so infiltrate every level of government and military in the U.S.
Billions and billions of laundered dollars have already bribed every American politician, bureaucrat, and official, all the way to the highest office in the land.
They are now "owned" by professional Narcotics & Terror gangsters; and will and must do as they are told.
To resist them in any way is to sign one's own death warrant.
Therefore, the seemingly "unexplainable" edicts and actions of the American "leadership", continue to literally destroy our country, and allow a total takeover of our land and government by illegal aliens financed heavily by the sale of cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and weapons.
The cartel quite literally owns the "leadership" of both major political parties, resulting in lip service for "controlled borders", which is then immediately followed by legislation to eliminate America and Americans.
We Americans are to be replaced by a permanent slave labor class of ignorant Spanish speaking peons.
Our "captains of industry" grow richer and richer, while never again having to train and educate Americans, hire Americans, or provide employment & benefits to us.
Resistance, they believe, is futile.
After all; it's hard to revolt while drugged 24hrs/day on inexpensive heroin, cocaine, and marijuana.

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 01:35:43 AM »
Massuh,  you may be on to something with when you say drug cartels are bribing their way on to American roads and over the Border. This would explain away much of the bazaar actions of politicians in both parties. I guess the thought had crossed my mind but I always like to think Americans politicians of high office are more principled that to allow themselves to be bribed by drug dealers. I can see Bush wanting to allow some Mexicans to come here and work under very controlled worker programs because of the farmers and growers lobby influence however Bush is determined to leave no Mexican behind in his open border and legalization policies.
The part you say about creating a slave class is exactly right. The worse part of the whole thing is  most Americans will be sucked into that slave class unless they are specialized in a field that requires skill. I haven't figured out the entire picture yet but I believe that this is the goal here to reduce the standard of living of Avarage Americans and to boost the bottom line for the multinational corporations.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2007, 12:07:50 AM »


1.  What mental images do the following words bring to mind?
      a.  Teamsters Union
      b.  Truckers' Strike
      c.  Jimmy Hoffa
      d.  Miners' Strike

Something tells me that the "shot heard round the world" will likely occur at the exact time illegal aliens & their narco-terrorist owned "trucking companies" demonstrate to all concerned that American Truckers, Warehouse Workers, & Yardshoremen, have all been told that they and their wives and children should now all go die.  (approximate 60 days from this writing)

Offline cjd

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2007, 04:40:17 AM »


1.  What mental images do the following words bring to mind?
      a.  Teamsters Union
      b.  Truckers' Strike
      c.  Jimmy Hoffa
      d.  Miners' Strike

Something tells me that the "shot heard round the world" will likely occur at the exact time illegal aliens & their narco-terrorist owned "trucking companies" demonstrate to all concerned that American Truckers, Warehouse Workers, & Yardshoremen, have all been told that they and their wives and children should now all go die.  (approximate 60 days from this writing)

Something is just not right here under normal circumstances I would say this should be a big issue already but very little about it is being said about it . I think the Democraps and the union leaders are just laying back and letting Bush put his foot in it before blowing the whole thing up into a election time media frenzy. The sad part of the whole thing is that the Democraps are even more in favor of allowing this trucking scam to go on.  By the time the dust settles Democraps will look like the saviors of the working man when in reality they are no better than the Republicans they will condemn.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Din Rodef

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2007, 05:38:30 PM »
Maybe the truckers should park their rigs in the middle of the highways at the Arizona/Texas/New Mexico/ California borders.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 03:41:24 AM by Din Rodef »

Offline azrom

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 03:39:06 PM »
Truckers Boycott Border States
"Circle-the-Wagons Blockade Against Anarchy"
By Frosty Wooldridge

S T O P   the Bush-Kennedy Plan to Give Trucker-Jobs to Mexican Drivers 
All 48 CONUS state legislature capital-buildings circled & shut down
National Capital U-Circled; Bumper-to-Bumper, Three-Wide
Monday ­ Tuesday - Wednesday
APRIL 23, 24, 25- 2007
The CB-radios are rumbling already- we have a 'war' on our hands.
Do you agree with the Bush-Kennedy Plan to "outsource" your job to a Mexican national driver ? Do you remember how the Congress stood up when the farmers circled the Capital with John Deere tractors, and tied-up the city big-time ?
President Bush and his ally, Sen. Teddy Kennedy have already set in motion a process to displace American truckers out of their jobs within 45 days- with their insidious Mexican trucker pilot program. Bush signed a Bill that allows thousands of substandard 18-wheeler long haul rigs from Mexico onto America's Interstate and local highway system. Mexican drivers, who can't read, speak or understand English- receive full access to America's highways.
What are we thinking ?
Bush, Kennedy and friends place all American motorists at risk- Mexican drivers with average 6th grade educations gained in a Third World country, gross incompetence and habitually drunk Mexican drivers- as well as their un-inspected, unsafe trucks and trailers. Not only will American truckers lose their jobs, but American motorists become collateral damage in accidents guaranteed to occur-closing highways and tying up traffic in the process.
The Bush-Kennedy action mandates a new beginning- where American truckers' jobs vanish with a new version of the familiar song, "Mexican drivers do the jobs that American truckers won't do- for slave-wages."
This "takeover" will happen in gradual stages. Talk About Depressing.
First, the independent haulers will see their loads undercut by Mexican drivers. Later, Mexican drivers will chip away at produce- and contract- haulers.
Given just a little time- Wal-Mart and CostCo (Swift) and Home Depot will hire Mexican drivers at half the wages of American truckers- with no fringe-benefits.
Mexican truckers, ever looking for black market loads of people, drugs and products, will create new smuggling routes across the USA. How will the 3,000 DHS-ICE officers and our loyal state police in the lower-48 handle that additional workload ?
Given enough time, the Bush-Kennedy duo will see to it that American trucking follows the auto industry, construction, drywall, painting, landscape and fast food industry- into the toilet.
Trucker Boycott and Blockade; 21-23 April 2007
Therefore, truckers from four border states- Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California- and beyond, may smell the bacon and choose to participate in a trucker boycott; April 23, 24, 25, 2007. Those truckers that want to stop this latest insult to America's working class by this president and Congress may elect to shut their rigs down for the entire three days.
Lack of Appreciation MUST Be Properly Rewarded
It is high-time to show Bush and his sorry friends in Congress that truckers are the lifeblood of our nation- and can paralyze this country in a New York minute- if our sorry-assed leaders continue on this national suicide mission of killing jobs for American truckers. Additionally, truckers may surround all 48 state capitals with their rigs nestled nose-to-tail- park 'em, and walk away !
Mr. Bush and Mr. Kennedy, if you and your allies in Congress decide to spit on American truckers, we'll see who can spit into the next pasture!
Who is Frosty- How and why does he know?
As a starving school-teacher, I trucked for 21 summers and three solid years for United Van Lines, Consolidated and Single Source. My certificate is still valid today. I know the saving grace that truckers represent- and the ultimate power of good truckers who work together for the common good.
We deliver everything that Americans need on a daily basis: food, gasoline, lumber, cars, water- EVERYTHING !
Mr. Bush, Senator Kennedy, and the sponsors of the flakey Bill (Reps. Gutierrez & Flake) in the House- you won't be able to wipe your butt without us delivering the Charmin!
As Wanda Piety at <> said, "When Bush & Kennedy invite the Mexican truckers into the USA, the U.S. citizen-taxpayer truckers will lose their futures, and it will seal the tragic fate of this country as we lose our sovereignty, Constitution and ultimately our governing body, liberties and freedoms. Anarchy and lawlessness is suicide."
"Truck Out" talking-points and Action-Steps:
1. Bush-Kennedy have already taken action to implement the plan, in less than 45 days, to allow anarchy- tens of thousands (17,000 or more to start) of Mexican trucks and truckers into our country with no checks and balances in place. There are not nearly enough qualified U.S. DOT inspectors, even if we wanted to inspect the Mexican trucks and drivers.
Rigs will be allowed to cross the border with no weight regulations, no load restrictions (as their loads will not be under the same security scrutiny that our truckers' loads have to comply to, which opens the door to more drugs, terrorist, weapons and human smuggling), some with no liability or collision insurance in place, some truckers with no driver-licenses and some with criminal driving records, no background checks, bald-tires and trucks that are not regulated to adhere to our strict safety regulations.
2. Once again the illegal aliens will be given special treatment by our government, above that of our legal American citizens and legal immigrants, which allows them to break laws in our country that our truckers cannot get away with- or our licenses would be pulled, our trucks impounded, and potentially criminally charged.
3.  These foreign-national truckers have low-overhead (few expenses) and thus can haul for far less per load than our own truckers- and will take our jobs. This is not a threat, or something that may happen- it has been in the planning stages for several years now. American truckers WILL lose our jobs. In that process, American families (children in particular) will suffer. The greedy employers who hire the illegal aliens will increase their profits. What a deal !
4. This is a complete breakdown of the current trucking laws and regulations that govern our teamster truckers, independent trucking organizations, and mom-and-pop trucking families. This will work to destroy the truckers' livelihoods and futures- as for many, this is all they have ever done.
5. We cannot allow this to happen, not even to test it.  This is the USA. NAFTA is a failed international policy that has backfired on the U.S., as warned, and is driving our country into total ruin. We do NOT need to pay-off the Kennedy-Bush debts.
6. We invite our truckers to participate in a national "Truck Out" Boycott, on the 23-25 of April, to coincide with the <> rally planned in Washington DC, the "Put Their Feet to the Fire" Press Conference Rally- intended to help the Congress and the Executive Branch understand and appreciate that the U.S. citizen-taxpayers have had enough of the multicultural 'sanctuary' crap.
7. WHAT WILL THE "TRUCK-OUT" ACCOMPLISH ? The point is to shut down all trucking and surround every legislative capital building in every state (and in D C) with a bumper-to-bumper "train" of trucks. We need local truckers to take-over the planning for their state capital.
The "Day Without Immigrants" fiasco last year was a cake-walk compared to this campaign. Imagine a "Day without U.S. citizen-truckers." Now there's a bid deal.
In addition, there will be a convoy of trucks, cars and motorcycles in every major city- to protest the corrupt plans our government has to destroy our trucking industry, and our nation.
This will, in turn, shut down all industry dependent on the truckers, as most of these industries employee illegal aliens. The guilty greedy employers will feel the heat as the "silent majority" gets vocal, and starts to report the criminals-as well as hammer the elected and appointed officials, to enforce the existing laws and rules.
This will show our government that "we-the-people" do have power- are willing exercise that POWER, and will no longer tolerate the refusal of the elected and appointed "big guys" to do the will of the  legal American citizens and LEGAL immigrants in this country.
Yankees Si, Banditos NO !
The time has come to encourage the invaders to go home. We can accomplish that best by demanding that local law & justice authorities prosecute the criminals who employ, harbor, aid and abet the illegal aliens.
We are demanding there be NO amnesty for illegal aliens- criminals who broke our laws to cross our borders illegally, and committed felony crimes when they intentionally evaded our required border inspection stations (documents, food, physical health, immunizations, criminal background verification, etc).
Conventional wisdom is wrong; each illegal alien already has strike one.
We are demanding an end to the socialist/fascist corruption in our government by our errant elected officials who refuse to uphold our laws, our Constitution, their oaths of office, and stand up FOR the people who voted them into office. We are their bosses- it's time for them to stop ignoring us, blatantly breaking our laws, and twisting the truth to suit their own nefarious agendas.
8. Please plan now to join the "Truck Out." It won't take much to convince the Congress that we are serious- and we hold ALL the cards.
E-mail <mailto:[email protected]>[email protected] for more information. A phone number is set up and posted on the new web sites <>   and <><>
There are three sections to the web site:
1. The "Truck Out" Boycott and Capitals Immobilization.
2. The Legal Fund for class action law suits against the government, the states, cities and our elected officials.
3. Campaign donations for Tom Tancredo for President, which will be directed to his donation web site, TEAM TANCREDO.
We have a talented and savvy press manager, Ed Lozzi. You can look up his web site at <> . He is completely on board and is now setting up a press release media blitz for us through his wire service- reaching 14,000 news rooms, magazines, talk shows, radio shows, journalists, etc.
This is a time-critical process. Ed Lozzi asks for the press releases to be ready for transmission by April 1 st.  In so doing, we have the full benefits of the release-timed perfectly for the coincidental "Truck-Out" and "FAIRUS Rally" in our Nation's Capital- 23-25 April.
We also have an inter-national short wave radio broadcaster- who already does worldwide broadcasts- ready to do a series of "spots" for us, as often as we need it done, to reach the truckers and anyone else out there who wants to join this fight.
We are counting on the truckers to bring the national talk-show hosts into the mix. We want and need their powerful help.
We are already putting together PSA's for radio and television. We just need help to open the "front-doors"- the way to get inside to get them aired in prime-time. We have Directors lined up; the scripts are being written right now, and A- and B-list talent willing to participate is already beating down our door to help.
Fellow Americans- truckers, teamsters, independent haulers, and mom-and-pop outfits- it's time to stop Bush and the U.S. Congress as they try to pull the fifth wheel out from under the CITIZEN TAXPAYER TRUCKERS in our nation. 
Since Bush & Kennedy represent and favor Mexicans over Americans, and the House and Senate are likewise confused- it's time to show them how to sing "Give Me Forty Acres and I'll Turn This Rig Around."   
Please help us; Send this message to every trucker, every trucker chat room, message board, CB operator, short wave and Ham Operator in America . Start now to be ready to use these three days (23-25 Apr 2007) to make a statement with your 18-wheeler- or the chances are you won't have an 18-wheeler to drive by the time President Bush, Teddy Kennedy, and their friends destroy American Trucker Jobs!
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline fjack

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2007, 10:20:46 AM »
My father was the first tractor trailer driver for UPS. I never thought that I would say this, but I am glad my dad passed away before he saw this. I am broken hearted, these traitors that we have in congress should be brought up on charges for crimes against the people and they should be hung in public view. They are vile creatures that must be exterminated.

Offline EagleEye

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2007, 08:40:54 PM »
I guess Americans have given up and are going to allow the evil politicians that go along with Bush and company to do exactly as they please at our expense.
To a point, but now, at the time I make this post, we can see that Bush got the immigration thing shoved back in his face 3 times in a row.

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2007, 08:43:06 PM »
Some one post this at "freeless republic" please ?
No peace, without FREEDOM.


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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2007, 08:49:12 PM »
Wait 'til Hose Rodrigez puts your family in hospital with his clapped-out rig but Hose aint got no insurance 'coz he's a third world monkey.

Who's gonna pay?

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Re: US Truckers Screwed By Bush
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2007, 08:48:33 AM »
I have no doubt that this will be an issue in the near future. As law enforcement stops more and more mexicrap truckers you wil hear the cries of racism and 'he was the victum of an unfair racial profile'. As of right now the border agents have been demoralized by the arrest of convictions of those two border guards that stopped that drug dealer. So to will the state troopers and the police. When the complaints start coming in and the ACLU starts filing one lawsuit after another, you will see the white cops back down and arrests will get fewer and fewer. Drugs will spring up all over, illegals will be dropped of by the 'truckload', bad food, shoddy goods, schools and hospitals breaking at the seams, the death of a once great dream. Thank you congress and bush.