Greetings 4International!
Thank You for your thoughtful reply.
Here is the point I was trying to make.
I don't think it is appropriate to paint almost an entire group of people with such a broad and sweeping brush.
Bradina wrote this.
You have Croat government officials, priests, nuns, celebrities and athletes packing stadiums to see this monster perform. You have the catholic church sponsoring and supporting them. 90% of Croatia today consists of outright Ustashi Nazis.
I think it is terrible to condemn all Croatians and the Catholic church, as Ustashi Nazis, based on a group that attend a 'rock' concert!
I have only seen that one picture of a nun posted over and over again. How is she representative of the whole church?
I don't want to prolong the issue.
I just don't think it's fair to call the majority of people in Croatia evil, based on opinion, and make it sound like a fact.
Shalom sister bullcat3,
I understand you're a Roman Catholic and you are a wonderful righteous Gentile person as are many other wonderful Catholic JTF members like cjd and PJC whom I greatly admire and respect just like you, but please understand that the Croatian Ustasha and their supporters in Croatia and elsewhere are as far removed as possible from what decent, righteous Roman Catholics here in America and the rest of Europe stand for and believe in.
Chaim and I certainly don't condemn
all Roman Catholics for what the Croat Ustasha did or are still doing in Croatia. Nor do Chaim and I condemn
all Croats as I am informed that we have a few wonderful righteous Gentile Croat members on JTF whom we certainly welcome.
But Chaim and I do expect to see the overwhelming majority of Croats doing what the Germans did after World War 2 - apologizing to the Serbs, Jews and Roma for the holocaust perpetrated by the Ustasha and distancing themselves as far as possible from these Ustasha beasts.These Ustasha allied themselves with Adolf Hitler to the
nth degree and participated in the Holocaust to the maximum extent possible by setting up their very own extermination camps for Serbs, Jews and Roma such as Jasenovac, Stara Gradiska, Donja Gradina, Sisak, Loborgrad, Pag...the list is too long to mention them all. Suffice it to say that according to even the German Nazis and Italian Fascists on the scene themselves - many of whom were disgusted at the primitive barbarity of the way Ustasha mass murderers killed their Serbian, Jewish and Roma victims - documented that at least 750,000 people were murdered in Jasenovac - over 1.2 Million Serbs, Jews and Roma were brutally murdered in total from 1941 to 1945 in the most diabolical, satanic manner possible.
The photo you see of the Croat nun there at the "Thompson" concert is not just an isolated incident. This isn't merely all about one or two Croat nuns and priests attending Thompson's Ustasha rock concerts where over 100,000 Croats turn up to hear that "Thompson" monster - Marko Perkovic - perform his hideous noise.
The Croatian Catholic Church has come out in support of the Ustasha an endless number of times since the end of World War 2. In fact the Croat priests and nuns were at the forefront of giving support to the Ustasha and engaging in Holocaust denial and historical revisionism [i.e. blatant lies]
when Franjo Tudjman became president of Croatia in May 1990 and set on a path of resurrecting the Ustasha Independent State of Croatia's genocidal policies with respect to the Serbian population in the historically Serbian "military frontier" province of Krajina.We simply do not and did not see ANY Croats over the last 18 years in senior positions in the Croatian government, industry, academia, the media or Croatian culture generally speaking out against the Ustasha - all we see is praise, glorification, Holocaust denial or the turning of a blind eye and deaf ear to these Ustasha Nazi monsters - as if they were somehow a tiny minority of Croatia and supposedly don't represent "mainstream" Croat public opinion with regards to the Serbs and Jews.
Here are a few excellent articles which explain all of this history from an American, British and Serbian perspective:
The Pictures Accuse:
The Vatican and Nazism in Germany and Croatia
Photo montage and text by Jared Israel State, a Genocidal Creation, Steps on a Slippery Slope’s Biggest Fans: Croat Roman Catholic Clergy based International Strategic Studies Association's Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy journal article:"For Serbians, Fears of a German Axis Rise For The Third Time This Century" is an excerpt:
The first convention of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) on February 26, 1990, in Zagreb marked the rebirth of the Ustasha and the rehabilitation of the Independent State of Croatia. All the killing and ethnic cleansing policy implementation flowed from that day in a re-run of the events of 50 years before.
On May 30, 1990, the HDZ was elected to power in the Sobor (parliament) and Dr Franjo Tudjman became President of the Republic. At an open air rally in Jelacic Square, the Archbishop Cardinal Franjo Kuharic, blessed a baby's cradle to symbolise the re-birth of the ISC.
On December 22, 1990, the Sabor proclaimed the independence of Croatia and summarily adopted a new constitution under which Serbs lost their nation status, regulated to a national minority.
The HDZ took a series of steps during 1990 to purify Coratia by eradicating the Serbian identity. The cyrillic script was banned, Croatian became the only official language, Serbian associations were abolished, literature was cleansed of Serbian authors and Serbs were not permitted to operate their own TV and radio programmes. On another front, Serbs lost their jobs in the police and security organs as well as in Government posts.
As the same time, World War II history was re-written and street names changed to glorify Ustashi by eliminating any trace of the genocide. T-shirts showing Ustashi symbols such as the infamous Black Legion went on sale to young Croatians.
Arms and defence equipment flowed into Croatia directly and indirectly from Germany. Mass arming of HDZ members took place, the police force was expanded and the National Guard was re-equipped as an Ustashi army. May 28, 1991, saw a nazi style rally of the "Croatian Armed Forces" at Zagreb football stadium.
Then the killing of individual Serbs started. Memories of 1941 stirred and the exodus began. The day after the rally, Serbs from Borovo Selo fled from Croatia. The killings, which started early in April 1991 at Plitvice, escalated during July, August and September. At Vukovar, Serbs were subjected to torture, rape, and murder for many months before the conflict was presented to the world as brutal aggression by the Yugoslav Army against peace-loving Croations. The murders are documented and proven.
Around 5,000 Serbs were rounded up and held in the Borovo footware factory complex at Vukovar. From this Croatian concentration camp hundreds of Serb men, women and children were taken out and slaughtered. Mutilated bodies thrown into the river were carried downstream into Serbian territory. These were recovered, photographed and their identities painstakingly discovered.
October 1991 saw the arrest of 20 Orthodox priests, including his Holiness Lukijan, Bishop of Slavonia, yet another replay of 1941 actions.
Having arrested their Bishop, Croatian authorities during November expelled some 25,000 Serbs from Western Slavonija. At the same time (October 29) the inhabitants of 24 Serbian villages were ordered to vacate their homes within 48 hours by the Croatian authorities in Slavonska Pozega. Seventeen of the Serbian villages were razed in Croatian ethnic cleansing operations which drove another 10,000 Serbs into Bosnia.
No less than 189 villages in nine communes south of the River Drava were completely cleansed of Serbs during 1991 and early 1992.
Church destruction went hand in glove with the arrest of Orthodox priests and the expulsion of Serbs from Croatia. By the end of October 1991 alone, more than 70 churches were completely destroyed or severely damaged. [More than 300 have now been destroyed in the current fighting.] On September 28, Croatian paramilitary forces demolished the Baroque complex of the Pakrac Bishops built in 1732. They set fire to the seminary, and in the cathedral thy burnt icons and the bishops' library containing almost 6,000 books, many of historical importance. Fifty of the books dated back to the 18th Century and included a unique copy of a Sabornik, printed in Venice circa 1536.
As in 1941, it was Germany and the Vatican which brought Croatia to life, the second time by prematurely recognising Croatia as an independent state with the right to cede from Yugoslavia.
Both authorities pushed members of the EC and the international community into recognising Croatia. At the same time, both manipulated the mass media, presenting the Serbs as leftover communists trying to subvert the pro-Western democracies of Croatia and Slovenia.
Serbian officials tried to tell the EC and other members of the international community what Germany was doing in Yugoslavia and Eastern Europe.
Plans to build a superhighway in the north from Hamburg to St Petersburgh are aimed at giving Germany domination of the Baltic. A similar highway planned to link Budapest with Trieste and Rijeka via Zagreb is perceived to provide the infrastructure that gives the projected German economic "empire" access to the Mediterranean.
German law preventing foreign military action helped Germany stay out of the costly military operations of the Gulf War. The same will be true of any conflict in Yugoslavia and the Balkans. So the Balkans conflict costs Germany virtually nothing, while it drains the US and UK economies.
Serbs report that Germany is actively lobbying some 40 countries in Africa and the Middle East to support a forthcoming German bid to gain a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council.
As far as the Serbs and Yugoslavs are concerned, the German Government started the present conflicts in Yugoslavia and has used its influence and media channels to help distort the truth and prevent a workable form of peace coming about. There is much evidence to support the Yugoslav point of view. Thompson’s Biggest Fans: Croat Roman Catholic ClergyCroat Roman Catholic clergy glorifies Ustasha ideology… again
But it is not just the “kids” in Croatia who are idolizing the bone-chilling Ustasha pathology, which was in fact a clero-fascism of the most lurid sort. Sadly, these kinds of “incidents” are also far from being either isolated or as innocent as some would want to portray them.

The newspaper clip on the right shows Croat Roman Catholic army priest Juraj Jezerinac, who used the opportunity to advertise Thompson’s bloodcurdling “poetry” to his flock on the occasion of Croatia’s state holiday.
Titled “Ustasha poem in church”, the article in a Serbian daily said:
“On the occasion of Croatia’s State holiday, a ‘Gratitude Mass’ led by the state army priest Juraj Jezerinac was held in Vukovar. Speaking about the Croat victims of the civil war, Jezerinac quoted the poem ‘White doves’, written and performed by Marko Perkovic Thompson, a musician known for advocating the Ustasha ideology and by the songs which glorify Ustasha World War Two crimes.
“In the song ‘White doves’, Thompson uses over and over, as a leitmotiv, Ustasha salute ‘Za dom spremni’ [For the fatherland ready] and, among else, says:
“‘Say a prayer not a step further/ on this very spot the white doves fell/ with the hell’s fire here they met/ the broken wings were left/ and they were for the fatherland ready.’
“The Roman Catholic church in Croatia almost in entirety supports Thompson and only few days ago a group of Croat intellectuals, including several Roman Catholic bishops, addressed the public in a letter, seeking protection for Thompson and his work.”
In WWII, Vatican and the Roman Catholic church in Croatia openly supported fascists, and especially the specific Croat brand of clero-fascism. Ustashas were swearing a loyalty oath in front of a Roman Catholic crucifix, butcher’s knife and the hand grenade. Croat concentration camps were always equipped with the Roman Catholic chapel, where a clergyman would absolve the Ustasha sins each day after the mass slaughters. Some of the most horrific crimes in fascist Croatia were committed by the clergymen, like notorious friar Tomislav Filipovic, who was referred to by his Ustasha comrades as Father Satan. Alojzije Stepinac, Croat archbishop during the Second World War, blessed and praised both the German and Croat fuhrers, Adolf Hitler and Ante Pavelic, for “fulfilling the long-dreamed of and desired ideal” of Croat people. Vatican has been actively helping the Ustasha war criminals escape justice after the WWII, by shuffling them to South and North America through the infamous Vatican ratlines.
Despite the monstrous history, neither the Croat Roman Catholic church, nor Vatican have ever distanced themselves from, or expressed regret for the atrocious WWII genocide Croat state and church have committed. To the contrary, Vatican continued its tacit approval of Ustasha horrors, by beatifying Alojzije Stepinac — “a patron saint of genocide,” in 1998.
So, it is no wonder that Croat clergy and Roman Catholic church approves, supports and promotes the exact same ideology and the same unholy zeal today, as it did decades earlier. Nevertheless, it is absolutely terrifying.