Author Topic: Republican Irish hate for Israel  (Read 1369 times)

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2008, 09:16:04 PM »
The IRA, INLA, RIRA and other Marxist organizations are allied with the PLO.  Traditionally though, the Republican movement has been friendly to the Jews and Devalera, the first president of Ireland, gave refuge to Orthodox Jews during WW2. 

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2008, 10:07:28 PM »
Irish are one of those ethnicities that seem to be divided between very good and very evil people, with little in between.

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2008, 10:48:52 PM »
I didn't realize that they hated Israel. I thought it was Protestants vs. Catholics.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2008, 11:56:26 PM »
I didn't realize that they hated Israel. I thought it was Protestants vs. Catholics.
It's not a religious divide when it comes to Israel. Some Protestants and some Catholics support Israel and some of both hate Israel.

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2008, 12:05:15 AM »
I didn't realize that they hated Israel. I thought it was Protestants vs. Catholics.
It's not a religious divide when it comes to Israel. Some Protestants and some Catholics support Israel and some of both hate Israel.

Thanks C.F.

Offline Ithaca-37

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2008, 05:59:55 AM »
I can't speak to antisemitism in Ireland, but I'm not particularly surprised that there would be a tilt toward the Palestinians (sic), because the IRA and its ilk are hard-left organizations, and we all know that parroting the gripes of the Palestinians is leftwing dogma.

Consider this:  The liberal elites in Ireland are all for inviting immigration from third world malcontents, like all the elites in Europe.  So, a nation that fought for hundreds of years to escape British rule is finding itself overrun with Nigerians and the like.


Offline mord

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2008, 09:03:38 AM »
The IRA, INLA, RIRA and other Marxist organizations are allied with the PLO.  Traditionally though, the Republican movement has been friendly to the Jews and Devalera, the first president of Ireland, gave refuge to Orthodox Jews during WW2. 

Irish Prime Minister Eamon De Valera infamously signed the book of condolences at the German Minister’s residence, not the legation. When President Roosevelt died shortly beforehand, the Irish Parliament was closed as a mark of respect.

He afterwards noted: " to have failed to call upon the the German representative would have been an act of unpardonable discourtesy to the German nation and to Dr Hempel himself. During the whole of the war, Dr Hempel's conduct was marked contrast with Gray(the US ambassador)" "IN TIME OF WAR', ROBERT FISK.
Ambassador Gray was markedly hostile to Ireland during the war, even once threatening a US invasion.

It was an intensely controversial decision, not least due to the fact that de Valera had used the traditional Gaelic wish "Ar a Dheis De go raibh a Anam." ( "May his soul rest with G-d.") The recent release of Irish government papers indicates that de Valera’s action was in fact the result of an appalling blunder: Irish diplomats in Europe had originally indicated that the Swedish, Spanish and Portuguese governments would also be offering official condolences, but in the event, due to slow communications, only Ireland and Portugal ended up doing so. Ironically neutral Portugal had been relatively friendly to Britain, an old ally, during the war.

De Valera’s action prompted Winston Churchill to castigate his government in his victory speech. De Valera’s reply was dignified and statesman-like and did much to recover his loss of face in Ireland. His reputation has been much tarnished since his death. Apart from offering condolences to Hitler, it transpired that he wasn’t quite the hero of the 1916 rebellion that he had been portrayed as, he nearly lost the war of independence for Ireland, he held on to the reigns of power and an unworkable economic doctrine for far too long and his eventual retirement in 1958 was due to the revelation of financial irregularities.

However he practiced an honourable neutrality during the war, offering the Allies far more secret aid than any neutral (Allied aircrew landing in Ireland were routinely returned while Germans were invariably interned, Irish military intelligence worked so closely with it’s Allied counterparts that the OSS regarded as effectively an Allied force and it’s CO was nominated for the US Legion of Honour.)

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Offline JewishAmericanPatriot

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2008, 05:42:54 PM »
The IRA, INLA, RIRA and other Marxist organizations are allied with the PLO.  Traditionally though, the Republican movement has been friendly to the Jews and Devalera, the first president of Ireland, gave refuge to Orthodox Jews during WW2. 

I spent considerable time in Northern Ireland in the esrly 1980s, and I can tell you that the Irish Catholics REALLY do not like Jews. The American Irish Catholics seem to be the worst.

In the Traditionalist Catholic Movement, the leaders, past and present, all seem to be Irish: Mel Gibson, Hutton Gibson, Father Denis Fahey, Father Charles Coughlin, etc.

When I was in Northern Ireland, I remember one wall mural I saw that showed an IRA terrorist shaking hands with a PLO terrorist, and underneath were the words, "IRA and PLO: One Struggle". I took a picture of that mural, but I don't know where it is now.

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2008, 05:44:58 PM »
I didn't realize that they hated Israel. I thought it was Protestants vs. Catholics.

In Northern Ireland, in the Catholic areas, the pro-IRA Catholics hang out Palestinian flags beside their Irish tricolor flags.

The Protestants seem to sympathize with Israel, so they hang out Israeli flags side by side their Ulster and British flags!


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Offline Ze'ev

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2008, 05:51:59 PM »
I don't think all Irish are necessarily anti-semitic. I actually met a guy years ago who had been a higher up in the Sein fin or w/e it's spelled (or so he claimed anyways).  I actually discussed this with him a bit, and its more of a political thing really.  Some of the Northern IReland IRA types view their oppression by the Brit's as similar to the  oppression (or so they say) of the Palestainians by Israel.  Because of that the IRA has certain empathetic feelings towards the PLO and Palestainians.
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Offline JewishAmericanPatriot

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Re: Republican Irish hate for Israel
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2008, 06:01:23 PM »
I don't think all Irish are necessarily anti-semitic. I actually met a guy years ago who had been a higher up in the Sein fin or w/e it's spelled (or so he claimed anyways).  I actually discussed this with him a bit, and its more of a political thing really.  Some of the Northern IReland IRA types view their oppression by the Brit's as similar to the  oppression (or so they say) of the Palestainians by Israel.  Because of that the IRA has certain empathetic feelings towards the PLO and Palestainians.

That may be true of the political, nonreligious Irish. But the religious Irish are very antisemitic. When I was 10 it was 4 Irish Catholic girls who attacked me, cut off my hair and called me "christ killer"....this went on until an Italian-American lady came to my rescue.

After she chased the girls away, she asked me, "Were they Irish girls? Because I'm Italian and they hate us too!" (something I already knew thanks to my Italian grandmother whose first baby died in utero of asphyxiation due to an Irish midwife's refusal to deliver the baby of a "guinea" back in 1921).

I suspect the reason why the religious Irish tend to hate Jews more than Catholics of most other nationalities is because they are very committed Catholics. I find the more religious an ethnic group was, the more they hated Jews (this was before Vatican 2 and for a number of years after. Remember I am 50 years old!)

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