Author Topic: You need to see this weeks South Park  (Read 12170 times)

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Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2007, 07:09:07 PM »
Yeah, I saw that episode.  They were afraid to show a cartoon picture of mohammed, but had no problem showing Jesus defecating all over the place at the end.

   I thought it was artistically brilliant that they made a big deal about censurship of Mohammed's image and then did so themselves. I don't think it would have been as funny if they actually showed an image. Of course there is also the DVD. I don't know if it came out yet, but this would make excellent bonus material.
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Offline trekmate

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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2007, 07:20:54 PM »
i don't watch such racist, bigoted garbage called south park, in my opinion.

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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2007, 01:06:36 PM »
As a South Park and Team America fan let me toss in my two cents. The show spoofs everyone, even islam. The cartoon wars and even the best friends superheroes, one is mohammed, guess the censors missed that one. With Jesus defacating on the flag at the end of the cartoon wars episode, yes, as a Christian and an American I found this offensive, surely as many Christians and Americans did. The network did not censor this scene, there were no worldwide riots by Christaians or Americans, I believe that this was the point being made, that it is only the muslims who respond barbarically to satire and only muslims that our PC hordes will bow down to. As for Team America movie being anti-American, sorry, I don't see it. Yes, the we have no intelligence scene and the blowing up Paris scenes were not shedding a good light on America, for the most part, it was a spoof on political correctness, hollywood, the UN and the islamicsts, from my understanding anyway. About the new N_GGER episode, yes, it was hilarous, I was hurting myself laughing so hard. The N guy convention, banning the n Guy word, kissing jacksons behind, Jackson is not the emperor of black people, he told my father he was, Randy Marsh being called a crazy n____ while doing a reading about being an N Guy, i am still laughing just thinking about it. Nothing was funnier though than the redneck liberals, liberals watching that probably wouldn't get it, that's why it was so funny. Yes, the show is crude at times, the anal and vomit humor I could do without, and they are a little harsh sometimes, but they do cover everyone. As for them being self hating Jews, I really know nothing on that topic, just know that episodes like the N word, Global warming, hiding in the closest, cartoon wars, the richers, special olympics, etc. make me hurt myself laughing so hard. I think those that are so offended by some of the humor are just as bad as the PC lefties who are so terrorized by anything that makes fun of what they agree with. I can see if anyone has a problem with the vulgarity but as for the issues, don't be like the PC apologists and get yourselves a sense of humor, after all, it is just a comedy television show.
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Offline trekmate

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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2007, 08:08:20 PM »
i don't watch such racist, bigoted garbage called south park, in my opinion.

The irony of this post is stunning. If anything, that show is satirical while this board is not.
i don't care if it's satirical, it is still a racist, bigoted garbage passing itself off a cartoon series or tv series.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2007, 11:02:14 PM »
   This week they did a parody of one of my favorite movie "dawn of the dead", where there were homeless bums instead of zombies. I had two problems with this episode though. First it was demographically incorrect, second it presented the liberal arguement that these bums are the way they are before of the vietnam war. At least at the end, they did something I would love to see. They sent them all to California. In real life I would prefer to see the bums sent out of this country, but sending them to California is a great improvement over what we have now.
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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2007, 11:20:00 PM »
At least at the end, they did something I would love to see. They sent them all to California. In real life I would prefer to see the bums sent out of this country, but sending them to California is a great improvement over what we have now.

I hope that they all go to San Francisco, where they can replace the shrinking schvartza population.

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2007, 01:03:32 AM »
This weeks South Park is funny. Stan's father is playing wheel of fortion and the puzzle comes down to N_GGER with the topic being people who annoy you. The answer is Nagger but he says schvartza. He then has a apologize by kissing Jesse Jackson's behind. I haven't seen the entire episode yet, but it is funny.

It is actually the first episode of the season. Is there a way to upload an .rm file onto the forum?
and btw, Jessie Jackson is not the emperor of black people..hahahahaahah
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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2007, 01:04:48 AM »
it kind of annoyed me, its a accurate picture of the self-hating Jew running around begging our enemies to forgive us ::)

that's where i download my episodes.
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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2007, 01:07:04 AM »
I saw an episode of South Park once where this was this girl, who was from an extremely prudish Christian family.  She ended up dating one of the boys, and they kissed, and she turned into a slut.  She turned up at the school prom dressed like a hooker and was going about kissing all the boys and shouting rude obscenities, making a spectacle of herself.  Then the episode depicted her walking past the black kid, slapping him on the backside, winking, and saying 'Meet me later big boy.'

Obviously she was just playing around with the white guys at the prom, but what she was really after was sexual intercourse with the young negro.

So the South Park creators were celebrating the fact that 'liberated' white women almost always prefer black men and only joke white boys around.

Another episode of South Park depicted some of the boys going to a Jewish youth camp, where the Jewish people were depicted as racists who worship Moses (sic) - Moses was depicted in the episode as some kind of weird spinning multicoloured triangle who hovered in the sky.  It was a very offensive episode.

I thought it was funny because they had a sect of Jews called the anti-semetic jews who worshiped Haman..and the truth is, this is precisely what self-hating jews do..they bow down to haman (in a figurative sense) so that they live...
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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: You need to see this weeks South Park
« Reply #34 on: April 19, 2007, 01:12:55 AM »
South Park makes fun of everyone...except for muslims. They're scared to death of them.

You obviously didn't watch the "Cartoon Wars" episodes that Comedy Central censored.

It's Comedy Central who are the cowards, not the creators of South Park.

Yeah, I saw that episode. They were afraid to show a cartoon picture of mohammed, but had no problem showing Jesus defecating all over the place at the end.

I'm glad someone sees through.

Did anyone see or hear of the the South Park where Kyle the Jew sings I'm a Jew?

it's hard to be a jew on christmas,
my friends won't let me join in any games,
and i can't sing christmas songs or decorate a christmas tree,
or leave water out for rudolph 'cause there's something wrong with me!
my people don't believe in Jesus Christ Divinity!
i'm a jew a lonely jew on christmas!

Hannukah is nice but
why is it, that Santa passes over my house every year.
and instead eating ham i have to eat kosher Latkes.
instead of Silent Night i'm singing "Hu Hagtol Gavish"
and what the deleted is up with lighting all these deleted candles tell me please.
i'm a jew. a lonley jew.
i can't be merry, cause i'm hebrew
on Christmas.

Actually that song reminds me of Kyle's liberal the school they'll be singing christmas songs and doing the nativity scene..then all of a sudden Kyle's mom gets all offended and causes the ban of Christmas throughout South Park because Hanukah is not included..and it all ends up as a disaster until people realize what the true spirit of the holidays is.

Well, to me, that takes on the jtf view that this is a Christian country and what the hell are we Jews trying to do to compete with Christians with their most important holiday wiht one of our own minor holidays..yet at the same time don't bother to recognize Shavuot or Sukkot for example? Those two are far more major compared to Hanukah!!
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