The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

Black muslims killed in fire

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Joe Gutfeld:
If they are muslims, it's a very good thing.


--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 11, 2007, 07:30:05 PM ---Sarah and ftf, the fact that JTF has absolutely zero politically-correct handwringing is one of its most attractive features to people like me.  If Chaim was a simpering Englishman wringing his hands over dead Muslims then I would not be one of his admirers.

--- End quote ---

There is a difference between political "correctness" and moral beliefs. Right and Wrong, you figure it out. You like JTF because it is rebellious?
I agree with ftf on the terms that you shouldnt celebrate the deaths of anyone, especially since you are supporting a righteous organisation. But i must admit, you are entitled to your own feelings and opinions. You like seeing children BURN in fire, then enjoy it while it lasts, why don't you.

Joe Gutfeld:
There can't be enough dead muslims.

If there is more then your fingers and toes added together then its more then enough

Din Rodef:
LOL Sarah...

your posts crack me ;D  :)


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