The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Black muslims killed in fire
--- Quote from: Joe Gutfeld on March 08, 2007, 07:11:47 PM ---Early this morning in the Bronx, 9 muslims 8 of them children, were killed in a fire. At least there are 9 less muslim nazis in the world. What do you think of this "tragedy"?
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kein yirbu
Joe Gutfeld:
If they are muslims, YES!!! Sarah.
The woman had to throw her children out of the windows to save them.
I don't think its nice for ANYONE to die, especially in a fire and when it involves young children. Anyone with a heart knows that........
Maybe if they WERE Arab terrorists or men who advocate wrong doings and were strong muslims, then yes i could understand that. BUT when you don't know who these people were is it o.k to make judgements? They could support Israel, hell knows.......its just not normal, for a person to see news that other people have died and smile. You may feel nothing but to feel happy.....i dunno.
Joe Gutfeld:
If you are a muslim, you don't support Israel or the right of Jews to exist. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.
Not all of those who would call themselves muslims are muslims by your definition, we have no way of knowing whether these people who died in this fire just called themselves muslims or whether they actually were potential terrorists, surely as people who would call yourselfs righteous you cannot celebrate the deaths of people who you know next to nothing about, especially children. I just don't understand how you can be happy about this and call yourselves human.
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