Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

What if I meet a Jewish girl?

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Well why don't we all dye our hair blonde-including the shvartzas ;D So it won't seem as bad.


--- Quote from: Sarah on March 28, 2007, 04:06:54 PM ---Well why don't we all dye our hair blonde-including the shvartzas ;D So it won't seem as bad.

--- End quote ---
:D :D :D

Fruit of thy loins:
This board is slowly becoming pro-negro.  I suppose this is to be expected.  Sarah I sent you that message in the full knowledge that you are a psyops/secret service/false flag type.  I expect black thugs knocking on my door any day now.  I do this to prove that I place all my faith in the Alm-ghty.  He alone can save me now.  G-d save the blonde races.

I doubt any blacks are going to knock on your door,unless their salesmen are you really that paranoid

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: mord on March 28, 2007, 04:22:10 PM ---I doubt any blacks are going to knock on your door,unless their salesmen are you really that paranoid

--- End quote ---

You're right.  IT's far more likely to be white males coming round to take me away.  I have never been troubled personally by any black person.  THey are all too busy working and making love and enjoying life to spend time around worthless people like me.


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