Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

What if I meet a Jewish girl?

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Fruit why don'nt you take up weightlifting or bodybuilding,take a dance class.And go out and find a good looking blond or korean or Scot ,Irish ,Englishwoman or Black woman.


--- Quote from: Fruit of thy loins on March 28, 2007, 04:18:47 PM ---This board is slowly becoming pro-negro.  I suppose this is to be expected.  Sarah I sent you that message in the full knowledge that you are a psyops/secret service/false flag type.  I expect black thugs knocking on my door any day now.  I do this to prove that I place all my faith in the Alm-ghty.  He alone can save me now.  G-d save the blonde races.

--- End quote ---

Yep you go on thinking that Fruit......it'll get you no where. It amazes me how people can think im some kind of secret spy/ psyops, am i missing something.
The board is not pro-negro its just the anti negro talk getting a bit boring.

Fruit of thy loins:
Well for one thing you are not 15 intellectually as CHaim himself said.   :-*

Sarah does write like shes much older

I just write how i speak. My mum is a bit "extra" with her vocab and i enjoy writing, so it just happens but hey, 15yr old kids aren't that stupid, they just want to appear cool- laidback and not bothered.

If u wnt me 2 strt rytin lyk some bang messed up, gangsta/[censored] bwoi "WANNABE" den i would. I dnt write lyk how i do on Jtf to ma frnds.....i save it up :D Bt don't it make u sik readin dis drivvle way of writin. Blurrrghh....

 It gives me a headache. Once you begin to write like that, you begin to speak like that. Then the changes begin.


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