Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

What if I meet a Jewish girl?

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Nic Brookes:

--- Quote from: azrom on April 14, 2007, 11:26:07 AM ---She is just a muslim pretending shes not.

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But she has the Kahane symbol as her avatar... surely she cannot sympathise with Islam and Kahanism. And for her to bear the Kahanist emblem would result in Muslims going against her, so surely she is not a Muslim.

Nic, its called trolling. We get tons of muslim nazi bastards trolling here every single month, and they join with the obvious Star of David in their avators to try to make themselves appear more jewish. the Quran never told the arabs to go out and have sex with elephants, but you see them do it anyways.

Azrom is very right. I even read a post where someone said Sarah was an ex-muslim. yeah right, you can NEVER stop being a muslim.

HAHAH I just read Nic's introduction thread. Turns out hes a member of StørmFrønt and lives in Satan's Empire aka Great Britain

Get away from here demonic troll.

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She says she is not a muslim but then she goes around defending muslims and schvartzas and repeating the lie that muslims worship the same G-d as jews and  christians, yea right. Besides she has that avatar online, its not like she is wearing a shirt with that symbol out in the backwards england.


--- Quote from: azrom on April 14, 2007, 05:05:26 PM ---She says she is not a muslim but then she goes around defending muslims and schvartzas and repeating the lie that muslims worship the same G-d as jews and  christians, yea right.

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Check out Nic's introduction thread. that Marzurta is worse, she just said she has friends that are Nazis and says that gentiles in JTF should join StørmFrønt. I kid you not. I nailed her on her lies. Shes a troll and I'm done with her.


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