Now all the leftists red diaper dop[er babys will excuse this as natural islamic rage.If a Jew were to do this these little leftists kikes would grovel on their knees to their moslem swine masters who are their childrens fathers

andbeg for forgiveness » Jewish World » Jewish News » Article
Dec 30, 2008 8:13 | Updated Dec 30, 2008 8:15
Molotov cocktail thrown at Chicago shul
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A Molotov cocktail was thrown at a Chicago synagogue on Monday morning.
No one was hurt in the fire bomb attack on Temple Sholom of Chicago, located in a North Side neighborhood of the city, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. The incident is being investigated as a hate crime.
Police were notified just before 2 a.m. Monday of a fire at the synagogue. When they arrived, they discovered a small fire in a fenced-in playground area.
The newspaper reported that someone had thrown a bottle stuffed with a rag soaked in an unidentified liquid accelerant toward the building. Almost no damage to the wall was visible after the fire was put out.
The attack may have been related to Operation Cast Lead, the current IDF operation in the Gaza Strip.