^^ so if a Jew focuses on G-d while practicing Yogic meditation, then it would be fine?
it's ok.
it's better to be serving G-d. I wouldn't necessarily call meditating over G-d in a yogic manner as serving G-d, but then neither is going to a football match. I suppose it's legally ok.. But if you are really really devoted then you wouldn't go to a football match or do kosher yoga. Some religious jews refuse to have a television, and some refuse to have the internet, this goes beyond the law though. So yeah, it's OK.
aside from that, jews that are very into mysticism might take issue with certain chakra points.. They probably wouldn't touch yoga anyway though.. They'd look at jewish meditation. I know of 2 books, well, 3, books on it.. 2 by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan(should be quite reliable), and one by Gil Locks(former guru!).
Gil Locks has a view of G-d that is very kabbalistic. Don't worry about those audios..
But these 2 audios may be of interest to you. They are entertaining. He did 2 interviews on A7 radio.
He is a Jew - born jewish - but secular upbringing, he went to india, was a guru type there, came to america, in guru character.. Then returned to judaism.
It's an entertaining and funny story Anybody would like it.
I heard the interviews on A7 at the time.. I guess these 2 links work.