Author Topic: 2009 should be a banner year for worldwide Islamofacist appeasement craziness  (Read 377 times)

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Offline Sentinel For Truth

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I find it almost unbelievable that in this generation, western civilization has invited in through the front door the very muslim nazi wolves that their ancestors gave their lives to defend against from invading Europe.  The same goes for America which seems to have no notion of the evil nature of Islam, even in the post 9/11 era in that we have now committed the insanity of electing a foreign born black muslim Chicago street activist as president.  Consider this:  a decade ago, there were 300 mosques in Russia.  Today there are more than 8,000.  Estimates are that by 2020, there may be as many as 25,000 mosques in Russia alone.  This is the way the rest of Europe will fall as well: by da'wa or Islamic proselytization until they launch massive terror storms ala Paris muslim riots in 2005 to engulf it or possibly through nuclear attack and blackmail.  And if they can take over a European country and gain a real army and powerful weapons, they will be as dangerous as Pakistan but in the middle of Europe, representing a threat to all western civilization.

How is it that this generation has become so drunk on muslim oil that they are duped by multiculturalist lies and into thinking Islam is anything but a death cult?  Just watch Tony Blair saying that certain elements of Al Qaeda have "twisted" the true peaceful meaning of Islam?  He and all other New World Order types know Islam seeks to destroy and conquer the entire free world and are completely duplicitous and treasonous.  Just like Neville Chamberlain giving the highlands of Czechoslovakia to Hitler to appease him, Blair gives his own homeland to the muslim nazis and justifies it all by saying they're peaceful when their words and deeds are as direct as can be that they intend to topple Britain.

The western world is getting crazier and crazier and Europeans and people of European descent seem to be collectively imploding under the twin forces of liberalism:  radical egalitarianism and radical individualism.  Just about everyone I try to talk rationally with says "Who cares, everyone's the same, we can believe whatever we want to.  Islam's the same as Christianity, it's just how you look at it."  They say this kind of stuff despite knowing of endless Islamic terror attacks throughout the world.  Classic doublespeak and doublethink where one holds two conflicting thoughts and plays one against the other in an attempt to rationalize the irrational and justify the unjustifiable.

I think 2009 will be a banner year for worldwide craziness with no end in sight.  JTF is the last bastion of rational thinking in a world gone completely mad.