looserivet, I am saying welcome to the forum, that is you are welcome but the BNP is not.
A question, just for information - is this now a fact? Although I have myself often been criticised on this forum for referring to the neo-nazi leanings of the BNP old guard, I am also aware that several senior members of this forum do not seem ill-disposed towards the BNP as a whole, including the motives of the ordinary people who see no alternative other than to vote for them.
I speak for myself only. I accept the fact that some, in fact, many BNP voters are ok folk, and I would like to work with them. The BNP itself, in my view is beyond redemption. It is in fact an obstacle that prevents the creation of a decent freedom loving voting clock in Britain that will be an alternative to the Labour-Torry corrupted duopoly on power. As long as this Party keeps being open to race-oriented, xenophobic, chauvinistic biggots, it cannot and will not succeed in forming an alternative, but rather remain a fringe party which appeals to some in the white lower classes.
Nick Griffin himself is dishonest and erratic, and I might add he severely lacks in Charisma and sophistication that a potential national leader must have. And this is my unbiased opinion, as much as a Jew can be unbiased toward someone who is friendly with David Irving.
Having said what I said, it is also my interest that Britain and all of Europe will sooner contain the Islamic invasion. It is my opinion however, that the hypocritical duplicitous and ultimately weak BNP would rather cooperate with the Muslim's than fight them. There is already the precedent from France, where the National Front cooperates with an Islamo-Afro-Nazi figure even though they are supposed to hate each other. These are the same worms that although supposedly french patriots- they cooperated with the Nazi occupation and formed the Vichy puppet government. The BNP leadership is the same stock of sorry people who are not to be trusted. They will betray you.
Ok tip toeing round the laws in my country as we don't have free speech! I am a BNP member and only became interested in Israel and the BNP when I was forced through the RAF to share a room with a Muslim for six months. If It was my intent to rid Britain of Jews I would not waste my time here. If I were a Neo Nazi I would set my enemies on each other and manage the war. I would go to Muslim graves, smash the headstones and spray Hebrew abuse. You all know how stupid they are and even if they didn't believe it was Jews who did it, to them it wouldn't matter. It would be all the justification to go on a blood lust. The fact that this has not happened is proof to me that no will for this is present in the BNP. There is alternatives to the BNP in Britain but if your main concern is the spread of "the religion of peace" then the only alternative is the NF and if you are anti Semitic there lies your home. From what I have posted above I can now expect and early day door kicking in by Britains thought Police. As for the BNP being in bed with the Muslims, what?

?? you can't be serious. This is me and this is what Muslims did to me;
Multiple blows with claw hammers, and multiple wounds with a hole in my skull between my eyes were they left a claw hammer sticking out!
If I thought you were a Nazi I wouldn't bother discussing with you. If Nick Griffin is the bane of Islam, why then did he met with Libyan representatives, and exchanged cordial praises with Farrakhan ? What is his strategy exactly ? Do you believe in forming unholly alliances like ribbentrop-molotov ? Can you trust the people and the parties who historically were willing to cooperate with Nazis and now they are willing to work with Islamonazis ?
Now I will also present you the Jewish aspect as I see it. First, more of a side remark to something you said before, Jews don't define themselves as a race, and indeed we aren't a race, since we accept convert to Judaism as Jews no matter what race they are.
Now regarding the BNP and its leader- I will never trust them since they have a very spotted history of blaming "zionist influence" over both communist and capitalist etc. And they also have a history of holocaust denial. Nick Griffin himself claims to have changed his mind but it is clear to me is that he is not sincere. He said that he made a simple mistake of estimating down casualty numbers. That is a lie, he was partaking in a campaign of holocaust denying, and it was a deliberate and malicious attack on my people. Therefore his regret is not sincere even on the face of it as he refuses to take full responsibility for his own actions.
Anyway, as a Jew I would never work with the BNP. If the BNP was taking on the muslims and kicking some muslim butts out of Europe I wish them good luck with that particular endeavor. BUT, even in that regard, by my logic and experience, the BNP are not going to actually take on the fight against Islam. They are going to betray you so watch out.
I am sorry that you were attacked by the muslims. But please don't ignore what I say about Griffin and the BNP.