"eat cough drops" ?
Yes, the majority of my diet these past days has consisted of cough drops, vitamin candy and hot tea.
considering that as a kid I found a chesty cough fun..
what is bad about a cough? (I guess it's not a good sign to have one), but the symptoms.. what is bad about them?
it's not like a runny nose where you have to run to find a tissue if you don't have one.. With a cough you can just cough away from people without causing too much trouble. Perhaps cough low, not at peoples' face level. !
A cough takes up a second of time. It's painless. You close your eyes naturally for a second - which may keep them protected a bit from the force outwards, and you can do it without even covering your mouth. If you covered your mouth with your bare hand you'd have to wash your hands.
It's no problem. It's not like taking a dump on the toilet, where you may then have to wipe and wipe and wipe afterwards. This is a one second thing.
You don't even need to get off your chair to do it.
You go out in the cold don't you, putting on all those clothes , sweating even, or freezing. That can be more of an inconvenience. Most things in life are more of an inconvenience than a cough!
I'm really curious to know what bothers you about cough symptoms
q_q_, my cough is PAINFUL! and so is my sore throat, between coughs!
And also I am having coughing fits where I repeatedly cough until it subsides, and then I reach for my strategically placed menthol cough suppressant oral anesthetics to ameliorate the feeling of a fork with razor sharp tips scraping the inside of my throat.
This goes on day and night, especially unwelcome is the nighttime coughing fits which needless to say disrupts my slumber.
The only good things are that I am spending more time on JTF and that my abdominal muscles are getting a work out.
Repeatedly blowing my nose has caused the area to become raw, as my tissue is not the optimal ultra-soft tissue infused with aloe and moisturizer.
My voice does not sound well. It hurts to talk. My tonsils, which I still possess, are swollen to the point where I feel pressure on my ears.
Perhaps the pressure on my ears also stems from repeatedly blowing my nose, and from recently being on an airplane and changing altitudes.
I cough into my scarf so as to not spread my germs as I am conscientious and so that I do not need to use my hand to cover my mouth. Germs on hands are spread very easily.
But in any case, my main problem with my coughing is the pain. the second problem is the longevity of these coughs.