Is anyone else having trouble with the sound quality?
did you go to control panel there should be icon sound and audio devices you can turn it up there
Thank you I'll check that next time. Anything that can help is welcomed. 
I'm glad some people can hear it fine. It didn't sound so low on my computer but I'll try to boost the volume as much as I can next time.
Oh and thanks CJD, Bullcat, and AmericanHero.
I will listen to it in a minute.. I can't wait.
Now, regarding Mic volume.
You want to both-
turn the MIC volume up..
AND Check the box that says Mic Boost!!
You can reach the mic volume control, from double clicking the speaker icon in the taskbar (famous thing)
Then do
Now you get the Mic stuff up
Or, you can do check Mic OK
Or, a weirder route, in ctrl panel...Sound and audio devices..volume (that brings up the mic control)
Now, you see the microphone volume control there.
of course turn the volume up.. but also..
do options..advanced controls
Now a button that says "Advanced" appears under the mic volume control.
Click that, and check the box that says Mic Boost
Now it may even be too loud - great, so you can turn it lower.
Windows is good at lowering sound!