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Gaza - Its Your Fault.

The people responsible for the killing of Palestinians in Gaza are ;

1) Israel

2) Iran

3) Hamas

4) The white liberal elite of the West.

This is because the reason why Gaza is being hammered by the Israelis is because the white liberals in the West all ensured that Israel could not direct military action against Iran.

Therefore Israel had to disinfect Gaza, and probably Lebanon next as regards Hizbollah, of Hamas.

The white liberals used their power and influence in the media, politics and internationally to ensure that the US did not give the green light to an attack on Irans nuclear facilities.

Therefore Israel has undertaken the only other option it had left which was to sterilise Gaza of Hamas and remove Iranian influence from its borders.

Once Iran has its nuclear weapons then Israel is checkmated - and the rise in Arab demographics, Russian supplies of missiles and weapons to Iran and assymetric warfare will ensure Israel is under constant attack on its borders.

Once Iran has its nuclear weapons then it will use them to sign accords with other nations with a ' joint response ' deal, where nations such as Lebanon will be used as bases for terrorism and if Israel attacks them then Iran can deploy its conventional forces against Israel.

Israel will not be able to defeat a combined Arab army with modern Russian weapons, and if Israel used its nukes against any arab armies then it woul allow Iran to retaliate in kind - and just one nuclear bomb will destroy Israel whilst 10 nuclear bombs would barely make a dent in the number of Arabs and merely create a few million 'martyrs' whose deaths can be used as justification to destroy Israel in the future.

The whining, hand wringing liberals have no idea of political and military necessities so that nations can survive when faced with existential threats - they believe in such vapid ideals as 'negotiation' and rationalism when faced with forces that regard death as liberation and any form of comprimise as weakness and surrender.

The true enemies of the West are not the forces of Islamism. Islamic terrorism in the West is merely a symptom of the problem, it is not THE problem.

Islamism has taken root in the West because the inner enemy, the white liberals, the Zionist network and the rest of the delusional Dhimmis, have surrendered our nations to them.

A nationalist government could eradicate the Islamist threat in a month with a mixture of emergency trials, capital punishment, internment and deportations.

It is only the fact that we are controlled by traitors and criminals and our nation run by weaklings, fools and delusional cowards that the inner enemies of Islamism and Zionism have managed to take hold in our nation.

The liberals and the rest of the delusional fools that have run our nations for generations have failed in their primary duty - which is to protect our people.

They have allowed the tentacles of Zionism to take control of our media, they have allowed the money power of Islamic oil money to strangle our economic systems, they have allowed Liberalism to infect and poison our schools, universities and create the Servile State and they have allowed capitalism to corrupt and undermine our culture and political systems.

The BBC, and its anti-Israel stance, is anti-Israel because it is the main bastion of liberalism.

The printed press and other media are dominated by the pro-Israel lobby.

The NUJ are dominated by anti-Israel Liberals.

Not one of these institutions stands for Britain, British Nationalism and the British people - they all focus on immigrants, foreign nations and internationalism.

The Zionists that control the media do not care whether Britain becomes an Islamic republic, simply because the Jews in the UK will then be forced to flee to Israel - thereby bolstering the Zionist state itself. France has seen thousands of Jews flee the country and go to Israel because of the same thing. The non-Jewish Zionists, obsessed as they are by theological dogma or simply because they are bought and paid for, also do not care about the interests of British Jews.

For the Jewish Zionists, and the Non-Jewish Zionists, what matters is simply Israel - not Britain, the British people and British Jews.

Having a cabal of Zionists representing patriotic British Jews is like having the British wing of the German Nazi Party representing patriotic British Germans in Britain during World War Two.

The Leftists and their Jewish fellow travellers also do not care for British Jews, simply because for them their loyalty to the ideology of liberalism is simply based on the belief that immigration, multi-culturalism and the undermining of nationalism as a social and political force is good for them and their leftist / liberal ideology.

At each turn our nation is betrayed, surrendered and undermined by those that control the very functions that should ensure its survival.

If the Liberals in the media want to know who is to blame for Gaza, then it is them.

It is they who have refused to acknowledge and accept the political realities of nations, as they are against Nationalism as a concept.

For the leftists and the liberals Israel is the enemy simply because it is a nation that puts the interests of itself and its own people first.

If the British Jewish community want to know why mobs of screaming Islamists are rampaging through places like Golders Green and attacking Jews, it is because the Zionists that represent British Jews have supported mass immigration, the importation of Islamism and Islamists into the UK and because their Zionist leaders have supported the political parties that support political correctness, multi-culturalism and who rely on political donations from big business linked to Middle East Oil.

The world is the way it is because you allowed it to be.

You voted for them, you supported them and therefore it is your fault.

The BNP has only ever been the solution and not the problem.

Johhny Rotten of The Sex Pistols so eloquently said it best on the 14 January 1978, during the bands final date of their US tour at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco.

As he sneered at the crowd after singing just one song , this being a cover of The Stooges ' No Fun', Johnny Rotten looked down at the seething crowd below the stage and said " Ever got the feeling youv'e been cheated. Good night ", then threw his microphone on the floor and walked off stage.

Do you ever get the feeling that youv'e been cheated ?

I think that this is an ineloquent piece of writing.

Please give your opinions. I will outline a number of points which I feel are inaccurate in the following post.

Offline Fortis

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 09:57:19 AM »
The main problem with the article that I can see is that, along with criticism of the Zionist establishment in Britain (Britain's AIPAC analogues), there is no recognition of what Zionism really is or should be.

Offline mord

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 10:01:23 AM »
I like this article              

Third World Immigration Turns London into Middle East Battleground
January 11, 2009 by BNP News 

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Mass Third World immigration has turned London into a Middle East battleground, with an estimated 50,000 Muslims and a handful of extremist Communists violently attacking police and looting shops yesterday.


The violence broke out as the largely Third World mob marched to the Israeli embassy, burned Israeli flags and hurled missiles including signs, crowd control barriers and fireworks at police officers.

Chanting “Allah Akbar” and other Islamist slogans, the Third World mob, all of whom have been welcomed into Britain by the immigration policies of both Tories and Labour, eventually surrounded the heavily outnumbered police on two sides.

The windows of a Starbucks were smashed and three police officers were injured in the ensuing battle.

Metropolitan Police Commander Bob Broadhurst said: “We are very disappointed by the irresponsible actions of those who have challenged police by ripping apart security barriers and throwing objects at them.

Approximately 15 people have been arrested, 12 for violent disorder; one for aggravated trespass; and two for assaulting a police officer. The London ambulance service said it had helped one man with a head injury and others with minor bruises after sending a team of 25 to the scene.

The march began in Hyde Park, where Speakers’ Corner was turned into a sea of Palestinian flags and banners condemning Israel, before making its way to Kensington Gardens. There were scuffles outside the Israeli embassy as the march passed by the gates leading to its entrance.

Missiles were thrown at police guarding the way and a number of loud bangs — believed to be firecrackers — were heard as riot police drew batons and attempted to push the crowd back from the gates.

A number of younger masked demonstrators attempted to climb onto the gates, near Kensington High Street, and they hurled pieces of placards and other items at police lines.

A Metropolitan police spokesman said: “A group of protesters outside the embassy of Israel started trying to push over the barriers placed there to protect the embassy. Protesters have also attempted to throw barriers and other missiles at police.”

The riot in London has once again underlined the inevitable consequences of mass Third World immigration. These people have not ‘become British’ but have instead brought their culture, way of life, belief systems and moral codes with them, and are simply colonising Britain.

The British National Party has consistently warned against this process, and has been the only party which has linked immigration, asylum and Islamist terrorism, arguing that the primary cause of terrorism in Britain today is allowing the Middle East conflict to be imported onto these shores.

The fact that the Islamist mob is supported by a handful of extremist Communist “Socialist Worker” cranks (who, when they are not helping Islamists riot in London, are organising anti-BNP demonstrations) does not distract from the reality that the Labour and Tory parties are ultimately responsible for the violence because of their treasonous immigration policies.

British voters stand before a historic choice. They can choose to endorse the Labour/Tory treason con trick, and accept that the scenes in London yesterday are to become the norm; or they can vote BNP and ensure that this nation remains British.

More dramatic pictures of the day’s events can be found at the web site of the Daily Mail here.

The talkbacks are good as well    
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2009, 10:25:48 AM »
This i found interstring as well it's called who are our BNP members 

    * moses the lawgiver

Hi and welcome to the BNP. Why did I become a member of the party, after all aren't we all just fascists & violent racist thugs?

Well I don't know what you view as being fascist, but I've always thought that fascists were anti-semitic, war mongering, obsessed with thought control and propaganda, addicted to state control and surveillance. Not to mention despotic and controlling of everything in their citizens lives.

Well i know which political movement that sounds like and it's not the BNP.

Our govermment clearly hate Israel and the jewish people, that's why they promote islam and the palestinians cause, while at the same time, demonishing israel and the israelis at every opportunity.

They also send our troops to war at every whim, of their masters in the United states. And then try to claim their illegal wars are justified in the name of democracy.

They control the media & press with ruthless leftwing propaganda and politically correct thought control. Their state mouthpiece of the BBC - (the biased broadcasting corporation) is constantly spewing forth stupidity, filth and perversion. And then locking up the poor for non - payment of their TV poll tax.

We live in most spied at nation on earth, cameras follow our every movement. Freedoms which have survived for century's are dismantled daily, the right to free speech, free demonstation and freedom of movement, all gone. We now even have internment without trial.

And my! aren't they keen on their identity cards, they just can't wait to take away our freedom to come and go as we please, without having to ask or produce our papers for their state "stasi" sorry "police", to check on demand.

The BNP stand side by side with Israel and the jewish people as our natural friends and allies, we would not and have never supported the wars in kosovo, Afganistan and Iraq. We stand for family values and christian beliefs. We believe in freedom and democracy, our nation was built on those freedoms and they should be protected at all costs.

There are only one group of Nazis which we have to fear - the fascists in charge of us now.

I am not a violent racist thug, indeed i'm a pacifist and have never raised a hand in anger against anyone. I don't hate anyone or any group of people, whatever their race colour or creed. If there is any group of people who i could claim to even despise, it would be our political masters in whitehall, along with their lacky's in the leftwing media / establishment. And dare i say it. To a man they're almost all British born, christian and white.

Save your nation and your childrens future - VOTE BNP!
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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Zelhar

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2009, 10:26:49 AM »
Are you kidding me ?

This is article is full of anti-Jewish false accusation, it is full of racial hate, and its analysis is fundamentally wrong. Of course when if you shoot at everyone you are going to hit a few bad guys. Is this the face of the BNP after it has supposedly cleared its ranks of the racist crap ?!

Offline Ulli

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2009, 10:35:39 AM »
I think the ideology that this people have is not liberalism.

It is simply classic Bolschewism.

Liberalism is the righteous ideology of the bourgeoisie, namely us.

It is about personal freedom, religious freedom and economical freedom. It is about a small gouvernment, that leave it's citizen alone.

Of course it is not about educating the citizens politically, it is not about forcing people to pay for others, it is not about reglementing the private life of the people and steal their free choice.

Liberalism in the sense of Adam Smith, Hayek, Friedman is the best we could ever get.

And I think too that not Immigration is the problem, but the "Social State".

This Muslims are generally, with a few exeptions, not able to survive without welfare, housing subsidies, children money etc.

The main problem is now, that the vast majority of citizens of GB, inclusive most BNP members, are in favour of this gouvernmental subsidies.

But this is not only fact for GB, but for every country of Europe.

So Europe will die. Nobody will be able to stop the islamization of this continent.

I think there is some truth in the article. But I have some points of crique:


If the British Jewish community want to know why mobs of screaming Islamists are rampaging through places like Golders Green and attacking Jews, it is because the Zionists that represent British Jews have supported mass immigration, the importation of Islamism and Islamists into the UK and because their Zionist leaders have supported the political parties that support political correctness, multi-culturalism and who rely on political donations from big business linked to Middle East Oil.

Put you fingertip on your own British nose first. Who elected the bolschewist labour party?


A nationalist government could eradicate the Islamist threat in a month with a mixture of emergency trials, capital punishment, internment and deportations.

This all is not necessary, althrough I would enjoy it to see quranimals hung. But like I wrote abouve. No aid money and no subsidies for nobody and it will be like a spell. The Muslims will be gone.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline mord

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2009, 10:39:42 AM »
Yes but all parties are for social welfare it gets them votes >:(
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ulli

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2009, 10:44:30 AM »
Are you kidding me ?

This is article is full of anti-Jewish false accusation, it is full of racial hate, and its analysis is fundamentally wrong. Of course when if you shoot at everyone you are going to hit a few bad guys. Is this the face of the BNP after it has supposedly cleared its ranks of the racist crap ?!

I think the main mistake of this article is, that they are blaiming everybody, but didn't see the source of the problem.

Muzzies are normally very poor and there are good causes, why it is like it is.

Europeans, specially Protestants, and Jews are normally compared with the Muzz wealthy.

It is obvious what happens if the state begins to redistribute wealth from rich to poor people.

It lures the Muzz from all over the world to the honey pot.

So most Europeans inclusive BNP followers support the Social state and are not willing to let it go for righteousness.

They are looking now for excuses as well as alternative ways to get rid of the Muzz. But there are none.

"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Ulli

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2009, 10:47:21 AM »
Yes but all parties are for social welfare it gets them votes >:(

This is the cause Europe will fall. We can't do anything about it. It seems like the people want their own doom. You see already how the quranimals are self confident and raging openly against Jews and Christians in our own countries.

If god will do no miracle this is the way it will be.

"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Fortis

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2009, 11:13:33 AM »
Are you kidding me ?

This is article is full of anti-Jewish false accusation, it is full of racial hate, and its analysis is fundamentally wrong. Of course when if you shoot at everyone you are going to hit a few bad guys. Is this the face of the BNP after it has supposedly cleared its ranks of the racist crap ?!

I felt that too. Do you have any constructive criticism?

Offline Zelhar

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2009, 11:17:40 AM »
Gaza - Its Your Fault.

The people responsible for the killing of Palestinians in Gaza are ;

1) Israel

2) Iran

3) Hamas

4) The white liberal elite of the West.

Since when do you care for them?
This is because the reason why Gaza is being hammered by the Israelis is because the white liberals in the West all ensured that Israel could not direct military action against Iran.

Therefore Israel had to disinfect Gaza, and probably Lebanon next as regards Hizbollah, of Hamas.

The white liberals used their power and influence in the media, politics and internationally to ensure that the US did not give the green light to an attack on Irans nuclear facilities.

Therefore Israel has undertaken the only other option it had left which was to sterilise Gaza of Hamas and remove Iranian influence from its borders.

Once Iran has its nuclear weapons then Israel is checkmated - and the rise in Arab demographics, Russian supplies of missiles and weapons to Iran and assymetric warfare will ensure Israel is under constant attack on its borders.

Once Iran has its nuclear weapons then it will use them to sign accords with other nations with a ' joint response ' deal, where nations such as Lebanon will be used as bases for terrorism and if Israel attacks them then Iran can deploy its conventional forces against Israel.

Israel will not be able to defeat a combined Arab army with modern Russian weapons, and if Israel used its nukes against any arab armies then it woul allow Iran to retaliate in kind - and just one nuclear bomb will destroy Israel whilst 10 nuclear bombs would barely make a dent in the number of Arabs and merely create a few million 'martyrs' whose deaths can be used as justification to destroy Israel in the future.

Israel is trying to stop the constant rocket attacks on its border. The reason for this operation is independent of Iran's nuclear program. What is true is the dire consequences of a nuclear armed Iran, and that the USA has betrayed Israel by virtually forcing Israel to sit and do nothing while Iran is building its bomb.

The whining, hand wringing liberals have no idea of political and military necessities so that nations can survive when faced with existential threats - they believe in such vapid ideals as 'negotiation' and rationalism when faced with forces that regard death as liberation and any form of comprimise as weakness and surrender.

The true enemies of the West are not the forces of Islamism. Islamic terrorism in the West is merely a symptom of the problem, it is not THE problem.

Islamism has taken root in the West because the inner enemy, the white liberals, the Zionist network and the rest of the delusional Dhimmis, have surrendered our nations to them.

A nationalist government could eradicate the Islamist threat in a month with a mixture of emergency trials, capital punishment, internment and deportations.

It is only the fact that we are controlled by traitors and criminals and our nation run by weaklings, fools and delusional cowards that the inner enemies of Islamism and Zionism have managed to take hold in our nation.

The liberals and the rest of the delusional fools that have run our nations for generations have failed in their primary duty - which is to protect our people.

They have allowed the tentacles of Zionism to take control of our media, they have allowed the money power of Islamic oil money to strangle our economic systems, they have allowed Liberalism to infect and poison our schools, universities and create the Servile State and they have allowed capitalism to corrupt and undermine our culture and political systems.

The BBC, and its anti-Israel stance, is anti-Israel because it is the main bastion of liberalism.

The printed press and other media are dominated by the pro-Israel lobby.

The NUJ are dominated by anti-Israel Liberals.

Not one of these institutions stands for Britain, British Nationalism and the British people - they all focus on immigrants, foreign nations and internationalism.

The Zionists that control the media do not care whether Britain becomes an Islamic republic, simply because the Jews in the UK will then be forced to flee to Israel - thereby bolstering the Zionist state itself. France has seen thousands of Jews flee the country and go to Israel because of the same thing. The non-Jewish Zionists, obsessed as they are by theological dogma or simply because they are bought and paid for, also do not care about the interests of British Jews.

For the Jewish Zionists, and the Non-Jewish Zionists, what matters is simply Israel - not Britain, the British people and British Jews.

This is a pile of lies: The Jews, or Zionists as antisemites like to call us control the media really ? Oh sorry the printed media only, because the BBC is purely British liberal. I suppose all the ant Israel venom from the Bruitish British press is just a mask than, they actually like us, except the BBC of course.

And The Zionist- they don't care if UK becomes an Islamic republic. Why should we care really, that we'd have to face an Islamic republic with 1000X Iran's nuclear yield. 

Having a cabal of Zionists representing patriotic British Jews is like having the British wing of the German Nazi Party representing patriotic British Germans in Britain during World War Two.
Speaking of Nazis...

The Leftists and their Jewish fellow travellers also do not care for British Jews, simply because for them their loyalty to the ideology of liberalism is simply based on the belief that immigration, multi-culturalism and the undermining of nationalism as a social and political force is good for them and their leftist / liberal ideology.

At each turn our nation is betrayed, surrendered and undermined by those that control the very functions that should ensure its survival.

If the Liberals in the media want to know who is to blame for Gaza, then it is them.

It is they who have refused to acknowledge and accept the political realities of nations, as they are against Nationalism as a concept.

For the leftists and the liberals Israel is the enemy simply because it is a nation that puts the interests of itself and its own people first.

If the British Jewish community want to know why mobs of screaming Islamists are rampaging through places like Golders Green and attacking Jews, it is because the Zionists that represent British Jews have supported mass immigration, the importation of Islamism and Islamists into the UK and because their Zionist leaders have supported the political parties that support political correctness, multi-culturalism and who rely on political donations from big business linked to Middle East Oil.

The world is the way it is because you allowed it to be.

You voted for them, you supported them and therefore it is your fault.

The BNP has only ever been the solution and not the problem.

Johhny Rotten of The Sex Pistols so eloquently said it best on the 14 January 1978, during the bands final date of their US tour at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco.

As he sneered at the crowd after singing just one song , this being a cover of The Stooges ' No Fun', Johnny Rotten looked down at the seething crowd below the stage and said " Ever got the feeling youv'e been cheated. Good night ", then threw his microphone on the floor and walked off stage.

Do you ever get the feeling that youv'e been cheated ?
If this article represents the BNP than the BNP is a big cheat itself.

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2009, 11:23:11 AM »
I find this article horrible, Its attitude is so hateful and racists. I think the author is a depressed and fatalistic bigot. Nothing positive, may be nothing constructive at all, can be created with this attitude.

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2009, 11:26:44 AM »
Zionists living outside of Israel, aren't serious zionists..

serious zionists live in israel.

Jews living in gentile countries are SO loyal.. and not putting their own interests first, that they tend not to make noisy demonstrations for jews..

even during the holocaust.. when they could have sat on the white house lawn, they didn't.   (though they probably did for blacks.. they did protest with civil disobedience for blacks)

In the 1948 war America boycotted Israel, and Britain helped arm the arabs..
Jews there - one might say "zionists" -  didn't make a noisy protest.. I don't know if they protested at all.

In the recent protests in London, There was a jewish protest today!
The jewish protest was very peaceful. The arab protests have been very violent.
Arabs even threw shoes outside Gordon Brown's residence.

Gordon Brown has been calling for a ceasefire , that really is a HUDNA(arabs say hudna , it means please wait while I reload my rifle).  Israel really wants to stop hamas firing and prevent them firing in the near future.
Yet Jews "zionist jews", aren't throwing things outside gordon brown's residence. Arabs are.

Jews care so much about britain.. In a previous MASSIVE protest of 40,000 jews. It was basically an exercise in expressing loyalty to Britain. And saying "We are peaceful". In contrast to the arabs.
Around Sharon time, The jewish protest was "Yes to Peace, No To Terror". 40,000 jews turned up!!!!!!!!!! That's a HUGE number. Like 1/10. Most jews don't do much for israel.. they defend israel's actions - and rightly so!

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2009, 11:29:31 AM »
To the question of dual loyalty.. I heard a very good answer..

there is no contradiction between being british and supporting israel.. (of course we support britain, as much as anybody else..).

If there ever came a time when Britain was at war with Israel, then things would be so bad for jews, that we'd have to leave anyway.. and so the question wouldn't arise.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2009, 11:58:54 AM »
"If the British Jewish community want to know why mobs of screaming Islamists are rampaging through places like Golders Green and attacking Jews, it is because the Zionists that represent British Jews have supported mass immigration, the importation of Islamism and Islamists into the UK and because their Zionist leaders have supported the political parties that support political correctness, multi-culturalism and who rely on political donations from big business linked to Middle East Oil."

So that's the reason !!  This is great news. Now, if the Zionists can just stop supporting the importation of Islamism into the UK, the Islamists will love them.

Who knew ?

Glad this genius cleared that up.

In all seriousness, the reasons outlined in the quote above might be used as excuses to explain the author's own anti-Semitism, but have absolutely no validity in explaining moooozie hatred of the Jews.

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2009, 12:08:42 PM »
Absolutely @ Muck DeFuslims

This is, thankfully, not an article on the front page of the BNP website.

I fail to see how the printed media in Britain is pro-Zionist.

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2009, 04:16:17 PM »
Absolutely @ Muck DeFuslims

This is, thankfully, not an article on the front page of the BNP website.

I fail to see how the printed media in Britain is pro-Zionist.

A minimalist definition of Zionist, is you believe that the jews should have a state of israel.

It's really a basic moral belief.. the argument being that any country that exists, exists.  People may not agree with america's founding, or may not agree with the actions of a country.. but that doesn't mean they deny the right of the country to exist.

Another moral belief is the idea that just as the christians have rome, the muslims saudia arabia with mecca/macca, so too, jews should have their country - naturally Israel-jerusalem.

That Oona King woman, very leftist, calls herself a zionist, simply because she accepts that minimal definition.. Of course, she doesn't go on much about palestinian rights.. since she was hounded out by muslims in favour of George Galloway - whome radical islammic branches tried to attack too!

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2009, 08:25:23 AM »
Zionist establishment ruling Britain? They even don't control Israel. Phesant have right stop blaiming others for your faults and don't be bigot.  :::D
The second article posted by Mort is far better.
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2009, 03:33:34 PM »
Zionist establishment ruling Britain? They even don't control Israel. Phesant have right stop blaiming others for your faults and don't be bigot.  :::D
The second article posted by Mort is far better.

Thank you fellow.  :)
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline q_q_

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2009, 04:06:42 PM »
Zionist establishment ruling Britain? They even don't control Israel. Phesant have right stop blaiming others for your faults and don't be bigot.  :::D
The second article posted by Mort is far better.

Thank you fellow.  :)

Actually Fortis posted that because he was interested in countering it..

Mord being an unintellectual type, just posted an article he agreed with and said it was a better article.

It was very rude of Mord to hijack the thread. (even if he didn't understand what was going on)

Fortis said in his first post here
"I wish to develop and improve my ability to defeat the anti-Zionist arguments which I sometimes encounter within the British far-right milieux."

It was clear enough from his first post in this thread that he wanted arguments against points made in the article. And he disagreed with things in that article too.

Offline Cato

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2009, 11:39:42 PM »
Zionist establishment ruling Britain? They even don't control Israel. Phesant have right stop blaiming others for your faults and don't be bigot.  :::D
The second article posted by Mort is far better.

Thank you fellow.  :)

Mord being an unintellectual type, just posted an article he agreed with and said it was a better article.

It was very rude of Mord to hijack the thread. (even if he didn't understand what was going on)

Having done a bit of University lecturing myself, G-d protect us from intellectuals. It was not "unintellectuals" who filled the UK with the scum of the earth, who killed the NHS, who abolished free higher education, who abolished capital punishment, who created a non-working class, who abolished law and order, who encouraged drug taking, who supported Mugabe, and who scuttled Ian Smith. I still recall pictures of the Dockers demonstrating for Enoch Powell. There should be two new statues outside Parliament - one of Enoch Powell, and one of Ian Smith.

Offline q_q_

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2009, 12:13:56 AM »
Zionist establishment ruling Britain? They even don't control Israel. Phesant have right stop blaiming others for your faults and don't be bigot.  :::D
The second article posted by Mort is far better.

Thank you fellow.  :)

Mord being an unintellectual type, just posted an article he agreed with and said it was a better article.

It was very rude of Mord to hijack the thread. (even if he didn't understand what was going on)

Having done a bit of University lecturing myself, G-d protect us from intellectuals. It was not "unintellectuals" who filled the UK with the scum of the earth, who killed the NHS, who abolished free higher education, who abolished capital punishment, who created a non-working class, who abolished law and order, who encouraged drug taking, who supported Mugabe, and who scuttled Ian Smith. I still recall pictures of the Dockers demonstrating for Enoch Powell. There should be two new statues outside Parliament - one of Enoch Powell, and one of Ian Smith.

Sure, if you want a world to run nicely, you need people with common sense. But if you want an interesting discussion, you want somebody a bit intellectual! Just not a leftist. Anything but a leftist!


Offline Fortis

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Re: BNP Blog - White liberals undermine Israel's national sovereignty
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2009, 04:20:26 AM »
There should be two new statues outside Parliament - one of Enoch Powell, and one of Ian Smith.
