Author Topic: My son was FORCEd to watch Obama innauguration by Los Angeles School Distr.  (Read 3097 times)

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Offline nessuno

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We can survive the 'presidency' of Barack HUSSEIN Obama.  We cannot deny that it is now a reality.  I will not stick my head in the sand or allow my daughter to do that.  She must understand what took place yesterday.  She must understand how important it is to protect America from this evil that is upon us.     
I respect your choice to homeschool.  That is not an option open to me, nor is it one that I would choose.  I believe that children need to learn how to live, thrive and survive in the real world. 
I mean no disrespect.  To each their own.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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I wasn't forced to watch the inauguration, but I did anyway.

I felt compelled to watch. After all, it is a historic event.

But I watched it with great trepidation. Like witnessing a car wreck, I knew I would be sickened by what I saw, yet I couldn't help myself. My attention was inexorably drawn to this horrific, depressing event.

It started the night before the inauguration. While channel surfing, I noticed HBO was televising a pre-inaugural gala event. I knew precisely what to expect, so I took the precaution of keeping any objects that I might throw at my TV away from easy reach. Just as expected, the usual assemblage of left-wing Hollywood celebrities and musicians were out in force to pay homage to their newly appointed Messiah. I got to see Bono (the loathesome U2 lead singer) mention the 'Palestinians' while performing 'Pride', his tribute to MLK. I got to see The One speak to his adoring crowd of mindless sycophants. Then I got up to run to the bathroom and retch. I knew I'd have to endure more of this the next day.

Inauguration day was here. I must have a masochistic side, because I was almost looking forward to this torture. Or maybe I just wanted to get it over with already.

I expected the worst. I wasn't disappointed.

The dolting MSM and analysts. The endless parade of despicable politicians and revolting power brokers. The throngs chanting the name of the annointed One. O-BA-MA, O-BA-MA.

Never have I felt so far removed from the government and institutions of the country I was born in and still love. I was absolutely repulsed by what I was witnessing.

Yet I continued to watch.

Now the moment was here. The Messiah was about to be crowned.

Placing His hand on Lincoln's Bible. Staggering through his oath. Now the speech.

America, the land of Christians and Muslims. And, oh yeah, Jews, Hindus and non-believers. My bile was rising. What other momentous platitudes would the Great Orator bestow upon us ? Some ingracious cheap shots against the outgoing administration were surely in order. Hope and Change. We reach out to the Muslim world.

The minutes pass on. I am now numb. Thankfully, this is coming to a conclusion.

It's done. The One is now the most powerful man on Earth.

Nothing left to do but have a pastor bless The One.

An anti-Israel, anti-Semitic pastor. A pastor that blesses us all by reminding us that Black shouldn't give back, Yellow should be mellow, Brown should stick around, and White, for once, should do what's right. What an inspiring touching moment.

Mercifully, it's over.

I survived. Some nausea. But no stroke. No apoplexy.

At least, not yet.

Just 4 more years to go.

Offline briann

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An anti-Israel, anti-Semitic pastor. A pastor that blesses us all by reminding us that Black shouldn't give back, Yellow should be mellow, Brown should stick around, and White, for once, should do what's right. What an inspiring touching moment.

This is SUCH an evil twisted statement. 

What if Mccaine's pastor said in his benediction... that Blacks should do whats right FOR ONCE.. and Whites shouldnt give back.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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An anti-Israel, anti-Semitic pastor. A pastor that blesses us all by reminding us that Black shouldn't give back, Yellow should be mellow, Brown should stick around, and White, for once, should do what's right. What an inspiring touching moment.

This is SUCH an evil twisted statement. 

What if Mccaine's pastor said in his benediction... that Blacks should do whats right FOR ONCE.. and Whites shouldnt give back.

We all know what would happen. The MSM would go nuts. The pastor would be forced to recant and apologize.

Instead, in this case, not a word is said - and The Obamessiah smiles and warmly hugs this POS.

By the way, what should be most disturbing is not the statement of this pastor; but the fact that Barry Hussein chose this scumbag to give a blessing at all.

This vile, wretched piece of crap is not too far removed from Jeremiah Wright in that he's on record of blasting Israel for being a cruel and oppressive occupier - and he met with and praised Yassir Arafat.

2 minutes into his administration and Hussein is hugging and embracing an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic beast.

Why waste time ?

Offline Ithaca-37

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Maybe we should give our kids more credit:  My son (10 years old) watched the inauguration at school.  When I asked what he thought of Obama's speech, he immediately replied, "It was boring, and dumb too."

And from what I've heard from the punditry, even his 'idolizers' expressed cautious disappointment.