As you say, there Muslim majority is in Raska Oblast. Therefore, Europe can organize "referendum" so the Muslims could vote for independence and repeat the Kosovo scenario.
But the majority of Vojvodina population is Serbian!

I understand that the great powers can impose their will even if the majority is against Vojvodina independence.
But still, if the majority is against it, the only way they can enforce it is direct military agression. Do you think they will do it?
P.S. I looked through that thread. I don't want to write there because there is much bitter quarrel in it. I'll only quote you from there:
I'll quote now the definition of the Province(and potential state) as it is written in the stature:"Autonomous Province of all its citizens who lives in it,as integral part of Rep.of Serbia,created on special national,historical,cultural and other virtues of the region,as multinational,multicultural and multiconfessional democratic European region,integrated in the European order.
Do you know how EU and US created "independent" Albanian criminal terrorist state on Kosovo and Metohiya?For 9 years they are ILLEGALLY transferring authorization from UN civil mission(UNMIK-United Nations Mission In Kosovo) to Albanian provincial authorities.And it's against the UN resolution 1244 which strictly determines that the province is under UNMIK control and can't be replaced without a change or canceling of current resolution and bringing another.But still they are giving Albanians(by transfer of authority) every possible authority considering independent integrity and sovereignity,which can be attributes only for a state(...of Serbia).
We have a process of authority transfer in Vojvodina,too-from Republic's to Province level(so called "decentralization").In this year,the key transfer is
financial independence and
jurisdictional independence of the Province.
When creating a new state,it is always a crucial thing to have its own budget and its own jurisdictional system.Financial independence will be completely accomplished,while jurisdictional will wait for change of Republic's Constitution.
But for a change of our Constitution they need certain conditions to make.The most important thing is to make the province's finances function completely independent from the state.That is going to happen right now,in this year.
One more thing...With fiscal independence,they've created fully organized parallel institutions like Government with prime minister and appropriate ministers.Government has everything except independent police,army and law system(which is now partially independent).
There are 3 attributes of a state:1.executive power(the province has it,independent),2.jurisdictional power(has it,but not completely independent...yet) and 3.legislative body/power(the province has it-it's a parliament,can bring its own laws).
Now,considering your question what do I think how they will achieve their goals,are they going to use military force.
They probably won't use it like they did in Kosovo's scenario,but there are much more efficient ways.
The main instrument for their goals is economy.For 9 years EU servants in our Government proclaims that we need a "fresh investments from abroad"(mostly EU,and USA).So,they brainwashed many,so majority thinks it's a real need.As a result they sold EVERYTHING they could to foreign owners.The most important and strategic spheres in our economy were completely sold to,I can freely say,our enemies.
Complete financial sector-banking system is foreign hands.We have about 40 banks,and all foreign.While our domestic healthy and good banks were liquidated or sold.
And we all know,that private business in today's capitalist system CAN NOT function without support from banks.The functioning of industry,commerce and agriculture is not possible if those sectors can't get the needed money from banks,and banks are completely in EU hands(Societe Generale,Raiffeisen,AIK,Hypo Alpe Adria,HVB...and other foreign banks).
So,they established a system that we are in fully vassalage position from their "fresh" capital.That's not all.Every major industrial sector is also in their hands,and they can blackmail and effect on political issues in the country very easily.One of the most productive industries is tobacco industry.Example of their influence through this industry is that the Government wanted to raise accise(tax) on tobacco products,but since we already sold our factories to Philip Morris company,this company threatened to shut down the factory and go to Russia if Government raise taxes on cigarettes.
Well,it's obvious that through threatening with closing down working places they manipulate and have a huge influence on politics.That's the same thing when we are speaking about Vojvodina.
Their capital here makes the rules!They are in charge of everything.And if you don't listen,they cause you a crises from which you can't get out without,again,their help.
They are buying our agriculture land which our Constitution doesn't allow,but the Government(public prosecutors) is silenced.
The most productive Vojvodina's soil is in their hands and they control the prices on most important agricultural products.
So,my opinion is that they are going to do it through a crises "caused" by parallel institutions.And parallel institutions are made with influence through economy.
Today,they create a parallel jurisdiction in law system,so we have a situation that many judges come to our local media and say that they can't work because of it.Do you know what can happen if courts have functional problems?
Then,certain crises they made will be "solved" by canceling one jurisdiction of 1 of 2 parallel institutions,and that is going to be Republic's jurisdiction.All of it will be escorted with huge social problems they are going to cause,so the people will not be able to resist while struggling to survive and find a job.