Author Topic: Myself, and my President, Mr. Barack Obama  (Read 3609 times)

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Offline Ishael9

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Myself, and my President, Mr. Barack Obama
« on: January 18, 2009, 11:19:29 PM »
This is taken from
Please do your own research before slandering my President!
Just because he may have dabbled in the disgusting Islamic faith does not mean he is currently a Muslim!
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Early Years

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. His father, Barack Obama Sr., was born and raised in a small village in Kenya, where he grew up herding goats with his own father, who was a domestic servant to the British.

Barack's mother, Ann Dunham, grew up in small-town Kansas. Her father worked on oil rigs during the Depression, and then signed up for World War II after Pearl Harbor, where he marched across Europe in Patton's army. Her mother went to work on a bomber assembly line, and after the war, they studied on the G.I. Bill, bought a house through the Federal Housing Program, and moved west to Hawaii.

It was there, at the University of Hawaii, where Barack's parents met. His mother was a student there, and his father had won a scholarship that allowed him to leave Kenya and pursue his dreams in America.

Barack's father eventually returned to Kenya, and Barack grew up with his mother in Hawaii, and for a few years in Indonesia. Later, he moved to New York, where he graduated from Columbia University in 1983.
The College Years

Remembering the values of empathy and service that his mother taught him, Barack put law school and corporate life on hold after college and moved to Chicago in 1985, where he became a community organizer with a church-based group seeking to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods plagued with crime and high unemployment.

The group had some success, but Barack had come to realize that in order to truly improve the lives of people in that community and other communities, it would take not just a change at the local level, but a change in our laws and in our politics.

He went on to earn his law degree from Harvard in 1991, where he became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. Soon after, he returned to Chicago to practice as a civil rights lawyer and teach constitutional law. Finally, his advocacy work led him to run for the Illinois State Senate, where he served for eight years. In 2004, he became the third African American since Reconstruction to be elected to the U.S. Senate.
Political Career

It has been the rich and varied experiences of Barack Obama's life -- growing up in different places with people who had differing ideas -- that have animated his political journey. Amid the partisanship and bickering of today's public debate, he still believes in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose -- a politics that puts solving the challenges of everyday Americans ahead of partisan calculation and political gain.

In the Illinois State Senate, this meant working with both Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead by creating programs like the state Earned Income Tax Credit, which in three years provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state. He also pushed through an expansion of early childhood education, and after a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, Obama worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

In the U.S. Senate, he focused on tackling the challenges of a globalized, 21st century world with fresh thinking and a politics that no longer settles for the lowest common denominator. His first law was passed with Republican Tom Coburn, a measure to rebuild trust in government by allowing every American to go online and see how and where every dime of their tax dollars is spent. He has been the lead voice in championing ethics reform that would root out Jack Abramoff-style corruption in Congress.

As a member of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, Obama fought to help veterans get the disability pay they were promised, while working to prepare the VA for the thousands of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Recognizing the terrorist threat posed by weapons of mass destruction, he traveled to Russia with Republican Dick Lugar to begin a new generation of non-proliferation efforts designed to find and secure deadly weapons around the world. And knowing the threat we face to our economy and our security from America's addiction to oil, he worked to bring auto companies, unions, farmers, businesses, and politicians of both parties together to promote the greater use of alternative fuels and higher fuel standards in our cars.

Whether it's the poverty exposed by Katrina, the genocide in Darfur, or the role of faith in our politics, Barack Obama continues to speak out on the issues that will define America in the 21st century. But above all his accomplishments and experiences, he is most proud and grateful for his family. His wife, Michelle, and his two daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, live on Chicago's South Side.

And this is me:

Mr. Barack Obama
My name is Jason.

I request your pardon of my past misdeeds, so that I might live my life to the fullest, and be able to utilize all my hard-earned wisdom for my own benefit, and to the betterment of others.

I am a student at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.  I am a sophomore.  I wish to write an autobiographical book so I can share my life experience with others without fear of retaliation over my past misdeeds.  I am ashamed of my past, and long to absolve myself of it, so that I might become something more and greater.

My academic interests are neuro-psychology, neurobiology, quantum physics, machine-phase chemistry, and evolutionary computation.

My Ultimate goal is to enable myself and humanity in general, to separate consciousness from biological life.  Consciousness, sentient life should be preserved for as long as the being wishes to exist, sentient life should not have to grow old and die if it does not want to.  Furthermore, sentient life should be enabled to inhabit whatever shell it wishes to, be that man, woman, android (male/female/other) or even exist as a being of pure energy inside of a neural net (which is, what we as people are in our brains, but it should be possible to replace biology which must whither and die, with technology which is far easier to maintain (that is, provided life extension treatments don't come about soon).  Plus, technology has the capability to run much faster than biology (machine time vs. biological time), so that would drive human evolution and technological advancement along an exponential curve.  The knee of the curve is called the singularity, that's when slow progress gives way to hyper fast progress.  For an example, look at a graph of the function [y=e^x} and you will see what I am describing.

Please take me seriously, and give me the chance I need to ascend to greatness.  I voted for you, and have applied for a position in your administration.  If you get this message, you will be hearing more from me.  You will soon have the power to make my dreams in life a reality.  Take an interest in me, and I pledge I will do whatever I can for you, and for America, and for all sentient life everywhere!

Help us!  Add the causes app and join my cause "Stop All Foreign Aid Immediately"

Join these websites too:

Help make the world a better place!

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The real meaning of this is the ultimate cosmic joke.  If you have understanding (wisdom) you can see the hidden meaning in otherwise innocuous decorations/symbols/trademarks, et cetera.  If you don't understand this, or are incapable of learning, don't even try, you are a sheeple and will never be able to become sentient and aware (basically, a living G-d), and you deserve everything that we (gods/wolves in sheep's clothng/et cetera) decide to do to you.  So live on in your happy satiety, just as long as you don't deleted with us, if you do, you will be destroyed.  We love to watch you kill yourselves with your recklessness, we even encourage it!  We profit by it, while you suffer.  This is otherwise known as the self-cleaning gene pool concept (my terminology).  Allow me to illustrate:

Self-Cleaning Gene Pool
Rules and Regulations

Lext Talionis (the law of reciprocity)
Tolerance and acceptance of all sentient life
Knowledge is power
Applied knowledge (wisdom) = autoentheogenesis
Responsibility to the responsible
Beggars can't be choosers
Selfishness/survival instinct w/o probable cause:
  Greed is a point: when it contraindicates sentient life it is NOT
Persisten, infectious violations will be removed from society w/extreme
  prejudice (biologically beneficial banhammer)
Will and wanton suicidal behavior will be encouraged and will be provided
  with informed consent
The following behaviors are NOT ALLOWED:
  Doing it wrong - ice skating uphill
  Defecating in the gene pool
  Power w/o attendant responsibility (unchecked power)
  Breeding for it's own sake (unchecked/reckless)
If you violate these rules you will recieve the BBB (Triple-B:
  Biologically Beneficient Banhammer
    You will be exterminated
The following behaviors will be encouraged with informed consent:
  Meditative Lycanthropy (Applied Self-Improvement)
  Viable Selective Vampirism
  Lingual Gymnastics
  Sensual Massage
  Appreciative Aesthetics
  Evolutionary Eugenics
  Mutual Self-Disclosure + Informed Consent
  Lex Talionis - QED (quod erat demonstratum)
  Tolerance And Acceptance Of All Sentient Life
  Knowledge is power
  Applied knowledge (wisdom) = autoentheogenesis
  TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)
  Responsibility to the responsible
  Beggars can't be choosers
  Will and wanton suicidal behavior will be encouraged and will be provided
    with informed consent
  Businesses like:
    The Heart Attack Grill
    The Shroomery Of Sylvanus

Sorry for being circuitous, but I'm just being inclusive.

What this is called is:
  Transhuman Evolution (my terminology)

The following must be eradicated for the survival of sentient life:
(caveat: if it works for you, great!  But don't force your religion on others.  Keep it personal, separate religion from politics, so the following are being stated in such a way to eradicate corruption.  Please forgive me for offending you, and hear me out in my vision, this is a work in progress, and I'm trying to make a difference in the world!  All feedback is welcome and encouraged!)
    aka JudeoChIslaMormonism (my terminology)
  Unchecked Power (politicians, corrupt cops, et cetera)
  Jesus Christs
  Joseph Smiths
  Psychiatrists (people playing G-d...experimenting w/o informed consent)
  Child Molesters
  Weak-Minded, Pretentious, Would-Be Contenders To The Throne Of

  ANYONE, ANYWHERE, at ANYTIME who decides what is best for others
    that him or herself, isn't WILLING to undergo first

in My name,

with Lucifer as my witness


EDIT: Personal info removed.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2009, 11:49:40 PM by Mishmaat »

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: Myself, and my President, Mr. Barack Obama
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2009, 11:54:31 PM »
Wow. Just wow! I removed your personal info. I'm leaving the rest of your post intact though. You have been banned, by the way.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 12:01:25 AM by Mishmaat »

Offline Americanhero1

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Re: Myself, and my President, Mr. Barack Obama
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 11:59:42 PM »

Offline AsheDina

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Re: Myself, and my President, Mr. Barack Obama
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 02:37:50 PM »
Wow. Just wow! I removed your personal info. I'm leaving the rest of your post intact though. You have been banned, by the way.

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Offline Ulli

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Re: Myself, and my President, Mr. Barack Obama
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2009, 05:32:29 AM »
Wow. Just wow! I removed your personal info. I'm leaving the rest of your post intact though. You have been banned, by the way.

If this would be serious, it would be the most crazy thing I ever heard. Could me the matrix  :::D

But I seriously think he wants to make fun with us.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani