I personally don't pray to G-d for every little thing. It's just an intuition I have, but it may be wrong, that's why I'd like to get some opinions on this. I always had this sense that I should pray for the important things, and that by praying for things that are less important to me, I was somehow "needlessly bothering"
G-d with trifles.
I do pray to G-d for the health of my family, for instance. But if someone asked me to pray for the health of his cat, I wouldn't bother G-d with such a thing. I guess I wonder if I prayed for everything, how would G-d know which prayers are the really important ones.
My wife's friend used to pray for everything, including such things as getting a good parking spot. I found that to be rather offensive. I also want to show G-d that I am grateful to Him for listening to me, regardless of what He decides to do. It just seems to me that hassling G-d about every little thing is somewhat ungrateful.
Is my attitude incorrect or childish? I don't know what the Rabbis say about the matter. Can anyone offer some insight, please?