i have lived, worked in, and travelled the middle east extensively for several years. now, after having been "immersed" in muslim culture i can only say this: i stand with you. 100%. i am a christian, white, from canada. i know now how it feels to be discriminated against. discriminated against by the very people my government, and practically every western government- is bowing down to.
we are screwed(those of us who hold judeo-christian values) unless we do something!
i see the loss of religion in the west coinciding with the rise of islam. when 30-40% of a country claims "no religeous affiliation" it creates a void. that void is being filled..by what i fear most.
interestingly, i have had very little contact with the jewish people, yet as a result of what i have seen and experienced i feel closer to you(the jews). God bless.