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Shvartza Rapper Arrested for Affirmative Action Driving

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Hail Columbia:

--- Quote ---September 9, 2006 -- Rapper 50 Cent was hauled off in handcuffs yesterday in front of a furious Midtown crowd of booing fans after cops caught him driving allegedly erratically in a flashy chrome $500,000 Lamborghini - without valid plates, insurance or a license.

Police say they stopped the hip-hop hotshot after spotting him making an illegal lane change on Eighth Avenue around 35th Street.

But witnesses claimed "Fitty" was already idling by the side of the avenue, talking on the phone and signing autographs for an excited crowd, when a car full of police caught up with him.

"He got off the phone when people starting surrounding him and waved to the crowd and said, 'Hey, what's up, people?' " recalled witness Larry Johnson, 44.

Seconds later, a black, unmarked police car came up fast behind him and cops surrounded the ex-drug dealer, he said.

Asked for his license and registration, the foul-mouthed, much-shot-at rapper replied, "You know who the f- I am," said a witness.

That's when cops slapped cuffs on and drove him to the Midtown South Precinct station house.

The crowd's cheers turned to boos as fans began heckling the police, accusing them of "arresting another black man just for being black," said Jeremy Lange.

"Within minutes, Fitty's agent or publicist was on the scene and she was trying to move the crowd along," said Lange. "But the crowd were shouting out to Fitty to 'stay strong' and telling him they loved him."

A cop at the scene said Fitty "was being an a-hole, speeding or some s-. They stopped him and he wouldn't give up his license. He kept saying, 'You know who I am. I know you know who I am,' so they had to lock him up."

Witnesses said the Queens native, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, took the arrest in stride.

Cops kept him for about an hour before releasing him with four summonses - for driving with an expired license, lack of insurance and registration, and making an unsafe lane change.

Both sides later downplayed the drama.

Cops tried to argue they didn't actually arrest the rapper, and brought him to the station house only to get him away from the crowds.

"He's fine. Everything's fine," insisted Fitty manager Chris Lighty. "It was a misunderstanding over a license plate. It was no big deal."

Fitty could face as much as $220 in fines, police said.

Last night, at a Baby Phat Fashion Week show in Bryant Park, Fitty got into another tiff.

Before the show started, Fifty, sitting in the front row, lunged at another audience member who had said something derogatory, witnesses said.

Fitty had a folding chair raised to his head as the crowd chanted, "Fight!" but security rushed in and the show went on.
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How can anyone can spend $500K on a car, and not bother to spend anything on insurance, and also forget to get valid license plates, and a driver's llicense?

This is the 'best' that the african 'culture' can produce. These primitives are completely useless. They cannot be educated at all, they are incapable of any type of social interaction, they have no sense on how to act in public, they cannot perform on the job and they are jealous of everything white and civilized. They will soon be the majority and the 'killing' of whites will start. When the savage mandala bites the dust in the former great South Africa, it will be a rehersal for what is going to happen here. Murder, robbery and rape will be rampart and the whites, by law, will be unable to fight back.

So true, but there's more.

They can’t make the “eh” sound to save their lives. Where you and I would pronounce “Ten men with ten pens“ correctly, with them it comes out “Tin min wif tin pin(s).”

Speaking of the missing final “s,” I asked one once, What singer was known as The Hardest Working Man in Show Business? The answer: “Jame Brown.”

If he'd asked the question it would’ve come out 'show bidness'.

Other negrisms: the dropped “h,” as in the exclamation, “Oh, sit!” Substituting d for th: “You got dat right.” The non-existent past tense “ed,” whether spoken OR written: “Freddy call you before.’”
Neighborhood becomes ‘hood because it's too hard speaking words with three syllables.

Besides, it sounds ‘white.’


--- Quote from: yephora on September 10, 2006, 05:18:48 AM ---So true, but there's more.

They can’t make the “eh” sound to save their lives. Where you and I would pronounce “Ten men with ten pens“ correctly, with them it comes out “Tin min wif tin pin(s).”

Speaking of the missing final “s,” I asked one once, What singer was known as The Hardest Working Man in Show Business? The answer: “Jame Brown.”

If he'd asked the question it would’ve come out 'show bidness'.

Other negrisms: the dropped “h,” as in the exclamation, “Oh, sit!” Substituting d for th: “You got dat right.” The non-existent past tense “ed,” whether spoken OR written: “Freddy call you before.’”
Neighborhood becomes ‘hood because it's too hard speaking words with three syllables.

Besides, it sounds ‘white.’

--- End quote ---

Over the past few years anytime I converse with a black I try to see where the brakedown  comes in with blacks and there inability to pronounce words  correctly. I thought it was laziness at first or just speech pattern but I have found even when you say something like a name they change it some how. I have even gone as far as correcting them and they repeat it wrong again and say thats what I said. It seems like the brakedown comes in in the way they hear and process sounds and then say what they hear . Has anyone else made this observation.


--- Quote ---It seems like the brakedown comes in in the way they hear and process sounds and then say what they hear
--- End quote ---
hehe  :D
you got me laughing with you scientific approach. LOL
 ;D ;D ;D


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