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Shvartza Rapper Arrested for Affirmative Action Driving

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--- Quote from: Scriabin on September 13, 2006, 10:58:45 AM ---I was disappointed to hear David's criticism of Asian drivers. 

I live in S. California unfortunately, and drive a great deal, (more than David I'd be willing to bet) and I can say without reservation that BLACKS are the worst drivers, especially black women.  Followed by muslims and Mexicans, then Asians and finally whites.

Of course, men of any race are always better than their female counterparts.

(White women are better drivers than black and Mexican men!)

--- End quote ---

I spend a great deal of time at the wheel and have found the all time worst drivers are the island hopper blacks ( Jamaican , Haitian etc.) the woman of this breed being as bad or worse than the male. They just drive and its up to you to get out of the way. They drive as if they are the only car on the road. They have no consept of merging, signaling, or checking whats around them before they take action in short they are oblivious to anything  but whats in front of them.
American blacks I have found are better drivers however the American black woman are nasty aggressive drivers . They have to get in front of you at all costs when merging even if there isn't a thing behind you. They seem to have a preference for large SUVs mostly the Cadillac Escalade which they drive like a tank trying to kill everything in their path they dislike. For me this is a vehicle created for nasty black people.
Muslims and Mexicans are eratic in the way they drive either they shamble along or they drive like they are doing the Datona 500. I try to say either in well ahead or behind this group of drivers never along side.
A N.Y.C cop I knew years ago told me that the city did on study on traffic accidents and found that Asians had more side swipe collisions than the rest of  drivers due to poor peripheral vision. Over the years when I see an Asian driving I always check to see  if they have that sort of damage to the side of their car and more often then not they do. So he might have been right. They also seem to have the attitude of let the other driver watch I am just going.

As I said, pick up the paper or turn on the TV news when you hear about a hit and run while drunk or someone arrested cause driving without a license cause had so many traffic violations it mostly be blacks.  I mean really when you are sitting at a red light and blacks with their dope money end up buying cars and SUV's that are 50 thousand dollars with the tintened windows and their ghetto rap noise so loud it shakes your car and other cars around.  Its like the blacks still have that jungle inside of them the jungle is noisy and obnoxious and they have to act the same way.

Also, for some reason, I have noticed a lot of young, blonde, probably single women driving these big SUVs and I just find it annoying. Perhaps someone can comment on this.


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