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Ask German Kahanist

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hi I have 2 questions if anyone can help or has a clue...

Do you know who is really behind these invasion of illegal immigrants (asylum) etc..all around especially in Europe and my country Malta.

Why do Jewish people like 'BabylonianJew' seem to hate my people Maltese when we never had any qualms/problems with Jewish people and he compares us with arabs/muslims..who in fact we truly hate since they almost exterminated us in 1565? As far as I know the small jewish community in Malta has always been respected and protected. I say this becuase I saw some threads comparing us to muslims/arabs and there was a lot of hate against us Maltese ...I really don't understand why all this hate towards us.
If one sees the history of Jews in Malta..(i made a seperate thread) one will find out that the Maltese and Jewish people were always friends..and during ww2 many escaped here since we were the only country in Europe to accept them without visa. And it seems we have a lot of Jews who converted to Christianity in the middle ages. (also posted a thread about this). Or is this guy just ignorant of the facts and maybe feels he's something special.?



--- Quote ---1.
Do you know who is really behind these invasion of illegal immigrants (asylum) etc..all around especially in Europe and my country Malta.
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The government!

--- Quote ---2.
Why do Jewish people like 'BabylonianJew' seem to hate my people Maltese when we never had any qualms/problems with Jewish people and he compares us with arabs/muslims..who in fact we truly hate since they almost exterminated us in 1565? As far as I know the small jewish community in Malta has always been respected and protected. I say this becuase I saw some threads comparing us to muslims/arabs and there was a lot of hate against us Maltese ...I really don't understand why all this hate towards us.
If one sees the history of Jews in Malta..(i made a seperate thread) one will find out that the Maltese and Jewish people were always friends..and during ww2 many escaped here since we were the only country in Europe to accept them without visa. And it seems we have a lot of Jews who converted to Christianity in the middle ages. (also posted a thread about this). Or is this guy just ignorant of the facts and maybe feels he's something special.?
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I know nothing about Malta. Sorry.

Greetings Steven, do you like Butterkase? I tried this cheese a while back and really enjoyed it.


--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 21, 2009, 11:21:18 AM ---Greetings Steven, do you like Butterkase? I tried this cheese a while back and really enjoyed it.

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I ate it once but I prefere Dutch cheese. Gouda, Emmentaler, Edamer and Leerdammer.


--- Quote from: German Kahanist on December 21, 2009, 01:19:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: Rubystars on December 21, 2009, 11:21:18 AM ---Greetings Steven, do you like Butterkase? I tried this cheese a while back and really enjoyed it.

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I ate it once but I prefere Dutch cheese. Gouda, Emmentaler, Edamer and Leerdammer.

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I'm going to have to try some of those varieties. I love almost all kinds of cheese. :)

Are you still thinking of moving to the United States one day?


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