Author Topic: New croatian board game "oluje 1995"  (Read 3422 times)

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New croatian board game "oluje 1995"
« on: January 28, 2009, 07:33:06 AM »
Unbelivable what they get away with !~!!! >:(

Offline Kerber

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Re: New croatian board game "oluje 1995"
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2009, 08:56:01 AM »
Let them do their work,and let us do ours.

We should look at our own home.It's on fire!
Our society is very ill and it's disappearing rapidly,so we must cure it.We must insist on bringing back moral laws.We must insist on strong families(as we had patriarchal Orthodox tradition),fight against drugs,homosexual deviations,prostitution(including legalized version of prostitution proclaimed in "emancipation" of man and woman),alcoholism,smoking, other words stop the EU integrations and all other destructive things.

If we manage to restore our society in moral order,G-d will be with us,and we'll easily resist every kind of attack(and this "game" is a pure attack as it shows that the territorial occupation and ethnic cleansing was "self defense" and as a logical implication it should be done again if needed).

So,let them learn their kids and amuse their men whatever they want to,but let us learn ours to know how to defend!
And learning our kids in idiotic secular schools to "EU way of life" won't help them to defend,but to be slaves(as we are today)!

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Re: New croatian board game "oluje 1995"
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2009, 09:45:17 AM »
We must insist on bringing back moral laws.We must insist on strong families(as we had patriarchal Orthodox tradition)..

What do you mean by "insist" ?
I think it depends on each specific family actions.
If husband and wife believe that they should have traditional family and many children, they just do it, no matter what society says about it.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Kerber

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Re: New croatian board game "oluje 1995"
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2009, 11:52:39 AM »
We must insist on bringing back moral laws.We must insist on strong families(as we had patriarchal Orthodox tradition)..

What do you mean by "insist" ?
I think it depends on each specific family actions.
If husband and wife believe that they should have traditional family and many children, they just do it, no matter what society says about it.

Strong family means that it is started and organized on moral values given by God.It's not necessary to have a lot of kids,but the essence of good man's(God devoted man) life is to create more good people(and that includes friends,too).It cannot be done in today's selfish atheist communities called "marriages".Let's face the truth...many of today's marriages are made because of need for physical/body pleasures(sex) and not because of creating another good men and women.And then,very quickly those "marriages" fall apart because it was started on wrong bases.

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Re: New croatian board game "oluje 1995"
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2009, 12:45:21 PM »
We must insist on bringing back moral laws.We must insist on strong families(as we had patriarchal Orthodox tradition)..

What do you mean by "insist" ?
I think it depends on each specific family actions.
If husband and wife believe that they should have traditional family and many children, they just do it, no matter what society says about it.

Strong family means that it is started and organized on moral values given by G-d.It's not necessary to have a lot of kids,but the essence of good man's(G-d devoted man) life is to create more good people(and that includes friends,too).It cannot be done in today's selfish atheist communities called "marriages".Let's face the truth...many of today's marriages are made because of need for physical/body pleasures(sex) and not because of creating another good men and women.And then,very quickly those "marriages" fall apart because it was started on wrong bases.

We are talking about slightly different aspects. You are talking about the essence of the problem. I agree with your view on this.
What I'm trying to say is that the solution of the problem is more dependent on the specific families and and less on changing the society as a whole.

If a both groom and bride understand this, they shouldn't wait until all their friends and the whole society change their ways.
They should marry and build the traditional family based on values of G-d. They should look for the families with the same values and make friendships with them not to feel isolated from the other people.

Imo in this case, individual actions is the cause and changing of society is the effect, and not vice versa.
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Kerber

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Re: New croatian board game "oluje 1995"
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2009, 06:04:29 AM »
We must insist on bringing back moral laws.We must insist on strong families(as we had patriarchal Orthodox tradition)..

What do you mean by "insist" ?
I think it depends on each specific family actions.
If husband and wife believe that they should have traditional family and many children, they just do it, no matter what society says about it.

Strong family means that it is started and organized on moral values given by G-d.It's not necessary to have a lot of kids,but the essence of good man's(G-d devoted man) life is to create more good people(and that includes friends,too).It cannot be done in today's selfish atheist communities called "marriages".Let's face the truth...many of today's marriages are made because of need for physical/body pleasures(sex) and not because of creating another good men and women.And then,very quickly those "marriages" fall apart because it was started on wrong bases.

We are talking about slightly different aspects. You are talking about the essence of the problem. I agree with your view on this.
What I'm trying to say is that the solution of the problem is more dependent on the specific families and and less on changing the society as a whole.

If a both groom and bride understand this, they shouldn't wait until all their friends and the whole society change their ways.
They should marry and build the traditional family based on values of G-d. They should look for the families with the same values and make friendships with them not to feel isolated from the other people.

Imo in this case, individual actions is the cause and changing of society is the effect, and not vice versa.

You didn't understand me.I'm not talking about ANY WAITING!Changes are made if every individual do it in practice.So,when I talk about insisting on strong families,I say that we must insist that everyone make a change,stop destructive ways.
But,that's not possible for majority,because majority lives in system which is 101% secular(anti-God) atheist system.So,the system has to be changed.It needs to stop making conditions and proclaiming destructive ways of life.
And the system could be changed only if moral men(and in some spheres women also) insist on the values and are persistent enough in its surroundings on the issue.
If we do nothing and just sit and watch,nothing is going to change,just to get worse and worse(like it is happening).

I'll give an example which I consider as main problem why Serbian society is weakening every day.
We can see from Israeli history that religious,God devoted, men were gathering in synagogues not only to pray to God,but to solve the local problems.Those men were in charge of their communities,they were asked about every major issue in local societies(like villages,towns...).
Now,in Serbian history Churches were places where religious men did the same things.Churches were places where problems were solved based on moral laws.
Today,majority of Churches became places where people gathers for many reasons(like expressing respect for tradition or only a prayers),but not the main reason,and that's education of Biblical science(theology) and implementation of it in practice-in real life.There are no solving problems as God told us it should be done!Those kind of situations are merely in cities and larger urban places.The situation is little better in smaller places,like villages.
And responsibility for this situation is on priests,too.They aren't doing a thing to change something and to worn the people of destructive life,because they're afraid of losing "believers".And because of this,we have extremely large number of liberal priests who aren't going to tell a thing to the people that they are doing wrong.But instead,we have a mass ecumenist movemant in Orthodox Church,just like in Russian Orthodox Church(new Russian Patriarch Kiril is ultra-ecumenist),so the result of it is signing the Ravena Document where our Church expressed the will for "unification" with Vatican and obeying to Pope.

The main thing for many priests today is that the Church has more "believers" so they could collect more money!Unfortunately,it's the truth!
Because of weakening of our Church as immune system in society(as it always was),society is also weakening.No immune system-no health.

That's why we have to insist on the things I've mentioned in earlier post.

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Re: New croatian board game "oluje 1995"
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2009, 07:58:34 AM »
I understand you.

1. The only way to insist on the those things is by religious education.

When the state of Israel was created, the religious Jews were only a small minority.
Overwhelming majority of them were murdered in the Holocaust.

The society was very atheistic then.

But today, due to high bithrate and religious education, the religious people constitute about 25% of the Jewish population of Israel and this number is growing, G-d willing.

2. I don't believe Russian Orthodox church will obey to the Pope, beacuse its idependence is the cornerstone of their Empire.

Although Russian state is not officially called Empire, the concept of Empire is very important to the Russians today - both to the government and to simple people.

Historically, they consider themselves to be the sucessors of the Christian Rome:
"Two Romes have fallen. The third stands [Moscow]. And there will be no fourth"
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)