Bah, this is nonsense.
Hindus are as anti-semitic as Chinese and Japanese people.
Their culture and religion has no connection points with Jews and Judaism.
I doubt that Jews are even mentioned in Hindu scriptures. 
Actually Pheasant, there is a connection, not a religious one, but one of friendship, Jews and Hindus have a long history, the Jews in exile that ended up in India were very lucky, the Hindus befriended the Jews and were wonderful hosts letting the Jews live in peace for 2000 years. Israel and India should become close allys.
Google it, the history of Jews and Hindu's it is fascinating.
Yes you are right. I knew it.
My point was to show, that there is no ideological struggle between Hindus and Jews.
Somebody could answer that Jews are against idolatry. But on the other hand Jews obviously didn't proselytize. And I am shure, that a Jew makes not a great difference between Hindus and Christians. The Jewish faith and the Jewish power are directed into the community, not towards outside.
I am not shure, but I think Hindus didn't proselytized either in older times and today if they do it is born out of the struggle with Islam.
Christianity came directly from Judaism, so there is on both sides the necessity to argue with the other in order to proof the own believe right.
Islam is not worth an argument, we all know.
I for my part think that there are different economies of G-d, because everything G-d promises to the Jews is logically not able to be unsoldered.
Because Jews are choosen by birth there is only one way for them.
Do you see the Jews for Jesus guys, how they try to keep their Judaism and adopt Christian believe in addition to that. It looks for me unnatural.
I have read the letter to the Galater several times and I think because of this the Jews for Jesus guys didn't fit in the ecclesia neither they have a home in Judaism.
It is a homeless type of people.
I think because of the different origins of their culture and faith, Hindus, Chinise and Japanese people for example are able to see the Jew more without prejudices. So there is caused less trouble.