Good for you that you have many Russians living in Serbia do you really think I give a crap that they do?
I hate Russia plain and simple
What Russian Jews here do you know that support Putin?'s normally that u hate russians,u are croat!russians destroy your nazi states,croatia,germany...
and i'm not living in serbia i live in montenegro(a little serb state)
many of them,not politicians but normal ordinary people!
I do not hate them cause I am Croatian
I DESPISE them for what those Ruskis did to members of my family
what ukranian blood u got?
u killing me with your themes!

ok.and i should despise all croats,for what they were doing to serb and jews in ww2,and last war in 90'?
but i am not,not all people are the same,i got many friends,croats from croatia,and some relatives there,and what i should do ,despise them?
not all russians are good of course,but i like russian nation,,very good and nice people,they are our ortodox brother,and about that they killed ukranians is absolute lie!
in every war they fight together.
maybe u think u got polish blood?
yes,russian and ukranians were fight together against them!