Save Western Civilization > Save Europe

Europe's tolerance finds its limit: Death of multiculturalism

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Fruit, you don't want to be calling Mary a prostitute. 

Fruit of thy loins:
The feeling of elation which Christianity instilled (in an age when the desire to commit suicide was strong) must have been related, psychologically speaking, to some great liberating force it unleashed, which swept away the old repressions and hardships.

I might be going out on a limb by comparing the psychological makeup of people then to now, but I strongly suspect, on the basis of early Church paintings, that this was the first flourishing of multiculturalism, and the libido of the ancient peoples was set loose by 'brotherhood in Christ', namely, the community of women, and the appearance of the Blessed Negro as Saviour.


Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: mord on April 02, 2007, 01:06:47 PM ---HE WAS JEWISH 

--- End quote ---

There was something about him which made the gentiles worship him because white gentiles do not WORSHIP people of their own likeness, they DEPLORE their own whiteness and seek to destroy themselves and others.  Northern European people are a race of exploitative bandits precisely because their own conditions of life are so tenuous.

Maybe Jesus was not part-black.  Perhaps gentiles just like to see a Jew hung up on a cross suffering extreme pain for their own sins.  But I think that the reason so many blondes are Christian is because they long for the 'Holy Ghost' to impregnate them with a Blessed Negro too.  In either case G-d Himself set up Christianity, giving to Jesus extraordinary powers of seduction, and He has overseen the spiritual deception of the entire West.  And now - behold, the West has found its new Saviour: and he is black, has baggy pants, thick lips, and is dating your sophomore-year daughter.

Fruit, you're really going off the deep end here.


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