Save Western Civilization > Save Europe
Europe's tolerance finds its limit: Death of multiculturalism
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: sat_chit_anand on March 29, 2007, 08:45:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: cjd on March 29, 2007, 07:58:22 PM ---Hay Fruit, Whats the buzz in England about the hostage crisis with Iran.
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I shall try to answer.
The warrior caste is always arrogant.
The 'lady' who has been paraded on TV, has not been 'traumatized' by 'interrogation'.
She is an arrogant feminazi fcuk-face, who is playing up and doing a Princess Die-anna for the cameras, whilst chuffing on a cancer stick.
'Britain' (pro-Likud-traitor-neo-con-variant) and 'France' (pro-Islamofascist) created the situation in Iran in the first place. Now they, (the arms manufacturers et al) hope to profit from this nonsense, whilst further entrenching the power of the oil cartel and taxing us to pay for the immigrant scum who help to lower wages.
I hope that they all die of AIDS/cancer/explosive diahorrea.
If you want a right-wing perspective, you can keep tabs on Melanie Phillips. and the BNP website
I am not buying either the official story or the Iranian Establishment's take on things, but the British witch in the scarf is a rather too self-conscious media whore, not a victim and the BBC deserve an award for telling politicised untruths.
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I kind of agree. Maybe they are trying to make British people more angry towards Iran. But it's very cynical. The greatest enemy of Britain is not Iran but this Labour government which is run by po-faced liberal turd-munchers. The kind of people who want to renovate the House of Commons to make it more feng shui. Just the most agonizingly and excruciatingly bird-brained communistic morons one can imagine. And they are bringing in 500,000 immigrants every year into this tiny and overcrowded country. :( Does Labour care about 15 British soldiers? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
This Labour party is a criminal organization. In ten years' time report after report will be released showing how many scandals Labour perpetrated. Employing recent immigrants as immigration officials for example. People don't care about it just now because the vast majority of (gentile) people are contented cows and as long as they have grass to chew they are happy.
Britain has been well and truly [censored], spiritually and physically. I bet there are African dictatorships out there more virtuous than the Labour/EU axis of evil.
Fruit of thy loins:
One of the main reasons that Labour has been able to hold power for so long has been its stranglehold on the popular media. The entire education system, too, is staffed with Labour-sympathetic teachers. Through education and the media, the horror of racism has been so firmly implanted into the collective unconscious of the British cattle (the herd) that they simply look away when stories break out about Labour's [censored]-loving scandals. The only place in the media where serious stories about immigration are to be found are tucked away in the Times and of course in the Daily Mail, which latter paper young people are socialized to associate with Fascism.
It's not even sensible to come and tell people the hard truths about Britain: that its prosperity is based on massive inflows of foreign cash and corresponding low interest rates (making mortgages more available but house prices higher), and is therefore illusory; that immigrants are siphoning off resources from the natives; that Britain is on the verge of social breakdown and large-scale violence and disorder - simply because the herd will blame the messenger, and call her a discontent and spreader of unhappiness and mental illness, and lay hands on her for to ostracize her and cast her out of the British community.
People think everything is fine with their high house prices and coons on every street corner.
This makes me hate the white British more than anything. This coming summer I will see blondes with blacks and brown people everywhere. Young white males are already muscled out of life in this country. No jobs for us; no women for us; no fun to be had for us anywhere. Our lives are already over in this country. And it's all thanks to Labour.
Fruit, you are a very intelligent guy and we have a lot of really brainy people on this forum. Thanks for your post.
I really hope that things are ok for you. You are so right about the Labour Party. An old lady I knew who worked for years in TV told me that out of the politicians, Labour politicians are the most two-faced, champagne-guzzling...
I too have, at times, hated the white British, their pompous self-righteous attitude is sick-making, but, they are my people. We cannot and must not turn against our own people. It is so destructive, so wrong to do this.
It's 3.23am here so I have to go, but, take of yourself, dear boy, and keep your chin up!
you brits should really vote BNP next election.
--- Quote from: TruthTyper on March 31, 2007, 08:23:29 PM ---you brits should really vote BNP next election.
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Look, the BNP, of which I am a member, is not perfect, but yes, all Britons, (including Britain's ethnic minorities, who also have a lot to lose) would be wise to vote BNP in order to shake up the dhimmitudinous establishment and wake the people up.
I hope that the BNP will metamorphose into a party ready for government in years to come. Where we will do well, and prove ourselves, is in local government office.
Britain is becoming politically polarized country and the security situation is very volatile. We are the most surveilled country the world, but muslim extremists even managed to infiltrate MI5. There was a recent scandal about this.
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