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Offline White Israelite

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Found a Israeli MMA fighter and boxer
« on: February 02, 2009, 12:28:04 AM »
I was just looking around on the web, looks like there are some Israeli MMA fighters but their....uncommon

Anyone know this guy?

Ido Pariente

Here's a video of one of his fights

Also a Israeli boxer

Roman Greenberg

27 wins, 1 loss

(you can see star of david on his shorts)

« Last Edit: February 02, 2009, 01:09:32 AM by White Israelite »

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Found a Israeli MMA fighter and boxer
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2009, 12:56:08 AM »

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Found a Israeli MMA fighter and boxer
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2009, 01:21:31 AM »
Yeah but are they proud of their faith and heritage or are they self-haters?

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Found a Israeli MMA fighter and boxer
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2009, 01:22:18 AM »
Yeah but are they proud of their faith and heritage or are they self-haters?

It states Roman Greenberg voices his support for Israel and as a result, has trouble finding sponsors.

Offline mord

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Re: Found a Israeli MMA fighter and boxer
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2009, 07:14:27 AM »
Yes both the other boxers are from the former Soviet one is Ukrainian the other bylorussian.Both are orthodox Jews .Chabad followers
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Offline White Israelite

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Re: Found a Israeli MMA fighter and boxer
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2009, 01:12:13 PM »
Yes both the other boxers are from the former Soviet one is Ukrainian the other bylorussian.Both are orthodox Jews .Chabad followers

Do you know any other Jewish mma fighters or boxers?

Offline mord

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Re: Found a Israeli MMA fighter and boxer
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2009, 01:19:16 PM »
Yes both the other boxers are from the former Soviet one is Ukrainian the other bylorussian.Both are orthodox Jews .Chabad followers

Do you know any other Jewish mma fighters or boxers?
I don't know his name but he got mickey rourke in shape and trained him for the movie 'the wrestler  i found the interview   

nce at life both inside the ring and out.

How beefed up did you get for this thing?

MICKEY ROURKE We had six months of weight lifting. I walk around about 192, had to get up to about 234, 235. So I kept floating between 234, 236. I never had to gain weight before. I always had to lose weight for different sports. I thought, ‘Oh wow, I get to gain weight,’ because we had to put muscle on, not fat. After putting twenty pounds on, it got really hard, because even at 215, 218 is where I kind of petered out, flatted out. It’s like when I used to have to lose weight, I’d come down from 192 to 166 or 167 to fight at 68, and I would always have a hard time at 76, you know, to get down. So it was the opposite thing. I hired this Israeli cage fighter from Israel who was from the army. He was real strict with me. He wouldn’t take any [censored] and that’s what I needed because I didn’t want a trainer who I was going to, like, tell him when I was going to work out. And this guy took his job seriously.

What was that training that you went through?

ROURKE: It was basic training, but it was the way his mentality was coming from the army and Israel. He was a man that you respect, and he also could kick my ass. He’s like a real serious cage fighter and he’s all about focus and discipline and mixing in the cardio with the weightlifting, because there’s days where I’d go, ‘Can we just lift and not do cardio? Can we do cardio and not lift?’ Because I was sore all the time, all day and all night and I was down in Miami because I always used to go back home to fight - I mean, train while I was fighting. I thought, ‘Let me go back home to do that,’ because it just always felt better. So it was a good place because we have the ocean and we can walk on the beach and then - What started to happen?

I remember, I was running around going out to some nightclubs and I came in all haggard one day and he says, "Come here," he says, "Do you want to look like this the first day they see you in the movie? How do you want to look? We’ve talked about it." He says, "You know, you’re out until five in the morning, chasing women and drinking. You’re not going to look like how we want you to be and you’re going to be disappointed." So I got real disciplined quick with him. And I had one night a week that was mine, you know, because he’s that kind of Jewish dude that he can’t work on Saturdays or something.


ROURKE: Friday night, whatever it is. Man, I couldn’t wait for that day to come along. Here’s this dude that’s all tattooed and he’s a cage fighter and yet he was very religious. I respected a lot the way he was as a man. So it was like if I couldn’t do it for myself, I didn’t want to disappoint him because he took it hard and I think I was very lucky to have this guy in my life at this moment. The physical thing, the eating was tough because we had between six and seven meals - small meals throughout the day, and mainly protein at night so it didn’t turn into fat. So it was really regimented. I always lifted light weight in the gym just to get cut up. I never lifted big heavy iron to put on size. A lot of protein shakes, and then we had wrestling practice, which is no walk in the park, you know. Anything that picks you up that’s like, 240 pounds and throws you down, it’s going to hurt you a little bit.

And so these guys are like any kind of doctor, lawyer, dentist, they take several years to learn their profession. They know how to flop, and I was dropping like a lump of [censored], like a brick. I didn’t know how to flop. I was landing like, crooked and [censored] was getting dislocated. I think I had three MRI’s in two months. Darren was screaming at me: "You’re only giving me fifty percent." He didn’t know that I blew out a disc and I didn’t want to tell him. I remember calling my agent and going, ‘I don’t know if I’m going to make it. I’m really hurting!’ I was afraid to go to a real doctor because I don’t like doctors. So I went to an acupuncturist and a chiropractor, and anything but a real doctor because I thought something was really wrong with me and I was afraid to find out. So finally I went to a proper doctor and he just said to me, "You have a blown out L-5 surrounded by arthritis," and he gave me anti-inflamatories and I was good in two days. So I should have done that instead of going through hell. the whole interview with link

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Re: Found a Israeli MMA fighter and boxer
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2009, 02:16:08 PM »
I have seen Greenberg i like him very much
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh