Seriously ? I heard Albanians claim they're descended from the Illirians.
he,he!are u kidding???

they got nothing with ancient illirians,i live in town where lived illirian queen Teuta,where is most famous roman and illirians mosaics and museum.
old illirians were mixed with old slavs in 8-9 century,and they extinct in slav majority,and shiptars comes for first time in europe for 11century.
now shiptars want to proof that they are origins of old illirians,but believe me,they are not,90procent of them look like arabs,and they have their "culture".
alkaida is now present in kosovo and shiptaria(albania).
i got some little hotel ,and before few years,here comes few people,and i didn't know from where are they,and i didn't ask them.
and next day i was having dinner at restorant,and they come to me and ask me something on english.
we start talking ,and i ask them from what country are they.
one who spoke with me was from germany,some profesor,and another was from albania some minister.
and they start ask me what i think about kosovo,imagine that!!!!

i told them my opinions and that was gasoline on fire.
they start to telling me that shiptars are illirians,but not any fact,only we live in kosovo and albania for milleniums and onother bullsh...
i ask albanian how is their language are not similar with old illiric,and how is that their nation are not remember single one illirian hero,or how is that they got no single tales or song about them?
and guess what?
he didn't said one word including his german nazi friend(as he was talking in his speech about jews and try little about serbs and i stopped him for both)
than albanian said that they got djerdj kastrioti albanian hero!

how can man from a greek father and serbian mother be shiptar???
and what u gotta say on this???
i gotta say for shiptars,be loyal citisiens of serbia(kosovo),or leave it!!!!!!!