I have never had the chance to read by myself their platform, because it was never necessary, every reasonable person, according to their suicidal acts, would know they are crazy.
but now after the discussions we had in this forum about them getting so many votes, I was just curious to look what they tell the public in their platfrom and i was shocked to see this:
האיום האיראני הוא האיום המשמעותי ביותר על מדינת ישראל כיום. ממשלת קדימה ·
תמשיך ותפעל בכל דרך למנוע השגת נשק גרעיני בידי איראן. לשם כך מדינת ישראל תפעל
בשיתוף פעולה עם הקהילה הבין לאומית, ועם ארצות הברית ומדינות באזורנו המאויימות
על ידי איראן בפרט, להגביר מיידית את הלחץ המדיני והכלכלי להפסקת פרויקט הגרעין.
The Translation:
The Iranian threat is the biggest threat whom the state of Israel is facing these days.
The government led by "kadima" (Tzipi livni's party) will continue at any means for preventing nuclear arming of Iran-
For this, Israel will cooperate with the national community and with the United states of America, and with another specifically-threatened-by-Iran countries around us, to increase immediately the political and economical sanctions on Iran for terminating the nuclear arming project.
Do you understand what it means?
It means that if Tzipi Livni makes it to be our new prime minister, there will be NO offensive on the nuclear core in Iran,
which means they will make it to get a nuclear bomb (no, political and economical sanctions are not going to stop them dont even think about it).
Just to remind you, when Benjamin Netanyahu was asked in the news if he is going to ATTACK iran to stop the nuclear arming, he said he will do anything necessary, then the
interviewer repeated the question, but he refused to say YES I WILL ATTACK THEM, he said I will do anything necessary.
only the true Right wing, only if JTF was in the goverment we could live in peace long ago.