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--- Quote from: ~Hanna~ on February 12, 2009, 12:46:56 PM ---How did you find JTF?

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Im sure he saw my signature(I invited Jews to join here from forums) from a forum (an antropology), but he said in PM he found it by the google.

Inquiring Mind:

--- Quote from: ~Hanna~ on February 12, 2009, 12:46:56 PM ---How did you find JTF?

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I found it via google

Inquiring Mind:

--- Quote from: Zelhar on February 12, 2009, 02:12:24 PM ---Is there really a Gypsy King ?

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I dont know, i heard that some clans in romania have a self appointed king but im not sure though

The One and Only Mo:
When will we have flying cars everywhere?

Inquiring Mind:

--- Quote from: ProudZionist on February 12, 2009, 01:39:34 PM ---When will you leave this site? Its not your place , I am sure from your idiot posts.

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on anthroforum you harassed romanian girls and called them tigani (insulting word for roma) here you insult romas, you are a hungarian skinhead im sure


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