Islam is more viable than Nazism and Communism. Muslims tend to be on the stupid side, but the Islamic viral strategy is far from stupid.
Yes it seems so on the first view.
But their ideology lives only from the claim of truth. Their ideology is for educated people a joke. In the quran are parts from the ancient byzantine "Legend of Alexander" as well as the christian legend of the "Sleepers of Ephesus".
I have read it and compared it. It is really true. And there are many points more.
If you look carefully at the arguments the islamic scholars use to claim that Christianity and Judaism are falsified religions, you will find, that these people use the claims of the bible criticism from Europe of the 19th century.
I have to admit, that this theories of bible criticism has hurt our believes hard, but we exist obviously today.
Islam will not survive this historic critical methode. It is too obvious, that it is a madeup story.
It is too primitive and the quranimals are too primitive to defend their weak theological ground.
The quranimal birth jihad is not build on natural resources. They are very dependant of western food aid and technology as well as western consumption of oil. But the oil age is on it's end.
We have only to buy a little bit of time - only a few years - and we will be saved.