The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
The Myths of Islam
kahaneloyalist: short thrashing of all the popular myths about Islam
I took a world religions class during my first year of college. On a pop quiz, I was asked to list the five pillars of Islam. Since I was in a sour mood that particular day for whatever reason, I wrote:
1. Murder
2. Rape women
3. Steal
4. Torture
5. Molest children
I am not kidding. I got an email from the professor telling me that if I did not provide him with a written apology and accept a 0 for the assignment, he would report me to the dean for breaking the student code of conduct.
Considering that I had made my point of not believing his P.C. crap and not wanting to risk a black mark on my record, I complied.
This is a true story of one of my few acts of civil disobedience. Needless to say, it is very awkward when I bump into him on campus.
From time to time you hear people calling talk shows with similar stories about high and mighty liberal PC professors imposing their will on students. Animals like that should be ashmed of themselves threatening you with poor grades in order to get you to comply with their warped thinking. You did the right thing under the circumstances however the dumb beast of a professor has to live with himself and his underhanded ways.
--- Quote from: cjd on March 20, 2007, 09:48:45 PM ---From time to time you hear people calling talk shows with similar stories about high and mighty liberal PC professors imposing their will on students. Animals like that should be ashmed of themselves threatening you with poor grades in order to get you to comply with their warped thinking. You did the right thing under the circumstances however the dumb beast of a professor has to live with himself and his underhanded ways.
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The sad thing is that liberals learned nothing from 9/11. For many people, it was a wake-up call about Islam.
Christian Zionist:
--- Quote from: kahaneloyalist on March 20, 2007, 09:07:28 PM --- short thrashing of all the popular myths about Islam
--- End quote ---
Good link Kahaneloyalist! We had also discussed this in the following thread last year.
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