The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
The Myths of Islam
Fruit of thy loins:
--- Quote from: Ex-Likudnik on March 20, 2007, 09:27:59 PM ---I took a world religions class during my first year of college. On a pop quiz, I was asked to list the five pillars of Islam. Since I was in a sour mood that particular day for whatever reason, I wrote:
1. Murder
2. Rape women
3. Steal
4. Torture
5. Molest children
I am not kidding. I got an email from the professor telling me that if I did not provide him with a written apology and accept a 0 for the assignment, he would report me to the dean for breaking the student code of conduct.
Considering that I had made my point of not believing his P.C. crap and not wanting to risk a black mark on my record, I complied.
This is a true story of one of my few acts of civil disobedience. Needless to say, it is very awkward when I bump into him on campus.
--- End quote ---
That's amazing. ;D
Thank G-d none of my professors were pro-Islam. But they were all pro-[censored]. :)
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