The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam
Muslims behead three young girls for the crime of being Christian
Actually, you are very correct. If one delves into Islamic history one can directly compare many of the twisted.....that is twisted.....aspects of both Judaism and, to some aspect, Christianity. The most blatant fact is that Islam is so molested with ancient paganism and the gnostic occultic type philosophies that it is less a "sister" faith to Judaism or Christianity. The entire concept of the hajj and the kaaba stone is pagan and much within their Quraan is twisted Talmudic teachings with pure paganism. If one wishes to see specific details of pagan aspects within Islam one only needs to research the great Occultist and Religious Philosopher Manly P. Hall's "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", "The Mystics of Islam" or other works. Granted that this 33rd degree Free Mason is pro-Occult and Mysticism while he displays many facts of early Persian, Asian, Egyptian, Greek and Arabian Esoteric Occultism....from which Islam stems...
How is Hajj similar to paganism. People take the pilgrimage to different levels, its just meant to be a holy act of worship that involves retracing the footsteps of Muhammed s.a.w and repeating praises to God. The black stone is meant to be a holy reminisence and is defintly NOT meant to be prayed to or considered too great. Its just the remains of the story.
Muck DeFuslims:
Hajj is one of my favorite Fuslim events.
Watching the foul smelling Fuslim braindead buttclowns stampede each other into the Meccaca dirt always brings a smile to my face. And the Hajj Fuslims really are foul smelling, as they are prohibited from bathing or changing their shoes during their Hajj journey.
Combine not bathing and wiping your butt with pebbles (can't remember if they're supposed to use the right or left hand or an even or odd amount of pebbles :D) and you can imagine the stench emanating from the Mohammedan Morons.
I'm thinking if a human could get close enough to this event without puking his brains out, he could do the world a favor by handing out exploding pebbles for the Fuslims to throw and cleated sandals to increase the efficiency of the ensuing stampede.
Any individual that admires the mass murderer, pedophile, serial rapist, misogynist, liar, thief, terrorist Mo and attempts to emulate the dirtbag can't possibly be a decent, moral person.
When dealing with Fuslims one must always think in terms of security, never peace.
Fuslims should be encourage to kill each other, because when Fuslims are busy killing each other they have less time to murder humans.
Firstly, I judge people in the same light as they should be; by their deeds. What is it with you anyway? Islam is responsible for 100% of World Terrorism today yet you are blinded to it. Your co-religionists are and is involved in 15 of the major conflicts, out of 16, on Earth today? I suppose Achmedinajad in Iran, the House of Saud, Saudi Arabia and every other Muslim nation are not "Muslims"? Do you see anyone else from any other faith quoting out of their holy books while they cut off heads, blowing themselves up, rallying by the hundreds of thousands for Jihad yelling "bomb bomb UK", "Death to America", "Death to Britain", "Death to Israel", "Death to the Jews", cutting their heads with knives and letting blood flow down their faces as they rally to to Hizbollah, Hamas, Fatah, PLO, PLA, Al Quaida, Al Aqza....etc... Oh I forgot all religions lead to G-d and all are "equal" and "peaceful" and all have mass terrorist movements? don't.......ONLY that deprave sandspider cult: ISLAM!
Perhaps if you researched more into your religion and its history you might come around, especially that murderous, rapist savage "prophet" Mohammed. Do you really believe Islam spread through out the world by "peace" and peaceful missionary work? That would be as big a lie, if not greater, than the Bolistian Beoble occupying the "West Bank" (which of course does not exist either)
It is perfectly acceptable to Judge others...... Righteous people deserve blessings.....Charrah deserve .......
Tabari VII:97 - "The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, ‘Kill any Jew who falls under your power.'"
Bukhari:V1B1N6 - "Just issue orders to kill every Jew in the country."
Tabari VIII:38 - "The Messenger of Allah commanded that all of the Jewish men and boys who had reached puberty should be beheaded. Then the Prophet divided the wealth, wives, and children of the Banu Qurayza Jews among the Muslims."
Perhaps murder, expansionism, rape, intolerance, hatred, lies, deceit must be a cultural thing? Perhaps people can be "born" terrorists? Perhaps it is a mass chemical imbalance that causes Muslims to flock to Jihad against all free, non Islamic nations and use their billions of oil revenues against every free democracy? Perhaps it is the pressures from man’s increased emissions of CO2 causing Global Warming that causes Muslims to act this way? I wonder why “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and “Mein Kempf”, after 60 years of “progress”, are still the most read literature within the Islamic World to the point of its "teachings" being embedded within Islamic school curriculum...of to the Quraan? I wonder why there are next to no Muslims speaking out within the Islamic World against Jihad, terrorism, the fabricated "Palestinian People" and their genocidal goal of "Kill the Jew" and "Destroy Israel"?
G-d willing Ol-Whitey finally wakes up to the lies they are told by their Socialist/Liberal/Fascist leaders about Islam…. Islam comes from the primitive desert dwellers of Arabia, that is where it should have remained. Islam is unfit to remain in the civilized world. It is a totally vulgar primitive molestation of many ideologies and is only comparable Nazism......period, end, full stop.
--- Quote from: Marzutra on April 02, 2007, 06:07:56 AM ---Firstly, I judge people in the same light as they should be; by their deeds. What is it with you anyway? Islam is responsible for 100% of World Terrorism today yet you are blinded to it. Your co-religionists are and is involved in 15 of the major conflicts, out of 16, on Earth today? I suppose Achmedinajad in Iran, the House of Saud, Saudi Arabia and every other Muslim nation are not "Muslims"? Do you see anyone else from any other faith quoting out of their holy books while they cut off heads, blowing themselves up, rallying by the hundreds of thousands for Jihad yelling "bomb bomb UK", "Death to America", "Death to Britain", "Death to Israel", "Death to the Jews", cutting their heads with knives and letting blood flow down their faces as they rally to to Hizbollah, Hamas, Fatah, PLO, PLA, Al Quaida, Al Aqza....etc... Oh I forgot all religions lead to G-d and all are "equal" and "peaceful" and all have mass terrorist movements? don't.......ONLY that deprave sandspider cult: ISLAM!
Perhaps if you researched more into your religion and its history you might come around, especially that murderous, rapist savage "prophet" Mohammed. Do you really believe Islam spread through out the world by "peace" and peaceful missionary work? That would be as big a lie, if not greater, than the Bolistian Beoble occupying the "West Bank" (which of course does not exist either)
It is perfectly acceptable to Judge others...... Righteous people deserve blessings.....Charrah deserve .......
Tabari VII:97 - "The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, ‘Kill any Jew who falls under your power.'"
Bukhari:V1B1N6 - "Just issue orders to kill every Jew in the country."
Tabari VIII:38 - "The Messenger of Allah commanded that all of the Jewish men and boys who had reached puberty should be beheaded. Then the Prophet divided the wealth, wives, and children of the Banu Qurayza Jews among the Muslims."
Perhaps murder, expansionism, rape, intolerance, hatred, lies, deceit must be a cultural thing? Perhaps people can be "born" terrorists? Perhaps it is a mass chemical imbalance that causes Muslims to flock to Jihad against all free, non Islamic nations and use their billions of oil revenues against every free democracy? Perhaps it is the pressures from man’s increased emissions of CO2 causing Global Warming that causes Muslims to act this way? I wonder why “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and “Mein Kempf”, after 60 years of “progress”, are still the most read literature within the Islamic World to the point of its "teachings" being embedded within Islamic school curriculum...of to the Quraan? I wonder why there are next to no Muslims speaking out within the Islamic World against Jihad, terrorism, the fabricated "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi People" and their genocidal goal of "Kill the Jew" and "Destroy Israel"?
G-d willing Ol-Whitey finally wakes up to the lies they are told by their Socialist/Liberal/Fascist leaders about Islam…. Islam comes from the primitive desert dwellers of Arabia, that is where it should have remained. Islam is unfit to remain in the civilized world. It is a totally vulgar primitive molestation of many ideologies and is only comparable Nazism......period, end, full stop.
--- End quote ---
I know....i'm sorry....
I just can't understand how i believed it was the truth. How everyone i know has so much faith in it. We ALL think we are right. Think we were born specially into the RIGHT and TRUTHFUL religion. Even people who commit dire sins can believe they are going to heaven.
That loyality i had built up inside me, came from somewhere, and i don't want to let go.
I have made an excuse for all the evil things that muslims around the world do. But that in itself is an excuse for me to cover up the truth i suppose.
Marzutra, you quoted from Buhkari and Tabari but who narrated those hadith? Whats the webbie...
I mean, Marzutra, we don't know if we are right or wrong. If we have chosen wisely, controlled our actions.......we can only find out in the after-life. IF there even is such a thing! I know it sounds crazy..and it is. But we believe in things we cannot see and thats the enormity and powerfulness of it all!
You cannot just lead a life where you say to yourself, you'll be righteous. For every prayer i miss, a little voice at the back of my head tells me ........thats one level deeper in gehonim.
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