Shalom brothers, sisters!
1.Many people are anti-semitic here in Europe, in Hungary too. But the envious hate speak from most of them. They have 0 historical knowledge. I was thinking to buy a new phone number, and give it everywhere that everyone can ask about the Jews, about Israel about the Jewish religion, and about the Jewish history. Maybe if people will see the other side (and not only the nazi news) then maybe they will start to think and will be not anti-semitic.
2. International Jewish Unit against the anti-semitism, and against nazism, stronger laws in every countries. Jail for the anti-semitic hater "people".
3. Stop the internet-nazism. Most of the nazis use the YouTube, and they can threat the Jews as they want free!

Jail for the internet-nazism too! New campaings against the terrorism! YouTube must give the names, e-mails of the nazis, muslims to the police, and delete and block the all nazi videos.
Any comment?